Yasmin Boland Moonology Manifesting Oracle Deck

The Super Full Moon  this morning at 7:52 AM provides ideal opportunity to investigate your life and perceive how far you've come. We are activating the 9th House of Higher Learning, Expansion, Travel and Philosophy.


The June Super Full Moon in Sagittarius occurring, Saturn, the extraordinary educator of the Zodiac is in retrograde. That mix makes it an incredible chance to make a stride back and consider what you've accomplished, and the examples Saturn has shown you.


Tonight is a wonderful time to get together with your partner, if in relationship, or to go out if you are single because the lunar energy is high. It is also complemented by an alignment between the asteroid Chiron the wounded healer and Mars the planet of energy and sexual drive.


The next two days can be hot and steamy, if you'd like them to be! It is also a great time to work with your masculine energy and do any healing with male in your life - as Mars is the archetypal masculine energy in the Zodiac.


Check out the video above and the rest of the blog for more information about how to work with this potent Full Moon energy for your highest good!


Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse β™οΈπŸŒ• Lunar Wisdom Formula


Sagittarius♐️​​ Super​​​ Full Strawberry Moon

Archetype: The Gypsy

9th House Lunation - Transformation 

Motto: I See

β€‹πŸŒ• The 2nd Super Full Moon in 2021

πŸŒ• This Is The First Full Moon Since the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 

πŸŒ• Explore Philosophy 

πŸŒ• Meditate and Visualize 

πŸŒ• ​Trust and Work With Intuition 

πŸŒ• Focus on Higher Learning 

πŸŒ• Prepare for Major Emotional Transition & Release 

The 12 Houses of The Zodiac

This is a time to get philosophical and to figure out what things you are ready to release in order to manifest big in the 9th House or whatever area in your chart is ruled by Sagittarius. This is a very personal Full Moon for me as a Gemini Rising and Sagittarius Moon.


My Core Astro Personality has a lot of push and pull due to two of my β€œBig Three” being opposing signs. During this time of year, I am really forced to focus on myself and personal image (1st House Gemini) and my business and love relationships (7th House Sagittarius).


Whenever you have a planet in the house in question it really provides additional information about how the next 2 weeks will roll out for you.


That is the beauty of apply the Lunar Wisdom Formula as part of your Stellar Planning Process. It provides the kind of context and crib notes that you just can’t get from a planner or digital calendar alone.


We all want to know and can benefit from getting insight into the energetic signature of the days ahead, so that we can prepare and adjust accordingly.


Below is a list of ways that you can really tap into the June’s Super Full Moon energy and enhance your life.

1. Consider what you've learned πŸ’‘β€‹

2. Stop spinning your wheels πŸš«β€‹

3. Be constructive πŸ› β€‹

Working With The Moon CycleπŸŒ•β€‹πŸŒ‘β€‹

​Remember that the way the moon moves is a cycle. From the new moon to the full moon is the waxing portion of the cycle. It is where the energy grows and where we can borrow this power to grow our own wishes. The way to make wishes that work while we were still in the waxing cycle are as follows:

1. From New to Full Moon GO FOR IT

2. Doubt is the greatest block to manifesting in the physical world

3. The Full Moon is the power source behind the mystery of Moon manifesting

4. Release, forgive and practice non-attachment from the Full Moon forward to activate your magic.


Full Moon Releasing Prompts πŸ“

  • Who can you forgive for pain caused during your schooling (elementary through college) and how would forgiving them release and free you up now?

  • What do you need to take a more optimistic approach to life over the next month? What area of your life could benefit for more intentional optimism

  • How can I engage in a form of movement that connects me mind body and spirit? What would be a good choice to make this happen in my life? 

Blessed Be Wise Onesβœ¨β€‹

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


