On Thursday, December 21, at 10:27 PM ET, the Sun will enter Capricorn♑️​, signaling the beginning of the shortest day in the northern hemisphere. Moving into 0 degrees of the Cardinal/Influencer Sign of Capricorn – our highest potential!


A new emphasis on discipline, ambition, and organization emerges as a result of this. During this time, it is critical to focus on the future, make plans, and work hard to achieve your objectives. With Capricorn at the helm, you'll feel more grounded in reality and encouraged to own up to your choices and actions.


Turn inward and survey the terrain of your subconscious mind while it is dark outside. Find time to sit quietly, think about what you're grateful for, and focus on the best parts of your 2023.


Having the Sun in Capricorn might make you feel more accountable for your actions and give you a strong desire to put systems in place. Now is an excellent time to establish habits and procedures that will bring you stability and efficiency in the long run since you are urged to be realistic and disciplined.


Then, before you head into 2024, make sure to spell out everything you want to leave behind, including the changes you're most pleased to have brought about.


Be careful that your need for structure and predictability doesn't make you rigid or cause you to miss out on the fun, unexpected things that life has to offer. Just as important as keeping your day-to-day activities organized is making sure you have time to unwind and focus on your personal relationships.


We'll be more desirous of personal perfection and will expect the highest standard of everything we encounter. But whether you fall on the “Jolly Old Man” or “Crotchety Old Grandfather” side of the Capricorn archetype, we will be grappling with these issues in the material, earth element. And the rest of this blog and the videos will cover those influences and how to work with the energy for your highest good and to honor yet another turn of the Wheel of The Year.

Welcome to Capricorn Season♑️​​​ 2023-2024

Capricorn Season 2023 brings a  and determined energy, as the sun moves through the disciplined and ambitious sign of Capricorn from December 21 to January 19. This astrological period is marked by a sense of purpose, practicality, and a strong desire for achievement.


Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility, emphasizing the need for hard work, perseverance, and a strategic approach to reaching goals. Individuals born during this season or influenced by its energy are likely to feel a heightened sense of responsibility and a drive to establish a solid foundation for their future endeavors.


During Capricorn Season, there is an emphasis on long-term planning and the recognition of the importance of patience and endurance. People may find themselves setting ambitious goals, focusing on career advancements, and seeking ways to build stability in various aspects of their lives.


The energy of Capricorn encourages a disciplined and methodical approach to challenges, fostering a sense of accountability and a commitment to personal growth. While the atmosphere may feel serious and business-oriented, there is also an underlying potential for profound achievements and the satisfaction that comes from the successful pursuit of one's ambitions.

All About the Capricorn G.O.A.T.🐐​

Capricorn is the tenth sign in the zodiac. To be a Capricorn, you need to be born between December 21st and January 20th. The perseverance and patience of a Capricorn is unrivaled by any of the other signs of the zodiac. They tend to be goal-oriented and persistent in nature. They are usually dedicated and ambitious people who will succeed no matter how difficult the challenge may be.


They are picky people and consider their options carefully before making a decision. They tend to be highly organized and rely on a fixed structure in their lives, which makes them perfect for management positions at work. They are conservative in all aspects of their lives and give careful thought to the paths they choose.


They also tend to be very serious about their work and others perception of them. They may want power but are never in the visible spotlight. Their confidence is usually high, but they are also resistant to any kind of change. As a rule, Capricorns tend to avoid the unfamiliar, so surprising them can be a very bad idea. The perfect gift for a Capricorn is a day-planner or PDA, because it will utilize his or her organizational skills.


Capricorns are very loyal people and are often shy on the inside. They are very dependable and their loyalty is what makes them good partners. However, their nature may prevent them from becoming truly intimate with another person, which could create problems when it comes to romance and sex. Just remember that Capricorns are not actually frigid, they just find it more difficult to express themselves.


Due to their tough and focused nature, relationships can be challenging to them. A Capricorn may take a long to time to finally warm up to someone. They are loners who need to be eased into a relationship by a patient lover. Even though they may make very good friends, getting close to them will take some extra time and energy. Only a dedicated partner can help bring a Capricorn out of his or her shell.


Capricorns also tend to dominate in relationships. But once they are into the relationship, they usually prove to be very loyal partners and also romantic and passionate. Early marriage is not Capricorns, as they take a long time to make a commitment. However, they take promises very seriously, so once they do make one they are unlikely to break it.

Capricorn Season♑️​​​​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ but this will occur at the final 2-3 days of the end of the season versus 2 days of the start of the season due to the double Aries New Moons in 2023. The Full Moon🌕​ in the sign opposite of the Sun Sign will now occur 14 days before the New Moon the opposite sign activating the balancing energy for the rest of the Lunar Year until February 2024.

