Late in the evening on April 19th the Sun moved into the 2nd sign of the Zodiac - Taurus♉️​.

This puts us right in the middle of Spring and through the spirit/action element of fire🔥​ into the physical, sensual element of earth🌱​.  

The essence of this sign is Fixed – which reflects that they anchor each one of the 4 Seasons forming its “heart” and bringing strong organizing and managing energy.

The AstroTwins call this essence or mode “Authority” because this energy comes across as stable, dependable, reliable. Today’s blog and video are going to help you make the most of this mode for the next month.

Taurus Season♉️ Stellar Planning Focus

Remember that most practically, the Zodiac is both a solar calendar and a study of the feel and quality of the energy of each 30° section or house of Zodiac Wheel or roughly a 30-Day period.

This is how Astrology & Stellar Planning can help us to navigate our year with more insight about the energetic feel and favored actions to take.

Taurus energy represents wealth, abundance and personal possessions. It’s the physical manifestation (earth🌱) of our spirited, intentions (fire🔥) from the Astrological New Year.

The focus is on creating wealth and accumulating things that are perceived of value.

In other words, it’s definitely “Get Money”💰​time as the springtime weather supports the growth of our planted seeds.

But it’s also time to “Get Grounded” because this is the difference between being great at manifesting or making money and accumulating or growing long-term wealth.

☀️Taurus The Bull♉️

⭐️​​2nd House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🌎

⭐️​Essence: Fixed

⭐️Motto: I HAVE

⭐️​Archetype: The Builder

Traits of Taurus♉️​

Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, is the Bull. Focused on security and stability, the Taurus is the most faithful of all the signs. Strong, silent, the most introverted of all the signs, Taurus is likely to be cautious and controlled.

Those born under Taurus are very practical and determined, well- grounded and in touch with nature. They take things as they come, without worrying or stressing.

They have strong values, and tend to think long and hard about their decisions. Once they've made those decisions, it's easier to move mountains than to change the mind of a Taurus.

Nothing personifies Taurus more than the Greek myth of the Minotaur, or bull-headed man, when it comes to stubbornness. Once those hooves are dug in, Taurus is just not going to move. But the Taurus will probably deny that they're being stubborn; they prefer to call it "sensible." Or "patient."

 Normally calm and reliable, Taurus is content to be left alone, with a very long fuse....but if that fuse ever burns, honey watch out. Taurus has a temper! Push them to the limit, and the phrase "bull in a china shop" takes on a whole new meaning! 

Taurus very seldom gets mad, but when they do, they don't just get a little annoyed, they get furious. It may take weeks for the dust to clear after a Taurus tantrum.

Strong, dependable, and peaceful, Taurus is like a rock in the Zodiac, with his patience and calm.  They can be the most stable and trustworthy of all the signs...just don't try to rush him into anything. Or ask him to change his mind.

Taurus likes to build her fortune, slowly and steadily; they love money and material possessions, though they aren’t stingy. They can be very generous, especially to friends and family.

How To Get Grounded in Taurus Season♉️​

Here are a few ways to Get Grounded for Taurus Season 2022 so that you can tap your stream of abundance and manifest big:


Get Outdoors

We’ve entered the Earth element which is the highest manifestation on the physical form. The plants, flowers, and trees that are going into full bloom right now are manifestations of abundance. The more we surround ourselves with nature’s bounty and give thanks for the beauty the more we open ourselves and our energy to receiving.

Try going outside before work and doing any tasks that involve organizing and list making. This will help to put you in your body and a good mood so you can do good work.  


Indulge The Senses

Taurus is ruled by Venus lover of all things artistic, sensual and sexual. Which is why we need to get out and do thing that taste good, touch good, feel good, smell good, and look good. That could include going to a restaurant or a museum to shopping in a farmer’s market and trying samples to making love.


Getting super sensual, in your body and indulgent ups your attractive. And with Venus currently exalted in the sign of Pisces♓️​ ,so we can really tap into her power to manifest money and pleasure in massive ways.


Walk Barefoot or Earth with A Grounding Mat

Mother Earth is an amazing healer that many of us are missing out on due to a lack of time outdoors and the invention of rubber shoe soles. We need to get outside and take off our shoes and stand barefoot on the earth for at least 10 minutes. This will allow us to energetically exchange our negative energy with the earth and get recharged with positive energy.

But if for any reason you can’t get outside or have an issue with being barefoot outside (just remember it is our natural state) then you can grab a  Grounding Mat that you plug into the ground of your electrical outlet. 


May your seedling🌱​ and the earthen🌎​ energy of the Taurus Sun over the next 30 days bring you great abundance and help you unlock the stores of abundance and pleasure.​

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


