As the Wheel of The Year turns and we find ourselves amidst the lush embrace of Taurus season on May 1st, welcoming Beltane the cross-quarter celebration that marks the mid- point between Spring and Summer. This is occurring at the same time as the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius happening at 7:27 AM ET on May 1, 2024 bring a close to this intense waning phase marked by the Scorpio Full Moon.

Leading up to this blessed event we had decadent seductiveness on Monday, April 29, when goddess of love Venus made her yearly return through sensual Taurus, a sign that piques our interest in sensual, earthy things. During this cycle, which ends on May 23, treat yourself to something luxurious—it doesn't have to cost a fortune. Not only that, though!

Followed up by the fiery planet of war Mars bursting into Aries, its native sign, igniting a fierce competition that will last all the way until June 9. The ferocious red planet is telling us to stand up for ourselves as this double dosage of warrior energy sweeps the globe. As well as Pluto the Transformer starting it’s retrograde journey until November 19th and taking its last dip back into the sign of Capricorn in our lifetimes.

We’re being invited to harness the potent energies of the Earth Maiden archetype. This period, marked by groundedness, practicality, and a deep connection to values and financial prosperity, offers a fertile ground for female business owners and leaders to sow the seeds of abundance and creativity.

In this blog post and video, we will explore how to align with the intuitive business tools inherent in Taurus season, as well as how to synergize with the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius and the cross-quarter celebration of Beltane.

🌙​April Lunar Wisdom🌙​ 

Spring Forward • Renewal • Initiation

🌑April 8 -Total Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Aries♈️

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams

🌓April 15 - First Quarter in Cancer♋️​​​

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit

🌕April 23 - Full Moon in Scorpio♏️​

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment

🌗May 1 - Last Quarter in Aquarius♒️​

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care during the start of Retrograde Season, The Aries New Moon Total Solar Eclipse♈️ and the Scorpio Full Moon♏️​ activating our community resources as we move into Taurus Season♉️.

Last Quarter Moon🌗:Lunar Wisdom Formula

Last Quarter Moons only happen for 1 day, during the waning phase of the Lunar cycle, where the light is fading and the moon goes dark 🌑 ​. 

This 24 hour period can become a magical game changer in your manifestation practice. It is also a great fixed point to check in from a Stellar Planning perspective and make adjustments according to how you feel (the moon).

Lunar Cycles are 28-29 days in total. During the last 14 days of the waning phase 🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑 its time to release and let go of any attachments to the seeds planted or intentions set. This is the Yin or feminine receptive portion of the cycle where we need to let the energy do the work for us and get into observer mode.

This particular phase is also characterized by low energy and extreme tired as the moon light drops below 25%.

The Last Quarter Moon happens 7.5 - 10 Days after the Full Moon, lasts only for 1 day and reduce energy levels and increase the need for clear.

It’s a time to analyze & release any thoughts, energies and patterns that aren’t serving you anymore.

What to do for the Last Quarter🌗 phase

🌗 Get organized and re-focus on the things that are important to complete and tie up loose ends

🌗 Get plenty of rest- go to bed early and take an afternoon nap if you feel called

🌗 Analyze what’s going well and release/let go of what’s no longer serving


Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius🌗♒️​​: Authoritative and Managing Energy

The Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius🌗♒️, occurring at 7:37 AM ET on May 1st, heralds a period of reflection, release, and preparation. Aquarius, the sign of innovation, independence, and humanitarianism, invites us to think outside the box and embrace unconventional approaches to problem-solving.

The quirky maverick of the zodiac, Aquarius rules the galactic circulation of intellectual inspiration. He embodies the archetype of a carefree, energetic person who loves to dance and move about with abandon. Conversely, Taurus envelops us in a cocoon of security and serenity. Anyone is invited to see her house, garden, and little plot of land. The arrival of the eccentric one-man traveling circus known as Aquarius completely disrupts this grounded concept of safety and security.

Taurus wants us to stay firmly planted on the ground, and Aquarius wants us to think and act freely. In the face of complete uncertainty, how do you respond? Embracing change is essential during this Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius.

One great thing about Aquarius is his amiability, generosity, and beautiful nature. Sometimes he surprises people in a good way. However, he is also capable of being extremely unpredictable, violent, and sharp.

For the soul and psyche, this moon phase is a trying time. The effect of an Aquarian is peculiar, exciting, and demanding all at once. Potential outcomes include disarray, letdown, or dispute. But Aquarius is also a potent booster for our imaginations. Now is the time to let the world see your artistic creations. Doubt leaves as soon as confidence enters.

This year, Mercury in Aries forms a flexible and pleasant sextile to this moon. In terms of social and communicative matters, this is ideal. So think about what it is that you are preparing to complete and turn away from in the spirit of a New Moon on the way. Also take note of these dates below that are part of this Aquarius Moon 2-year Lunar Cycle to get a better idea of what life and business events connect with this event.

