Star Potential
Key Questions & Answers affecting your Vitality, Instincts, Healing, and Experience.
Your Key Questions Answered
Gain a deeper understanding of how to deal with a series of events. Overcome obstacles and make the most of the outcome.
Each Event - 3 Questions & Answers
You get detailed answers and suggestions related to each planet event, which provide further helpful insight into your understanding. So, you can make the most of what is taking place.
Your Star Potential - Q&A Forecast for the next 12 months explains the planetary connections affecting your Vitality, Instincts, Healing, and Experience.
Long Term Predictions
Due to the regular orbit of the planets, your reading reveals the precise timing of trends and events.
Chiron is a comet with a unique astrological meaning. It represents the deep sources of pain, suffering, and wounding we experience during our lifetime.
But it also represents our ability to heal ourselves – and others - through sometimes challenging experiences. Discover how you can learn and draw strength from yours.
Month By Month Predictions
Faster moving planet events are explained in detail.
In your birth chart, the Sun represents what you want from life – and, depending on the sign the Sun occupies, how you are likely to achieve it.
You have a specific purpose in life - your destiny. For thousands of years, people have used the North Star to guide them with their travels. So likewise, the North Node shows the way toward achieving your full potential during this lifetime.
The journey is not easy because it always involves removal from a comfort zone. But you will arrive eventually as the person you are destined to become, what you are destined to achieve, or both. Discover more about your North Node and the destiny you are steered toward.
While the North Node involves removing you from a comfort zone to achieve your destiny, the South Node creates a comfort zone. It represents the lessons, experience, and wisdom we bring from past lifetimes.
Suppose you sense that you’ve ‘been there, done that in the past, then you probably have. But the South Node provides a comfortable sense of belonging to help you move forward with achieving your destiny.
Discover how your Lunar Node influences your future potential - and more.