It’s time to shake your money maker Wise Ones💰​! This weekend is a live one for Astro Weather and manifesting BIG on the physical realm with the New Moon in Taurus♉️ and a Partial Solar Eclipse on Saturday, April 30th.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse are reinforcing a time of “Great Beginnings” that can take place in your 2nd House financial sector and/or whatever area Taurus♉️​ rules in your birth chart. To add to the mix we had the Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow start April 25th, Mercury then moves into its home sign Gemini♊️​ and Pluto stations for its Retrograde on April 29th .

So read more below for a quick rundown of the impact or watch the video for the more in depth review…..

Needless to say it’s a super busy time in the skies and the energy is potent and can add to your manifestational efforts, if you know how to use it. I’ve got you covered on that part!

All this action means a few things in summary –

  • We have a great ability to communicate with power while Mercury is direct

  • This is time to start something especially financial related

  • The world financial markets will see some SERIOUS changes – especially Cryptocurreny due to Uranus in Taurus influence

  • This moon is in its exalted (luckiest) position, so don’t miss its blessings.

The ruling planet of this Moon is Venus (related with cash money) is conjunct Jupiter (wealth). This is a period of expanding our wealth accumulation potential while releasing any philosophy or story that says you can't be abundant!

With Venus & Jupiter still in Pisces, we want to encourage donations and philanthropy – form compassionate wealth use and distribution. We really want instances of success that are good, liberal, and aware – because our global issues with poverty are really based in problems with distribution not lack.

 I also want to provide a slight word of caution about the increase in the shift to cryptocurrency as cash. Crypto is an amazing development that actually doesn’t do well with this many planets (especially Jupiter & Venus) in Pisces. This will rebound after these “benefic” planets move out of Pisces watery and foggy influence later this year.

This week and New Moon however now is the ideal time to guarantee your large money pack energy by feeling appreciative for all that you as of now have. Keeping your psyche on jumping all over new chances that are coming your direction.

Taurus New Moon♉️​🌑​​ Lunar Wisdom Formula ​


Taurus​ New Moon ♉️🌑​ Values

Archetype: The Builder

2nd House Lunation - Personal Finance/Property/Values 

Motto: I HAVE

🌑​The Moon is Exalted or in its Best Sign

🌑​Earthen, Practical & Grounded Emotional Energy In Play

🌑​Time to Start Any Personal Property, Finance, Beauty Projects

🌑Revise Eating, Spending & Time Management Habits

🌑Jupiter’s move into Pisces will give us a touch of magic and expansion to our manifesting abilities. 

🌑This New Moon is our chance to bring in more of what we value & want to build into our lives

Journal Questions for the Taurus New Moon♉️​🌑​

Here are a few prompts to really help you set intentions to engage this Values Taurus New Moon, “Get Grounded🌱​ & Get Money💰​" 📝​:

  • "On the off chance that I was truly carrying on with my best life, what might my days closely resemble? What could I at any point begin doing now that is absolutely in my control to change?"

  • "How might I dial way back more frequently to hear what my heart needs to say? What diverts me from this stream and how might I end out of those propensities, customs, or inclinations to tune in and listen more?"

  • "What are a few things I SAY are essential to me that I am not really carrying out, and how might I change that at this point?"

May the power of the New Moon & Solar Eclipse double initiation allow you to create a firm foundation, and fire🔥​ of the Aries Sun over the next 30 days bring you great starts to the Spring Season and Astrological New Year. Use this as yet a third opportunity to reflect on the goals you set at the top of the calendar year and review and recalibrate.


To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out

My DIY Lunar Astrology guide: The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon




My 🆕 Monthly Moon Membership

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


