Today at 2:55pm we have the first Full Moon after the major aspect of this year and just before we start eclipse season.

It’s fitting that this is the Libra♎️​ Full Moon to bring us a sense of balance and help focus on relationships of all kinds. The softness of the Libra energy is just what we need during this fiery time with the Sun in Aries.  

There has also been four planets in Pisces this week, so getting really dreamy and nostalgic is totally appropriate during this Full Moon energy. Especially as it relates to partnering with anyone – in love or business.  

In the sky right now we have a lovely and supportive mix of the elements of Fire🔥​ and Air💨​ that help balance each other out and create an optimal environment for the next 2.5 days.

This not only reflects the beauty of ♎️​Libra’s balancing effect but that of Lunar Wisdom overall ensuring that every Full Moon is in the opposing and balancing element to the Sun’s sign at the time.

Accepting circumstances for what they are could be the speediest way to efficiency beginning Thursday, as get it-going Mars floats into marvelous Pisces♓️​, joining Jupiter and Neptune there until May 24.

Similarly as you plunk down to zero in on your everyday assignments, you could get redirected to the Enchanted Forest...or onto another irregular however intriguing mission. Cut out time for innovativeness, yet watch out for the clock.

The video and information below are full of more in-depth information about this Full Moon, how to apply this Moon’s Lunar Wisdom Formula for your highest good and about how the Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction will impact each sign in the days ahead!

Libra♎️​ Full Moon🌕​

Lunar Wisdom Formula


Libra ♎️​​​ Full Pink Moon

Archetype: The Judge

7th House Lunation - Love & Business Partnerships

Motto: I Partner

🌕​Best Full Moon to Find A Romantic or Business Partner

🌕​This is allowing us to return to the Aries/Libra Dynamic  - I Am versus We Are

🌕​The Self versus Relationship - What’s The Balancing Dynamic For Relating To Self and Others?

🌕​Cleanse  & Clear  Energy For All Our Important Relationships

🌕​Release Energy for Situations & People who no longer match your vibration.

🌕Seek Balance & Equity in All Things

Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction Blessings

Magic is in the air as jovial Jupiter unites with dreamweaver Neptune, their first conjunction in 13 years—and their first meetup in Pisces♓️​ (the sign they co-rule) since 1856. As slow moving planets we will experience this influence for the next few weeks.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and faith and Neptune is the planet of dreams and imagination, so we are really being blessed as visionaries under this influence!

Neptune in Pisces 2011-2026, is a time where the shroud between the seen and the unseen universes thin so that we can make connections and gain otherworldly insights (as did in the 1850's).

Jupiter is a magnifier, so when Jupiter meets Neptune, our receiving wires get adjusted. Anything you center around will become multiplied and magnified during this conjunction.

Stick close to that which you wish to develop. And furthermore, use your discernment as the conduits are opening.

All things want to individuate and genuinely want to return to source. The longing to converge with the heavenly will be elevated during this transit. Now is the time to allow yourself to open and explore new fertile areas to show up in.

Below Are Brief Forecasts For The Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction. Read for your Sun and Rising Sign.

♈️Aries - subconscious patterns release, and divine guidance takes over

♉️Taurus- finding tribe and connecting deeply to visions

♊️Gemini- thawing out to your true career visions

♋️Cancer - belief systems dissolve, revealing your truth

♌️Leo- intimacy informs life. Love is your teacher

♍️Virgo - a partnership moves toward oneness

♎️Libra - the body opens up to receive healing

♏️Scorpio - true love reveals, creative projects flourish

♐️Sagittarius - family and ancestry patterns heal

♑️Capricorn- words build worlds, sign it into being

♒️Aquarius- trust in your talents and trailblaze it to life

♓️Pisces - no compromising, commit to your vision. It’s your year.


Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


