At 10:57 AM EST we will have the first Full Moon since September’s Harvest Moon marked the end of summer.

For all my Luna Lovers this is a special week as the Full Moon is happening in the first zodiac sign - Aries♈️ at 27 degrees​. This is significant because it’s a wonderful time to begin, reset or transform your Lunar Wisdom Formula practice and start working with the Full Moon energy for the next 12 months.

This Full Moon will be putting the spotlight positive changes, growth and calling in all that you need and desire. Wednesday being a Mercury-ruled communication day – it a great time to mix the headstrong Aries initiation energy with efforts to get your message out to the world!

You can use the Aries Influencer fire during this social season of Libra♎️​ to make up for the social media outage from last week brought by Mercury Rx and go do some shameless self-promotion on your favorite platform.

Being the Full Moon🌕​ happening at the midpoint of the Astrological Year, you might find yourself reaping the benefits of seeds planted six months ago during Aries ♈️​ season at the New Moon🌑​. Especially if you’re at a point to do a grand reveal to the public at large.

The Power of the Full Moon 🌕

The energy of the Full Moon that occurs each month is a time to practice reflection and release in a predictable natural cycle. It provides us with energy to do forgiveness work, let go and to tackle an aspect of resistance that’s showing up in your life.

The Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle each month and is the time when the monthly energy, emotions and environment reach their peak vibration. This is why there are so many instances of intense emotional experiences and lack of sleep during these 2 days each month.

In addition to releasing that which no longer serves us, it’s time to reap the monthly harvest and celebrate as the moonlight fades to dark. On the Full Moon it is when we surrender, forgive and release what's no longer serving us, as well as celebrate all that we have harvested.

This Aries Full Moon will bring an energy of action and forward energy. You will likely feel assertive, impatient and even a little impulsive with the fiery, sometimes volatile Aries energy around us. When the heightened Full Moon emotions combine with Aries passion, things could get quite feisty!

It can also be useful to look back at your Aries New Moon intentions from April and see how your intentions have come to fruition. It could be time to let go of some of those things and to make space for the new on this Full Moon.

This Week’s Astro Weather

This is one of the most intense astrological week's of 2021.

We started the week off with a major pick me up with the end of Mercury & Jupiter retrograde.

Congratulations🎉​—you and your closest relationships managed to survived the Mercury & Jupiter retrogrades – social media shutdown and all!

Honey! Let me tell you it’s good to know things are on their way forward now.

The rest of the week belongs to Mars as it both trines (harmonizes) Jupiter and squares (tension) off with Pluto later in the week.

It’s important to really stake your claim with Possession and Ownership. Taking control of yourself, your desires, your goals, and the way you respond to life.

This is one of those times where you need to TRUST that you're being called to certain things in your life for a reason bigger than you – that’s far from selfish.

And that call won’t make you have to beg, plead or trick – just step into the Ownership & Power!

Remember, in addition to the Full Moon these other planetary aspects are impacting the daily energy.

Good news is that solutions are easier to find under this balanced energy, and it’s suddenly much easier to get others to cooperate and see things from your perspective.

You’ll also get the chance to tap into a much-needed dose of Libran charm to help you smooth things over for the last days of the season.

October Lunar Wisdom Formula

​ 🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑🌘🌗🌖

Aries ♈️​​ Hunter Full Moon

Archetype: The Warrior

1st House Lunation - The Self, Outward Appearance

Motto: I AM

🌕 This Is A Time Of Social & Relationship Harvest

🌕 Use Your Body Sensations As A Guide

🌕 Take Initiative, Be Creative, Start Something

🌕 Prepare for Major Changes In The “Me” versus “We” Dynamic - Emphasis on “Me”

🌕 Release Intentions Set from Last 6 Months to Prosper

🌕 Embrace Or Take Back Your Power

Celebrities With Moon in Aries ♈️​

Janet Jackson ☆ Whitney Houston ☆ Tyra Banks ☆ Rihanna ☆ Eva Longoria ☆ Rooney Mara ☆Celine Dion ☆ Helen Hunt ☆ Angelina Jolie ☆ Cate Blanchett ☆ Jackie Kennedy ☆ Devon Aoki ☆Lauren Bacall ☆ Ingrid Bergman ☆ Salma Hayek ☆ Jamie Lee Curtis ☆ Kendall Kardashian ☆Georgia Jagger ☆ Chloë Moretz ☆ Holly Valance ☆ Eva Green ☆ Pamela Anderson ☆ Jerry Hall ☆Selena Gomez ☆ Diana Rigg ☆ Heather Locklear ☆ Nigella Lawson ☆ Diane Von Furstenburg ☆Ellen DeGeneres ☆ Agyness Deyn ☆ Jean Harlow ☆

Here are some questions or journal prompts to work with the Aries​ ♈️​ Full Moon Energy: 📝

  • What are you no longer willing to put up with?

  • What do choose not to deal with or give your attention?

  • What things have you been creating for yourself in this new pandemic environment?

  • What passions are you going after... despite the barriers & restrictions?

  • How have you connected with what lights you up, fires you up, and motivates you to feel alive?⁠

  • In what ways am I ready to take a stronger stand for MY needs & what really matters most to ME, even if other people may not necessarily be on board with that decision?

It’s time for us to reflect on the April 2021 Full Moon in Aries and decide what we will continue to nurture and what we will release. We are rolling into Scorpio Season (and my birthday 10/24) on Saturday, so sh#t is about to get deep. Go for clarity and pack light to prepare for the next energetic shift. If you want to figure out the best next steps for descending into the abyss then check out my guide The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon

Blessed Be!