Winter Solstice/Yule❄️​​ - December 21

Sun☀️​ enters Capricorn♑️​ - December 21

Venus♏️ opposing Uranus♉️ - December 21

Mercury♑️ sextile Saturn​♓️  - December 21

Sun☀️♑️ conjunct Mercury♑️ - December 22

Mercury enters Sagittarius​♐️​​ - December 23

Sun☀️♑️ trine Neptune♓️ - December 24

Venus♏️trine Neptune♓️ - December 25

Full Moon🌕​ in Cancer♋️​ - December 26

Mercury​♐️ square Neptune♓️ - December 27

Sun☀️♑️ trine Jupiter♉️ - December 27

Mercury​♐️ conjunct Mars♐️ - December 27

Mars♐️square Neptune♓️ - December 28

Venus♏️ sextile Pluto♑️ - December 29

Venus enters Sagittarius♐️​​ - December 29

Jupiter Direct in Taurus ♉️ - December 30

Venus♐️​ square Saturn♓️​ - January 1

Mercury direct in Sagittarius♐️​ - January 1

Last Quarter🌗 Moon in Libra - January 3

Mars enters Capricorn♑️ - January 4

Sun☀️♑️ squares Chiron♈️​ - January 6

Mercury♐️​ squares Neptune♓️​ - January 9

Sun☀️♑️ trines Uranus♉️ - January 10

Mars♑️ sextile Saturn♓️​ - January 10

New Moon🌑​ in Capricorn♑️ - January 11

Mars♑️ trines Jupiter ♉️ - January 12

Mercury enters Capricorn♑️ - January 14

First Quarter🌓 Moon in Aries♈️​ - January 17

Mercury♑️ sextile Saturn♓️​ - January 18

Venus♐️​ squares Neptune♓️​ - January 19

Mercury♑️ trines Jupiter ♉️- January 19

Sun☀️♑️ conjuncts Pluto♑️ - January 20

Capricorn Season♑️​​​​ ​​Stellar Planning Focus

Now that we have a Stellar Planning Focus for the winter, we can take advantage of the Sun's waning light throughout that time.

The zodiac sign of Capricorn, The Sea Goat, is currently in its 10th 30 degree section, or house, or about 30-Day period.

Everything associated with a Capricorn's work, reputation, utmost potential, traditions, structure, and the Father is a manifestation of their energy.

Start the season out right with the Cardinal Influencer energy that resets the Zodiac and the Wheel of the Year, bringing us into the tangible Earthy vibes of finishing the physical construction of our empire with the help of Saturn, The Father. 

Keep in mind that the arrival of winter forces us to inwardly focus on creating tangible things of significance and worth during the shorter days as the Sun sets and rises again.

☀️Capricorn The Sea Goat♑️​

⭐️​​10th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🌱​

⭐️​Essence: Cardinal/Influencer

⭐️Motto: I ACHIEVE

⭐️​Archetype: The Father


Winter Solstice  – Yule 2023❄️​

In this dark and foreboding Solstice Energy grounding, we enter the Winter Solsticethe First Day of Winter, the Longest Night of the Year, and the Full Shadow.


To make the most of the Solstice's darker, slower power season, it is crucial to keep in mind the planet's natural cycles, which govern the feel of our energetic container.


Think about how the world around us is getting colder, drier, darker, and slower as we approach winter. Trees have lost their leaves, there are no more plants to harvest, and the sun sets between three and four in the afternoon until late February at the latest.


Summer is Mother Earth's wealth during the Sun in Cancer, while Winter is Father Time's creative ground during the Sun in Capricorn.


We need to dedicate our energy, intentions, and serious purpose to the Solstice. Because of this, we are able to bring into existence a brilliant world and an even better tomorrow.


During the winter, when we are in the midst of the shadow season, it is best to focus within. Since there won't be any light outside, we should focus inside on building strong foundations and structures.


Indulge in the coziness of indoors, the slowing of your body, and let the light of a candle feed your desires, aspirations, and vitality. By keeping it illuminated all year round, we can joyfully welcome the future that is being born from the energy we put into it. 


With the last celebration of light of the year, Yule, ancient people were able to face the darkest part of the year with confidence, knowing that they could keep the strength of fire within them until the long days came again.


Take note of how the majority of holiday customs, irrespective of country, center around the light at this time. The energy that builds up between the Solstice and the Equinox (March) naturally dissipates during this time of year, as we go into darkness. 


What energizing investments are you planning to make in yourself and your foundation this winter?


Winter, Yule, Capricorn, and Optimism and trust characterize the energy of the solstice. Just like in the womb, creation happens in the dark, but the light will eventually return.


Embrace the Capricorn Season 2023–2024 and start your Winter off right by keeping the following in mind:

Image: Cassie Uhl

Winter Solstice Themes




Hope After Darkness



Death of the Sun God, First Day of Winter, Hope, Enhancing Happiness, Peace, Love, Strengthening Bonds, Harmony



Herbs and Plants

Rosemary, Sages, Holly, Mistletoe, Pine Cones, Ivy, Evergreens, Oak

Stones and Crystals

Snow Quartz, Peridot, Ruby, Black Onyx, Snowflake Obsidian, Bloodstone, Sugilite, Garnet


Pine, Cedar, Rosemary, Juniper, Bayberry


Red, Green, Gold, Silver, White


Bells, Yule Log, Mistletoe, Holly, Wreaths, Gifts, Candles, Cinnamon Sticks, Apples, Dried Flower


Things to Do

Decorate the Tree, Go Caroling, Burn the Yule Log, Tell Stories, Wrap Presents, Make a Wreath     

May the dark of the Capricorn♑️​​ Sun☀️​ with its short days and long nights🌙​ over the next 30 days bring you an awesome start to your Winter Season and the earthy 💦​, grounded vibes that this sign brings.


Blessed Be

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