Feb 1, 2022 - 🌑​New Moon in Aquarius♒️ 12 degrees

Nov 1, 2022 - 🌓First Quarter in Aquarius♒️ 8 degrees

Aug 1, 2023 - 🌕Full Moon in Aquarius♒️ 10 degrees

May 1, 2024 - 🌗Last Quarter in Aquarius♒️ 11 degrees

Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius ♒: Embracing Internal and Intuitive Strategies

During this phase of the lunar cycle, female business owners and leaders are encouraged to tap into their intuition, trust their inner wisdom, and let go of anything that no longer serves their highest good. Here are some ways to harness the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius:


1.   Embracing Change 🌀  : Aquarius is associated with innovation and progress. Use this time to reflect on what needs to change or evolve within your business and be open to new ideas, perspectives, and opportunities that may arise.


2.   Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs 🎈  : Aquarius encourages us to break free from outdated belief systems and societal norms. Identify any limiting beliefs or self-imposed limitations that may be holding you back in your business and release them with compassion and grace.


3.   Connecting with Your Community 🤝  : Aquarius is a social sign that values collaboration and collective efforts. Reach out to your peers, mentors, or fellow entrepreneurs for support, guidance, and inspiration. Consider joining networking groups, mastermind circles, or online communities where you can connect with like-minded individuals and share resources and insights.


4.   Experimenting with New Technologies 🚀  : Aquarius rules technology and innovation. Explore new tools, platforms, or digital strategies that can streamline your business processes, enhance your online presence, or facilitate greater efficiency and productivity.


Embracing the Earth Maiden 🌎: Tapping into Taurus Season Energies

Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance. Those born under this sign are often characterized by their steadfast determination, practicality, and appreciation for the finer things in life. During Taurus season, the collective consciousness is drawn towards matters of stability, security, and material comfort.

For female business owners and leaders, aligning with the energies of Taurus season means grounding oneself in the here and now, fostering a deep sense of connection to one's values and priorities, and taking practical steps towards manifesting one's goals. Here are some intuitive business tools to help navigate this energy:

1.   Embodying Groundedness 🌿  : Taurus is an earth sign, and as such, it encourages us to root ourselves deeply in the physical realm. Practice grounding exercises such as meditation, spending time in nature, or working with crystals like hematite or smoky quartz to anchor yourself in the present moment and connect with the Earth's energy.

2.   Cultivating Financial Awareness 💰   : Taurus is associated with the material realm and financial matters. Take this opportunity to review your finances, set realistic goals, and create a budget that aligns with your values and long-term vision for your business.

3.   Honoring Your Worth 💖: Taurus is also linked to self-worth and self-esteem. Recognize and celebrate your achievements, talents, and contributions to your business. Practice self-care rituals that nurture your body, mind, and soul, such as massage, aromatherapy, or indulging in your favorite comfort foods.

4.   Building Stability and Security 🏡  : Taurus thrives in environments that offer stability and security. Take practical steps to strengthen the foundations of your business, such as streamlining processes, establishing contingency plans, or investing in long-term growth strategies.


The Energy of Beltane 🔥: Releasing and Renewing for Business Success

Beltane, celebrated on May 1st, marks the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. This cross-quarter sabbat is a time of fertility, abundance, and celebration, where we honor the union of the divine masculine and feminine energies and the blossoming of new life.


For female business owners and leaders, Beltane offers an opportunity to release old patterns, habits, or energies that no longer serve their business goals and intentions, and to prepare the fertile ground for new growth and expansion. Here are some ways to harness the energy of Beltane in your business:


1.   Performing Rituals of Release 🔥  : Take time to reflect on what you're ready to let go of in your business – whether it's self-doubt, fear of failure, or outdated strategies – and create a ritual to symbolically release these energies. This could involve writing them down on a piece of paper and burning them in a fire, burying them in the earth, or simply speaking them aloud and setting the intention to release them.


2.   Setting Intentions for Growth 🌱  : Beltane is a powerful time for setting intentions and planting seeds for future abundance. Take a moment to visualize what you want to manifest in your business and write down your intentions in a journal or on a piece of paper. Place them on your altar or in a sacred space and infuse them with your heartfelt desires and intentions.


3.   Connecting with Nature 🌳  : Beltane is a celebration of the Earth's fertility and abundance. Spend time outdoors connecting with the natural world, whether it's tending to your garden, taking a walk in the woods, or simply sitting outside and soaking up the sun's warmth. Allow yourself to be nourished and inspired by the beauty and abundance of the natural world.


4.   Celebrating Your Successes 🎉  : Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements and successes in your business. Whether it's reaching a milestone, completing a project, or overcoming a challenge, honor your hard work and dedication and allow yourself to bask in the joy and satisfaction of your accomplishments.

In conclusion, Taurus season offers female business owners and leaders a fertile ground for cultivating abundance, creativity, and material success. By aligning with the energies of the Earth Maiden archetype, embracing intuitive business tools, and synergizing with the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius and the Beltane cross-quarter celebration, you can harness the power of the cosmos to manifest your highest visions and aspirations in business and beyond.


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