On May 21st the Sun will move into the 3rd sign of the Zodiac and last sign of the spring season Gemini♊️​.

We have now reached the meeting point of two powerful energies and are taking all that we created in the physical, sensual element of earth🌱and exploring and examining it through the intellectual, mental element of air💨​​.  

The essence of this sign is Mutable – which reflects that they take from both of the 2 seasons that they straddle and act as a bridge or translator between the two – a mediator.

The AstroTwins call this essence or mode “Mavens” because this energy comes across as adaptable, curious and ready to share what it gathered with all who will listen.

This blog and video will help us to focus on the power of speaking our mind so that we can really build on the intellectually focused air energy in positive ways!

Gemini Season♊️​ Stellar Planning Focus

Gemini♊️​ Season Astro Weather includes:

The Gemini New Moon♊️​🌑​ - May 30th

The Sagittarius Full Moon♐️​🌕​ – June 14th

Midsummer’s Eve – June 19th – the night before Summer Solstice☀️​

Gemini season will account for a 30-day period where we focus on the Air Intellectual energy as the days grow warmer and people are inclined to be more social and spend more time outdoors and with each other.

Gemini’s dual sign nature due to its position of ending and starting and new season, give it a very dynamic energy signature.

 When applied to Stellar Planning we can immediately know that now is a time for intellectual pursuits because mental processes dominate.

Since we are still under the influence of Gemini’s ruling planet being Retrograde, we may want to focus or brain power on doing research not taking outer actions just yet.

Gemini energy increases our desire to connect with siblings, cousins, our neighborhood and community. This is a social sign that thrives on variety and bringing people together.

We have now united our spirited, intentions (fire🔥) and physical manifestation abilities (earth🌱) with the power of thought and reason (air 💨​).

The focus is on making sense of what we have desired and manifested and sharing that knowledge with others.

Which means that our words have even greater power than normal!

We need to determine what ideas we want to share with the world and then think carefully about the words that we use to describe or enact this goal.

If we respect the power of our words, we can charge our intellect with manifestational abilities that can draw to us the subject of our conversations.

So what are you going to spend your time talking about?

Gemini Season♊️​ Body Wisdom

Gemini♊️​ rules the arms and hands and natives are known to talk with their hands and be good at creating by hand.

These parts are a pair that function like the twins do, they have a core relation to each other, but they operate independently.

Because we have learned in Taurus Season that we need to use our voice and speak our truth, the body is primed to go deeper into the realms of communication and to share our thoughts and our desires this next month.

Paying attention to the sensations and/or any pains that you are experiencing in your arms and hands is key to understanding where you need to release blocks.

Combining our intellect and thoughts with our voice can create great change in our inner and outer world.

So many of us sanitize what we choose to communicate that can leave a residual negative energy signature.

We must learn how to communicate our thoughts and ideas without weaponizing our words or denying our truths.  

☀️Gemini The Twins♊️​

⭐️​​3rd House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💨​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable

⭐️Motto: I THINK

⭐️​Archetype: The Messenger

Traits of Gemini♊️​​

Webster's Dictionary defines "Mercurial" as "characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness of mood."

With Mercury ruling, there's no better definition of Gemini, either. Gemini encompasses both sides of human nature, the light and the dark, the cheerful and the somber, and this duality appears in every aspect of the life of a Gemini.

I relate to this personally as a Gemini Rising with Mercury ruling my chart. It’s why communication is so important to me and why people don’t initially pick up on my Scorpio vibes.

Gemini can change their moods and attitudes as easily as others change their socks. One moment, they are sociable and cheerful; the next, moody and restless.

They tend to be frustrated with people who straddle the fence, because they know where they stand at that precise moment. Of course, they may be on the other side of that fence the next day, but that's a different subject.

A Gemini can--and likely does--handle multiple tasks with ease. They are at least as comfortable multi-tasking than most people are with a single project.

In fact, they would likely get bored handling a single task, and would be miserable at rote memorization or dull monotonous chores.

With their gifts for communication and imagination, Gemini are natural storytellers. They have a keen sense of humor, plenty of tact, and a flair for diplomacy.

What they don't have are persistence and patience. If they're not careful, their tendencies towards moodiness and restlessness can be their undoing.

The easiest way to frustrate a Gemini is to force them to hold to a routine. Like a caged wild animal, they will not handle the situation well at all.

Gemini don't like to be chained to the everyday world; they need to fly and wander and embrace new things wherever possible.

Be wary of a Gemini used car salesman. The smoothest talker of the Zodiac!

Gemini could sell ice to Eskimos and leave them thinking they got the better end of the deal

How To Speak Power to Words in Gemini Season♊️​​

1.Talk to People  

Yes get out there and let your voice be heard and backed up by the power of the Twins to enhance your message. Make this a time to center your social activities in places where conversation is favored and where you have time to share your thoughts and ideas with each other. This will allow you to tap into the magic of the season.


You can also try picking up a new language: a romance language, sign language, a computer programming language. The emphasis here is on using the power of communication. This also includes old school sending letters in the mail or via DM online 📮​


2. Plan Neighborhood Adventures!

Gemini rules daily travel and our community and neighborhood. This makes Gemini season the perfect time to get out into our immediate environment and explore all that it has to offer us.

I know from personal experience that visiting and area in my city after a few months can lead to many new discoveries let's see how that pans out for you.

We want to be able to stimulate our minds through new vistas and new experiences. This is the kind of input that Gemini season favors and craves.


3. Use Your Hands….

With Gemini ruling the hands it is a perfect time to select activities that result in creating handmade items or involve lots of hand eye coordination.

Not only do they help us create things of beauty but they work both the body and the brain that helped keep us young and support brain plasticity.

Gemini, but there are more fun activities to partake in, too: try a game of cards, chess, use your arms for tennis, ping-pong.

Hand-eye co-ordination is natural to this witty, dextrous sign and mental agility is their forte, so make like a Twin while the Sun shines…

 May your bright mind, powerful voice🗣​🌱​ and the air 💨​ energy of the Gemini Sun over the next 30 days bring you great conversations, insights and help you create beautiful things made by hand. This is the way to put this energy to best use Wise Ones ✨​

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


