Yasmin Boland Moonology Manifesting Oracle Deck

As I’ve already talked about here at The Wisdom Well, May is a really strong month for manifesting – especially when it comes to money and material things!

With us being right in the middle of eclipse season, know that we are in a portal of great beginnings and endings where anything possible!   

Mercury will soon retrograde out of the early degrees of Gemini♊️​ back into the sign of Taurus ♉️.​ The mix of these 2 energies make it a great time to focus your Quarterly review on personal and community finances that will yield big dividends when the planet goes direct.

So the Full Moon at 12:16am on May 16th  and the preceding total lunar eclipse in Taurus’ opposite sign Scorpio♏️ beginning at 10:27PM on May 15th​, are going to help us balance out our manifesting across the “Money Axis” of the Zodiac. Complete with a heaping dose of sex magic to set it all off, if you’d like!

Check out the video and read below for more in-depth information about this Full Moon, how to apply this Moon’s Lunar Wisdom Formula for your highest good and about how this Total Lunar Eclipse will play out during the start of Retrograde Season in the months ahead!

Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse ♏️​🌕​ Lunar Wisdom Formula


Scorpio♏️​ Super​​​ Full Pink Moon

Archetype: The Magician

8th House Lunation - Transformation/Other People’s Money/Sex

Motto: I Desire

🌕First of the 4 Super Moons of 2022 (Full Moon within 90% proximity or closer to Earth’s Orbit)

🌕Powerful opposing energies - Water/Earth & possession/obsession

🌕Perfect energy to let go of secrets or to supercharge releasing rituals 

🌕Sexual and sensual energy at an all time high! 

🌕Try Using Sex Magic to manifest positive outcomes for the future ahead!

🌕Find & Follow Your Passions 

🌕Build Versus Regenerate

🌕Research & Investigation Can Lead To Great Breakthroughs  

🌕​Watch Your Obsessions - Don’t Let Them Control You 

🌕Embrace The Unexpected & Directional Shifts

🌕Release All  Things & People That Fuel Toxicity & Drama 

The 12 Houses Of The Zodiac

8th House Blessings

As a Scorpio sun sign who founded Eighth House Wisdom under the Scorpio sun, I seek to help people transform their lives with the knowledge that comes from beyond the veil. It’s all about 8th House energy around here!

♏️ Scorpio is the ruler of the 8th house of Business, Finance, and Shadow Work.  It represents power and the communal side of money, resources and possessions.

It also encompasses the life cycle energies – Sex, Birth, Death and Rebirth. It’s an intense energy that represents the shadow side of things – yet there is no light without shadow.

The lunar affirmation, inspired by the depths of Scorpio is Transformation.

With this second eclipse in this current pair, that which has been kept in the dark on a personal and global level will be exposed!

8th house energy asks us to surrender— by stepping across the threshold into the unknown— the action the comes before physical manifestation (Taurus).

8th house energy embodies eroticism—our life giving nature – that gives us access to the the passion and pleasure axis that also exists within these two signs of value creation on the physical plane (Taurus)

8th house energy is also our mistrust and manipulative traits that serve as our defense line when fear is activated in our system – especially when our safety or possessions are at risk (Taurus).

As a Full Moon & Eclipse Blessing, you may discover that old ways of making money no longer align with your heart -regardless of whether it’s a prized top position or your own business. We must be willing to allow everything to be subject to releasing.

Activation in this house can help us to understand the core of our fears and insecurities so we can finally release their hold over us for good! 🦂

Eclipse Affirmations

Below are a list of Eclipse Season Affirmations for Each Zodiac Sign or House. Check your own birth chart to see the interplay between the 8th House Scorpio energy of the eclipse and the house being activated in your own chart.

1st House or Aries♈️​: I Draw In Healing Energy From The Earth

2nd House or Taurus♉️​: I Allow Myself To Flow With Whatever Comes

3rd House or Gemini♊️​: I Hold Myself In Love And Light

4th House or Cancer♋️​: I Am Strong, Capable, And Wise

5th House or Leo♌️​: I Find Stillness Within My Body, Mind, And Heart

6th House or Virgo♍️​: I Tune In And Connect With My Infinite Potential

7th House or Libra♎️​: I Merge With The Healing Power Of My Body

8th House or Scorpio♏️​: I Allow My Passions To Rise And Guide Me

9th House or Sagittarius♐️​: I Flow With The Peace Inside My Heart

10th House or Capricorn♑️​: I Fill My Body With Restorative Energy

11th House or Aquarius♒️​: I Forgive And Surround Myself With Love

12th House or Pisces♓️​: I Love And Accept Myself Wholeheartedly

Forgiveness & The Full Moon🌕​

Remember that the task of every full moon is to forgive and release. With the 8th house energy and the eclipse this time around is all about this Transformation theme.

During this Scorpio energy emotions can become toxic and emotional residue that has built up over time must be released from the mind and body.

Forgiveness is a transforming act of self-love that we do for ourselves and not anyone else.

Below are some prompts to help with your full moon releasing ritual. I remind again that the energy of the eclipse is best worked on the day before or after as it’s a lot of energy to ground.

Full Moon Releasing Prompts 📝

  • What are the biggest fears that have been coming up in you recently and who would you be if they were released?

  • Are you holding any grudges? If so, what steps can you take to release it or create peace?

  • Is anyone holding a grudge against you? If so, why and what’s the possibility of making up?

  • Are you comfortable with your shadow side? If not, how can you learn to embrace your inner darkness to increase your inner light?

  • In what ways you have been earning money that no longer truly align with your passion or financial goals? How can you strategize a transition or transformation to something that feels more aligned and soulful? 

 Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


