On May 21st, 2023 at 3:09 AM EST the Sun moved into the versatile sign of Gemini♊️​, giving us a mental boost of energy to navigate the new Lunar Cycle and post-eclipse timeline.


This week’s Astro Weather is like an annoying trumpets telling you it's time to get all the things started now that we are in relatively calm astrological waters, but it could also look like someone blowing up at you (or you blowing up at someone else).


Does it really matter that much? It's difficult to say on May 23rd. Under a tense, yearly standoff between ferocious Mars in narcissistic Leo and supersizer Jupiter in stubborn Taurus, feelings and egos are certain to be inflated. Everything will appear too urgent as these two titans lock into a difficult 90 degree square, making it difficult to control reactions or adopt a reasonable position.


Saturday is the day to attend to the little things, if there ever was one! The First Quarter Moon in meticulous Virgo lifts a magnifying lens to reveal even the smallest errors. Ask for assistance or clarification when necessary, rather than attempting to repair the dam.


The rest of this blog will provide Stellar Wisdom for how to navigate the next 30 days as we approach the Summer Solstice!

Welcome to Gemini Season♊️​​​ 2023!

Let’s delve into the vibrant energy of the Sun in Gemini 2023 and explore some exciting activities to make the most of this cosmic period.


  • Engage in Intellectual Pursuits:

With the Sun in Gemini, our curiosity and thirst for knowledge are heightened. It's an excellent time to engage in intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind. Enroll in a course or workshop to expand your skillset, join a book club to discuss thought-provoking literature, or start a journal to explore your own thoughts and ideas. Gemini's influence encourages us to embrace lifelong learning and explore diverse subjects, making it a perfect opportunity to broaden our horizons.

  • Foster Meaningful Connections:

Gemini is a social and communicative sign, making it an ideal time to connect with others. Reach out to old friends, organize virtual or in-person gatherings, and engage in conversations that inspire and uplift. Attend networking events, join online communities, or start conversations on social media platforms to connect with like-minded individuals. Gemini energy encourages us to explore different perspectives, exchange ideas, and foster meaningful connections that can lead to exciting collaborations and personal growth.


  • Embrace Variety and Flexibility:

Gemini is known for its versatility and adaptability. During this period, embrace the spirit of versatility by trying out new activities, hobbies, or even exploring different genres of music, art, or literature. Step out of your comfort zone and experiment with different styles and approaches. Gemini encourages us to be open-minded and flexible, allowing us to adapt to new circumstances and experiences with ease.


  • Enhance Communication Skills:

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, making it an opportune time to enhance our communication skills. Engage in activities that improve your public speaking, writing, or listening abilities. Practice active listening in your conversations, express yourself clearly and concisely, and explore creative forms of expression such as poetry, storytelling, or even blogging. The Sun in Gemini supports effective communication, enabling us to articulate our thoughts and ideas with clarity and confidence.


  • Explore Local Surroundings:

Gemini is an energy that craves variety and stimulation. While travel may not always be feasible, you can still explore your local surroundings. Visit museums, art galleries, or historical sites in your area. Take a different route during your daily walks or explore new parks or nature trails. Engaging with the world around you, even in your own community, can provide fresh perspectives and invigorate your sense of adventure.

What are the Characteristics of a Gemini♊️​?

The Gemini sign is always the center of attention at any social gathering. Geminis♊️ are extremely articulate and know exactly what to ask, say, and do in any given situation.

They are people-pleasers and are very intuitive when it comes to reading others. Since their interests are spread over many topics and issues, Geminis may find it hard to commit themselves to one particular passion. This is why they often fail to meet expectations at certain times.

Geminis♊️ are always interested in learning new things and meeting new people. They believe that committing to only one pursuit will result in missing out on other experiences. They can carry on a conversation with anyone about any given subject and have the uncanny ability to argue their way out of any situation.


Since Geminis are truly social beings, he or she is always surrounded by a large number of people. This can make it difficult to attract the Gemini’s attention. They do not appreciate individuals who are frivolous in nature or overly conservative. Because they are so intelligent, if you cannot keep up with them in a conversation, a Gemini will quickly lose interest.


Those ruled by the Gemini sign are often known to be shallow and superficial - but that’s an unfair assessment. It’s more a reflection of their centering in intellect versus the heart and/or body. Especially, since their interests lie in a variety of topics and they find it hard to specialize in one particular field, both academically and professionally.

