We are midway through Taurus♉️​ Season and at the start of Retrograde and Eclipse Season 2022. This is a really intense time of communication, revelation and transformation for all of us!

Crystals are living beings and can be such an incredible help in navigating and grounding the energies of the current Astro Weather. It’s my intention each month to identify some key crystals to start or add to your collection to support living with greater ease and grace.

Carrying or wearing crystals are like walking around with the fruit of Mother Earth on our person. It can help is to become a ground for energies that would otherwise throw us for a loop.

And with Pluto Retrograde as of April 28th, Mercury stationing Retrograde on May 10th and the next eclipse on May 15th, we could all use a crystal assist to best work with this current energy.

Check out the video and the blog below to add some crystals for the Earthy second sign of the Zodiac – Taurus♉️​🌱​ into our tool box.

​Below you will find information about the 3 Crystals or Stones that I recommend for use during Taurus Season or when the Moon is in Taurus.

There are links to learn more in-depth information about the nature of each stone and a link of where to get ethically-sourced, high quality crystals for your own collection and use.

And if you’re reading this post then make sure that you use my Coupon Code: 8thHouseWisdom for an 11% discount at checkout.


Taurus♉️​ Healing Crystals

Selenite: This stone supports calming, purifying and stabilizing energy. It is great for connecting with the Angelic realm

Rhodonite: This stone harmonizes and supports clearing energy in relationships both with ourselves and others.

Carnelian: This stone increases creativity, imagination, business and money energies which are highlighted during Taurus season.

Crystals for Mercury Retrograde⚠️​

I know it doesn’t feel like it at the time, but Mercury Retrograde can be a blessing in disguise. The come around quarterly to remind us about the power of our words, communication and that in a fast-paced technologically advanced world – it literally takes an act of God and The Heavens to get us to slow down 🚧​


If we can learn to lean into becoming aware, present and intentional with our communication – its like having a real life superpower. That’s what this time offer to us all – an invitation to take deep breaths, pause before we speak, get comfortable with taking time to craft the best response - even if folks have to wait.


Because succumbing to the pressures to get things done immediately during the retrograde is like an invitation to do a task twice. And I really don’t have time for that in my life – if I can help it. 😂​


Below I am going to review my top 3 crystals to help you Thrive during this time of daily slow downs, confusion and at times frustrations. All these responses come from the lack of alignment between our goals and the energetic field.


It’s also why tracking the daily Astro Weather and Stellar Planning are so crucial to really getting into a state of flow and being successful.  


At the start of each post is a link to more information about the properties of the stone and additional uses. Below is a link to purchase an ethically-sourced version of the stone for you collection.


Due to its grounding abilities and how it supports emotional stability. This is a stone that can really assist in identifying and integrating the lessons that come up during the cosmically scheduled Quarterly Life Review that is Mercury Retrograde.

The colors of blue and green in the stone also give nods to the energy of both the heart and throat chakras. So it is a great idea to use it before having to make any decisions to aid in patience and clarity during this time of miscommunications and snafu’s.



This is a crystal that creates a field of peace and harmony in the area around it, It is great for helping to relieve mental stress and anxiety because it acts as an energetic vacuum cleaner. I have it placed on my work desk to clear mental fog and to neutralize negative energy and create balance before, during and after my session work.

Tourmalinated Quartz

This is actually a blend of 2 recommended crystals for the retrograde – Black Tourmaline and Quartz. This combination of stones that have grown together provide both grounding/energy cleansing while promoting clarity.

 I hope this has given you some low tech solutions to making it through this Solar, Retrograde & Eclipse Season. It’s good for all of us to work with Earth elements to align our energy to the dominant vibration of the Sun in Taurus♉️​ and reduce stress from the increased contrast that will be showing up for the next few weeks!


Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


