On September 22, 2023 at 3:31 PM ET, we have the 2nd First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius🌓♐️ for the year bringing us fiery mutable energy just 12 hours before the Autumn Equinox and start of Libra Season♎️​. The first appearance was last month on August 24, the first day of Virgo Season♍️​ and Mercury Retrograde making this a super active day. Now this time around this fire sign waxing moon is preparing us for the Harvest Super Full Moon in Aries♈️🌾​​ on September 29.


At the same time we are also experiencing the direct energy of 2 key personal planets Mercury in Virgo♍️ & Venus in Leo♌️​, helping to lower the planetary retrograde count. It is also releasing stuck energy in the areas of communication, thinking, love and money – which can feel really great because these are issues we experience on the daily.


In the rest of this blog post, we will explore the significance of this second chance at the First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius♐️​ and the impact of Mercury and Venus returning to direct motion just before the Autumn Equinox🍁​ and the start of Libra Season.  


First Quarter Moon🌓Lunar Wisdom Formula

This First Quarter Moon is in the Mutable/Maven sign of Sagittarius♐️​ , giving us a second chance expand our horizons. This moon phase occurs after the New Moon in Virgo♍️ on September 14. The first quarter is the first significant juncture after the New Moon and also acts as a general overview/takeaway session for the full Virgo Season. The first quarter phases define and elaborate. We will see the culmination and expression of our decisions on the Harvest Super Full Moon in Aries♈️🌾.

Remember that First Quarter Moon is the phase that marks 50% illumination and the midway point to full light. The energy of this moon phase indicates taking action. Since First Quarter Moons only happen for 1 day, we need the energy to fully orient ourselves during the 24-hour period to what happening with our New Moon intentions, Leo Season chart activation and the current house/sign activation.

Lunar cycles are 28-29 days in total. First Quarter moons are always the midpoint of the Yang or masculine portion (waxing phase 🌑​🌒​🌓​🌔​🌕) of the lunar cycle, so you will feel energized and your best next step is to take action on that New Moon intention that’s been brewing since last week.

Make sure to take some time to feel into this new reality and the intentions that you’ve set for this New Moon. This is the active point of the Lunar Wisdom Formula where we set the tone and put things in motion that become self-perpetuating once the Full Moon arrives.

What to do this week:

🌙 Feel into your New Moon intentions so you are comfortable with how they will fit into your life
🌙 Map out your action steps for bringing your intentions into your life
🌙 Give yourself some mental space to really notice how you are feeling and what you are thinking. This could be through doing a walking meditation or going into nature and just being.

First Quarter Moon In Sagittarius🌓 ♐️​​​​

The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius🌓♐️ in 2023 heralds a dynamic period of growth and expansion. As the Moon forms a square aspect with the Sun, it signifies a time of challenge and tension, where we may encounter obstacles that test our resolve.


In the fiery and adventurous sign of Sagittarius, this energy encourages us to take bold steps toward our goals and dreams, even in the face of adversity. It's a time to harness the enthusiasm and optimism that Sagittarius brings, using it to fuel our determination and commitment to our aspirations.


To work with the energy of the First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius in 2023, it's crucial to embrace the spirit of adventure and exploration. This is an excellent time to set ambitious goals and create a plan of action to achieve them. However, it's equally important to remain adaptable, as the square aspect may bring unexpected challenges.


Be open to learning from these challenges and view them as opportunities for growth. Trust your inner wisdom and intuition, guided by the optimism of Sagittarius, to navigate any hurdles that arise on your path toward personal and spiritual expansion. This lunar phase encourages us to have faith in our journey and to remember that the pursuit of knowledge, wisdom, and adventure is a lifelong endeavor.

🌙​​Late September Lunar Wisdom

Organization • Service • Harvest • Balance

🌑September 14 - New Moon in Virgo♍️​

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dream 

🌓September 22 - First Quarter in Sagittarius♐️​​​​

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit 

🌕September 29 - Harvest🌾​Super Full Moon in Aries♈️​​

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment

🌗October 6 - Last Quarter in Cancer♋️​​​​​

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care as we experience the Harvest Moon🌾​ and the balance of day and night with the Autumn Equinox as we head into Fall and Libra Season⚖​.

