Last night was what was known as MidSummers Eve. It is the night before we move into the  astrological season of Cancer♋️​, the actual season of Summer and welcome the longest day of the year.  It's really crazy to think that we have reached the midpoint of our year, especially after the contrast that 2020 and 2021 brought.

At 5:08 AM EST we moved into the season of summer, by experiencing the Summer Solstice. Solstice in a real sense means sol (sun) + sistere (stopping). The sun seems to halt abruptly for approximately three days.

We are all being encouraged to connect with the center of our bodies -the stomach and the chest/breasts - where the seat of our soul lies. These are also the areas of the body that Cancer rules and it gives us a clear indication of why this sign’s energy is so closely tied into our sense of intuition.


Cancer is Cardinal/Influencer sign – which means that it kicks of a season and brings with it action-oriented, leadership energy. Cancer is the leader of water💦​ signs and has the ability to lead with a compassionate edge that is able to feel into and intuit the emotions and unspoken vibes in play.


In my own personal astrology both my progressed Sun and Moon are both in the sign of Cancer ♋️​ which is currently underlying my love of home and my home-based business. I am also digging more into my roots and family connections as other areas that Cancer governs.


Check out my video and the rest of this blog to learn more about how to make the most of this Summer – with its long days and potent intuitive vibes under the Cancer Sun.

Cancer Season♋️​Stellar Planning Focus

We now have a Stellar Planning Focus of the summer months to make the most of the Sun at its high point of the year.

We are now in the 4th 30° section or house of Zodiac Wheel or roughly a 30-Day period, known as Cancer, The Crab.

Cancer energy represents all things home, hearth, dreams, intuition, family, ancestors/roots and The Mother. It’s the reseting of the wheel with Cardinal Influencing energy to start the season that tunes us into the watery 💦​ streams of the subconscious and of Mother Moon🌕​.

The focus is on getting grounded, connecting with family and our roots and nurturing anything under this powerful energy of the Sun at full power and ample water to nourish.

Our power is literally in the core of our body where the “Seat of The Soul” resides.

☀️Cancer The Crab♋️​

⭐️​​4th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💦​​

⭐️​Essence: Cardinal/Influencer

⭐️Motto: I NURTURE

⭐️​Archetype: The Mother

Traits of Cancer♋️​

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac, the Crab. This sign ushers in the Summer Solstice and the bright light and long days of Summer beginning on either June 20th/21st.


It’s a time of continued growth, nature’s bounty, fun in the Sun and Water and vacation that dominates the Northern Hemisphere’s energy for the next three months. Cancer’s energy loves to dive into the more relaxed feel of this seasons start.  


Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, because the Crab was believed to carry his house on his back. And, like their namesake, the home is very important to Cancer.


Those born under this sign are heavily focused on home life. Cancers are the domestic experts of the Zodiac and would be the first to know how to fix an appliance or which drapes match the sofa.


Unfortunately, they also have a reputation as packrats, because they attach emotions to their belongings. Every old photo becomes a cherished heirloom because of the memories that go with it.


Cancers are sensitive and caring. Only Pisces comes close to the sensitivity of Cancer. Crabs are the truest and closest companions, always coming to the aid of their friends, ready to bail them out at a moment’s notice.


The crab’s defense is to curl up behind his shell. Cancers have a reputation for being tough and unfeeling because they keep their emotions hidden for their own protection, of course.


They can be frustrated that people can’t see through that shell to the deeply caring person hidden behind it. They tend to dress down or in comfy was as not to attract attention and keep those cozy home vibes with them everywhere they go.  


Cancers have a tendency to be worriers, moody, or even depressed, but this can be lightened with water-based activities like fishing or sailing. Because of their affinity for the home, many cancers enjoy fixer-upper hobbies, like adding an extension to the house.


Because they care about people, Cancers are most at home in a career where they can help people in some way. Pushing papers or operating machinery will make for a very crabby Crab. Cancers, with their innate skills at knowing what people need and feel, tend to make very good managers.


However, they tend to build on existing ideas, rather than creating their own, so they don’t make good entrepreneurs.

All About Summer Solstice - LITHA

The Summer Solstice is the First Day of Summer, Longest Day of the Year, Full of Light, and it’s time to get into the current light-filled Solstice Energy Stream.


We can make our future with the energy vibes that center around during the power season of the Solstice.


Giving the Solstice energy and intentions serious purpose, allow us to manifest a dazzling world and a superior tomorrow. And the way to step into this stream is with fun and a high vibe.


Your longings, dreams, and aliveness are making the tomorrow. Let’s warmly greet the future that is being conceived and bloomed through our energetic investment.  


Energy centered between the Solstice and the Equinox (September) is poised to arise and grow. What are you making an energetic investment in over this Summer?


Whatever it is, you should illuminate it to enact it more completely. Together, we are molding the substance of reality with the high energy for a satisfying future.


Cancer and Summer Solstice energy represent a time of potent dreams. Remember to nurture them with you loving energy and your fantasies too – They Matter!


Below are some important factors to embrace Cancer Season 2022, and get your Summer started right:

☀️ Summer Solstice Themes 

Awakening Dreams.

Season of the High Sun for Light. (Nurture Dreams)

Quick Manifesting and Growth.


Celebration, Light, Joy, Abundance, Fulfilment, Happiness, Health, Protection, Love, Luck, Relationships, Cleansing, Truth


Herbs and Plants

Chamomile, Lavender, Daisy, Rose, Lily

Stones and Crystals

Golden Tiger’s Eye, Amber, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Sunstone, Cinnabar, Topaz, Jade


Lemon, Wisteria, Rose, Frankincense, Lavender


Yellow, Blue, Green, Gold, Orange, Red


Potpourri, Dried Herbs, Seashells, Fruits, Summer Flowers, Fire

Things to Do

Stay up all Night to see the Sunrise, Handfast, Reaffirm Vows, Light Bonfires

May the warmth of the Cancer♋️​ Sun☀️​ with its long days and short nights🌙​ over the next 30 days bring you an awesome start to your Summer Season and the watery 💦​, intuitive vibes that this sign brings.

 Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


