We are midway through Aries♈️​ season and this blog and video are covering something that is near and dear to my heart – using crystals for healing. There are so many crystals that we can use to assist with any combination of issues or concerns – emotional, physical or energetic.

It is important to remember that crystals represent the living aspects of the Earth Element. They have a unique and complex structure based on the medium they are made of, color expressed and shape that allow them to be conductors of energy.

Most of our current technology uses crystals of some kind to function and we also love to adorn ourselves in them for both decoration and to influence and tune our bodies energy.

So this Astrological Year, I will be doing a monthly post focusing on the crystals associated with the sign and the season. This will serve as yet another level of spiritual technology for us to integrate into our tool box to negotiate, plan for and use the energy of this Fiery first sign of the Zodiac – Aries♈️​🔥​


Aries Healing Crystals

​Below you will find information about the 3 Crystals or Stones that I recommend for use during Aries Season or when the Moon is in Aries.

There are links to learn more in-depth information about the nature of each stone and a link of where to get ethically-sourced, high quality crystals for your own collection and use.

And if you’re reading this post then make sure that you use my Coupon Code: 8thHouseWisdom for an 11% discount at checkout.


Aries Crystals

Aventurine: This stone supports receiving, confidence and allowing the Universe to open you up plentiful opportunities.

 Amethyst:  This stone is for dream recall.  It can help enhance psychic abilities.  It reduces nightmares when worn at bedtime.  It is considered the master healing stone.           

Aquamarine:  This beautiful stone has the calming energy of the sea.  It can be used for protection when traveling, particularly if you will be on water.  It helps to clear blocked communication and assists in verbal wording.

Clearing Your Crystals💎​

Clearing a gemstone or crystal is key right after purchase.  It may have many things attached to it on its way to be yours.  A cleared crystal will feel bright and positive.  If it feels hot and heavy, it probably needs to be cleared. 

  1. Sea salt is the best way to clean your crystals.  It will dispel any disease and negativity.  It is also used as a psychic and physical disinfectant.  It can be mixed with water or used dry. 

  2. Place the stones in the container and let them soak overnight.  If you are lucky enough to live by the ocean, you can bring the salt water in a jar and soak your crystals in it overnight.

  3. The light of the moon is also a powerful cleansing agent for stones.  Place the stones outside during a full to new moon.  Place necklaces in tree branches where the moon will be sure to hit them.  The waning moon is a good time to dispel any negative energies from the stone.

  4. Don't place them in sunlight ever.  The sun can fade the intricate color from the stones.  It can also cause cracking or internal damage if they are left out too long in the sun.

  5. Burying your crystal in herbs such as sage, sandalwood, frankincense, or myrrh can also help cleanse them.  This has a lower cost and is gentle to your stones.

  6. You can also bury them in the dirt.  This method is used for deep cleanings.  Simply dig a hole and place the crystal in with the point down, and cover.  Place some kind of marker so you don't lose your stone.  The amount of time needed is up to you and how you feel the crystal is recharging.  You can also use flowerpots for this as well.

I hope this has inspired you to start your own crystal collection or at least get interested in these small but deceptively powerful tools to heal and experience wellness during the Sun in Aries♈️​.


Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


