
We are a week out from the Harvest Full Moon on 9/20 and are officially in the pre- shadow of the final Mercury Retrograde of 2021 in the sign of Aquarius.

As it relates to the energy in the air, now is a perfect time to begin a lunar based self-care routine.

The energy of the full moon, followed by the communication, technology and daily travel planet making its final backwards journey can leave you emotionally drained with fried nerves.

Like I talked about last week, the body will keep score and begin to let you know that it’s in need of something to get back in balance.

The thing is, with our current programming we have a tendency to go for what's most familiar - not always what will do the job best or is the healthiest and most restorative.

Good thing we are right in the middle of Virgo season so that we can put our focus on attending to our health and physical bodies.

I know we all want to reap an amazing harvest for next week's full moon, so I am providing a weeklong guide to engaging in self care powered by the moon.

Remember that the moon represents our environment, emotions, the subconscious and for women our feminine body.

This means attending to her wisdom is the best way to meet our needs in relation to the vibes and energy around us.

In this blog post, I'm going to breakdown the moon phase and moon sign energy suggestions for lunar self-care all week. It's my Monday, Moonday🌕​ offering to all my readers.

Let's get into it so you can try it out for the rest of the week…

Moon Phase Energy For Week Of 9/12-9/18

The First Quarter Phase : Action & Commitment

Monday, this week starts with the First Quarter phase Moon, which means the Moon appears as a half Moon in the sky. The Moon in the First (and Third Quarter) phase only stays for one day, unlike other phases.

This means that most of this week will be a Waxing Gibbous phase Moon.

You may feel a bit of challenge on Monday with The First Quarter. We tend to experience our fears, doubts, insecurities and limiting beliefs during this time.

It makes sense based on having just started our cycle and planted a seed with last week’s New Moon.

We want to meet our goals and intentions, and if progress hasn’t happened doubt starts to creep in. Just remember that this Moon Phase give you the push of momentum to keep going.

Now is the time to dig into being positive and plugging away with the task at hand. Just don’t go overboard or get too ambitious.

What to do for the First Quarter phase

🌓 Now is the time to take inspired action. To manifest love tell someone how much you love them; to call in more money, donate to a cause that inspires you.

🌓 Take practical steps and with a positive attitude, despite any challenges

🌓 Communicate any new thoughts and write down new ideas for your projects or work so that you stop and think about how achievable it might be

First Quarter Theme: Commitment & Action

Affirmation: I take bold and positive action to support my intentions

Reflection questions:

What creative expression can clear obstacles that are coming up?

What joyful actions can I take to make my intentions a reality?

How can I improve my approach and step out of my comfort zone?


The Waxing Gibbous Phase: Improve & Keep On Track

From Tuesday to Sunday, the Moon will grow to Full in the Waxing Gibbous phase.

This is the phase of endurance as the energy is cresting and growing to its peak – so we get a bit of a boost.

Now is a time to make any adjustments needed to keep things rolling and to take short breaks as you deal with the emotional intensity of “energy growing pains”.

With the Harvest Full Moon coming it’s a great time to visualize the things you hope to reap growing and flourishing as a way to maintain your focus.

What to do for the Waxing Gibbous phase

🌔 Be focused on following through on things and pay attention to the details

🌔 Assess and re-evaluate your progress as you build momentum. Make a note of how you are feeling about your intention.

🌔 Be clear with your boundaries and delegate if necessary, so that you don’t get overwhelmed by trying to do it all.

Waxing Gibbous Theme: Improve & Keep On Track

Affirmation: I trust my urges to adapt and refine my intentions, so they are in alignment

Reflection questions:

What is working well right now?

What adjustments do I need to make to keep momentum on my intentions?

What doesn’t feel in alignment anymore?

The Moon🌕​ Through The Weekly Signs & Their Lunar Wisdom Formulas For Self-Care

Monday: Moon in Sagittarius🌓♐️​

The First Quarter Moon is in my natal Moon sign of Sagittarius♐️, where it moved to on Sunday.

Favored Actions & Activities

· get together with like-minded people talks on philosophy, religion and learning

· get out into nature to see the trees or visit horses (animal ruled by Sag)

· be active - especially anything that moves the hips and legs (body parts ruled by Sag)

The Lunar Wisdom Formula For Self-Care

🌙 Plan your next getaway, vacation or adventure. Or maybe explore your neighborhood or city as a mini adventure. Get out exploring is the goal!