The Transformative Impact of Mercury and Venus Going Direct

The inner/personal planets are closest to Earth and therefore have more of an impact on our daily life. Mercury and Venus going direct has provided some relief in the significant line up of 6 planets in backwards motion during Retrograde 2023. As both planets begin to complete their post shadow period we will begin to experience forward movement in the areas of life they rule. These two retrogrades are often accompanied by communication glitches, relationship challenges, and a sense of introspection.


Now that Mercury and Venus are direct again we will experience the transformative effects of the retrograde period in our lives. Look to the area of your chart where Mercury and Venus are and the houses ruled by Gemini, Virgo, Taurus and Libra for where the impact will be felt most.


Mercury: Clearing the Lines of Communication


Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and travel, just completed its retrograde journey in Virgo – a Mercury-ruled sign on September 15th. Mercury in Virgo exudes an energy of meticulousness, analytical prowess, and precision. When the swift-moving planet Mercury aligns with the earthy and detail-oriented sign of Virgo, it sharpens our intellectual focus and enhances our ability to pay attention to the finer points.


This energy promotes methodical thinking, making it an ideal time for problem-solving, organizing, and scrutinizing information with a critical eye. During the retrograde, it's not uncommon to experience miscommunications, technological glitches, and delays in travel plans. However, when Mercury goes direct again, it's as if the cosmic signal interference has been cleared, and communication flows more smoothly.


Mercury in Virgo encourages us all to refine our communication, engage in efficient planning, and strive for excellence in our daily tasks, all while remaining attuned to the minutiae that collectively contribute to a well-structured and productive life. The following list presents ways you may experience transformation in Mercury ruled aspects of your life and chart.

  • Clarity in Thought and Expression: As Mercury returns to its direct motion, our thoughts become clearer, and our ability to express ourselves improves. This is an excellent time for important conversations, negotiations, and making decisions with a clear mind.

  • Resolution of Misunderstandings: Misunderstandings and conflicts that may have arisen during the retrograde often find resolution when Mercury goes direct. It's easier to reconcile differences and clarify intentions.

  • Green Light for New Projects: Many people hesitate to initiate new projects during Mercury retrograde, fearing that they may encounter obstacles or setbacks. When Mercury goes direct, it's a favorable time to kickstart new endeavors, as obstacles tend to dissipate.

Venus: Love, Harmony, and Self-Love 

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, went direct on September 4 and is making its way back through the sign of Leo until October 8th.  During the retrograde, matters of the heart can become more complex, and issues within relationships may surface. And Venus in Leo radiates an energy of unabashed self-expression, unapologetic confidence, and a flair for the dramatic. So when the planet of love and beauty aligns with the bold and charismatic sign of Leo, it ignites a passion for creativity, romance, and extravagance.


However, when Venus resumes direct motion, it brings with it a sense of renewed harmony and self-love. This energy encourages us to celebrate our unique talents and individuality, seeking attention and admiration without reservation.


Venus in Leo inspires grand gestures of affection and an inclination towards luxurious indulgence, making love and relationships feel like a grand performance. During this period, it's a time for embracing our inner diva, appreciating our worth, and reveling in the pleasures of life with a generous heart and a regal spirit. The following list presents ways you may experience transformation in Venusian ruled aspects of your life and chart.

  • Relationship Healing: Venus retrograde often prompts us to reevaluate our relationships, leading to increased self-awareness and understanding of our own needs and desires. When Venus goes direct, it becomes easier to work through relationship issues and foster greater harmony.

  •  Rekindling Romance: If your love life felt stagnant or strained during Venus retrograde, its direct motion can reignite the sparks of romance. This is a time when love blossoms, and you may find yourself more open to romantic connections.

  •  Self-Love and Self-Care: Venus retrograde often encourages us to examine our self-worth and self-esteem. As Venus goes direct, it's an excellent time to focus on self-love and self-care practices, enhancing your overall well-being and confidence.


The return to direct motion of personal planets like Mercury and Venus carry big transformative potential. As Mercury clears the lines of communication and thought, and as Venus restores harmony and love, we find ourselves in a position to move forward with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.


And with the energy of the First Quarter Moon and the upcoming Autumn Equinox, we have the opportunity to learn, grow, and create more fulfilling and harmonious experiences in our lives. So, embrace these moments for they offer a chance to reset, reconnect, and transform your world.

 Blessed Be💙​✨​


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