🌙 If possible, spend some time in the wilderness or doing sports outdoors to help channel the restless Sag Moon energy

🌙 Drop into examining your current stance on freedom, movement and truth to see where you can expand these concepts in your own life right now.

Journal prompt:

What brings you the strongest sense of freedom and how can you bring that into your everyday life now?

Essential oil:

Rosemary: supports new knowledge, intellect and an keeping an open mind

Tuesday – Thursday: Moon in Capricorn🌔♑️​

The Waxing Gibbous Moon will be in the structured & disciplined sign of Capricorn♑️, where it will remain until midday Thursday

Favored Actions & Activities

· evaluate the structures in your life and their current level of support to make any changes

· ask yourself what feels stagnant that could be cleared

· make any plans for work, business, tradition, or that which allow you to build strong for the future

· Stay focused and practical in your actions

The Lunar Wisdom Formula For Self-Care

🌙 Re-commit to intentions and goals by harnessing the unstoppable vibes from Capricorn energy

🌙 Take in the outdoors as ways to embody earthy Capricorn energy

🌙 Practice nourishing self-care to prevent overwork and overfunctioning during this success and accomplishment oriented Moon

Journal prompt:

In what ways am I reserved or withdrawn and how I connect more deeply to my emotions?

Essential oil:

Ginger: supports being present and committed in your life


Thursday – Saturday: Moon in Aquarius🌓♒️​

The Waxing Gibbous Moon will also travel through community-minded, maverick sign of Aquarius♒️.

Favored Actions & Activities

· go be social with others (even if that requires social distancing)

· it’s a great time to do community service or things within one of the communities you’re involved

· seek out what gives you feelings freedom, independence and authenticity

The Lunar Wisdom Formula For Self-Care:

🌙 Its group activity time – spend it with your quirky group of friends

🌙 Let your Rebel or Maverick come out to play and engage in the unconventional, unusual or things out of your comfort zone

🌙 Unplug from technology-based communication and go see what ways you can connect IRL for fun instead

🌙 Donate your time, energy, money or voice to an issue that’s dear to your heart!

Journal prompt:

How would it feel and what would it entail to have a good balance of structure and support and freedom and individual expression?

Essential oil:

Lime- supports feeling uplifted and encourages balance between the heart and mind


Saturday @ 8:23pm: Moon in Pisces🌓♓️​

The final moments of the Waxing Gibbous Moon is in the final sign of the Zodiac, Pisces. As Sunday rolls in the Moon will go full 🌕​ for us all to reap the Harvest 🌾​

Favored Actions & Activities

· You’re likely to be more sensitive, dreamy and creative

· Intuition is heightened so tune in

· Explore ways express yourself creatively

The Lunar Wisdom Formula For Self-Care

🌙 Spend some time near or in water to release and soothe your nerves

🌙 Perfect time for a Pedi or just a foot massage as Pisces rules the feet

🌙 Speaking of feet…put on your dancing shoes and go cut a rug. Music and dance can help regulate the body.

🌙 Try tapping into the creative vibe by using images, draw, collage, paint – especially as ways to work through your emotions

Journal prompt:

How can you communicate your needs and emotions in a way that feel good and is empowering?

Essential oil:

Clary Sage: support to stabilize emotions and assist with releasing emotional tension.

Final Thoughts

I hope this rundown helps all you Wise Ones to prepare and care for yourselves this week prior to the Full Moon Harvest on 9/20.

If you want to track the Moon Phase or Sign you can go to this website to check out all the details for all months of the year: https://mooncalendar.astro-seek.com/moon-phases-calendar-september-2021

But I know, if you’re a busy woman like me you might be saying “ain’t nobody got time for all that”! Don’t worry, I got you Sis!

Just grab a copy ofThe Lunar Wisdom Formula For Beauty & Self-Care: A Woman’s Guide Of Secrets to Enhance & Align Your Hair, Skin, Nails and Bodywork Routines Powered By The Moon to get your hands on a Done-For-You version of this information, to just plug and play with the daily moon info.

Sending You Light & Love,