This trait is also reflected in their personal relationships, as they are often unable to commit to just one partner. Ruled by the element of air, Gemini gets along best with fellow air signs such as Aquarius and Libra.

Gemini people are very curious and are well-aware of subjects that interest them. Therefore, if you enter a debate with a Gemini, make sure you know your stuff well. Otherwise, a Gemini will shut you up before you can even say “but” 😂​.

Gemini Season♊️​​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ within 2 days of the start of the season. The Full Moon🌕​ will occur 14 days after in the opposite sign activating the balancing energy.

Sun☀️​ enters Gemini♊️​      - May 21 

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Virgo♍️​ - May 27

Venus♋️​ trines Neptune♓️ ​ - June 2

Full Moon🌕​  in Sagittarius♐️​​ - June 3                 

Mercury♉️ conjunct Uranus♉️ - June 4

Venus enters Leo♌️​ - June  5     

Venus♌️ opposite Pluto♒️​ - June 5

Mercury♉️ sextile Neptune♓️ - June 9

Last Quarter Moon🌗 in Gemini♊️​​ - June 10

Pluto Rx enters Capricorn♑️ - June 11

Mercury♉️​ ​trines Pluto♑️ - June 11

Mercury enters Gemini♊️​​ - June 11

Venus♌️​ squares Jupiter♉️​ - June 11

Mercury♊️ squares Saturn♒️ - June 15

Saturn Retrograde Begins♓️ - June 17

Mercury♊️ sextile Venus♌️ - June 17

New Moon🌑​  in Gemini♊️​ - June 18

Sun☀️​♊️​ squares Neptune♓️ - June 18

Jupiter♉️ sextile Saturn♓️ - June 18

Sun☀️ enters Cancer♋️​ - June 21

Mercury♊️ sextile Mars♌️ - June 21

Mercury♊️ squares Neptune♓️ - June 25

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Libra♎️​​ - June 26

Mars♌️​ squares Uranus♉️ - June 26

Mercury enters Cancer♋️​ - June 26

Gemini Season♊️​​​ ​​Stellar Planning Focus

Gemini season ♊️​​​ accounts for the 30-day period where we focus on our mental processes, intellect, communication, day to day activities, siblings, extended family and neighborhood. As we move on from establishing things of value and wealth in our Taurus Season, its during the time of Gemini where we being to think about how to put them to use on the daily.

Our focus is sharing our learning and ideas with those around us to create meaning in the world. Gemini is an air sign, straddling the end of spring and beginning of summer – and highlighting our innate versatility and desire to multi-task. Gemini is a Mutable/Maven sign that transitions us from Springtime energy into the heat of Summertime – which highlights flexibility and being adaptable.


Applied to Stellar Planningä, now is a time of being social and communicative with others. We’ve cleared Eclipse Season and are now in the midst of Retrograde Season, but at least we’re done with the Mercury Retrograde (which is the sign’s ruling planet).   


During these next 30 days expect to see significant changes occur within in your daily travels, communication with others and your thought processes. It’s a transitional season that allows you to move from one seasonal energy to the next, and this requires being flexible to match what comes up. It is also a time to watch some of the Eclipse beginnings and endings play out so that we can make the appropriate adjustments.  


Gemini is like a swing state, so it has the ability to go with the flow, no matter what is being presented. So finding your sense of inner flexibility as the changes occur will not be as hard as last month. Trust that what rolls out will help us get our heads around the new timeline shift and how those changes impact our day-to-day.  Applied to Stellar Planning, now is a time of inner building with the co-presences of both Eclipse and Retrograde Seasons which are a universal signal to turn inward to make strides. You may full of a lot of energy coming off of Aries season, so I suggest you make a list of things you can attend to internally to put that to good use.

Gemini The Twins♊️​

⭐️​​3rd House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💨​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable

⭐️Motto: I THINK

⭐️​Archetype: The Messenger


Gemini Season♊️​​ Body Wisdom

Gemini ♊️governs several parts of the body, with a particular emphasis on the upper body and the respiratory system. The lungs, in particular, are associated with Gemini.

Just as air is essential for communication and exchange, the lungs facilitate the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide, symbolizing the exchange of ideas and information that Gemini thrives on. Individuals with a strong Gemini influence may possess an inherent communicative charm and an ability to adapt their ideas and expressions with ease, much like the flexibility of the respiratory system.


Additionally, Gemini is also said to rule the arms, hands, and fingers. The dexterity and versatility of these body parts align with the mutable and agile nature of Gemini. Individuals with prominent Gemini energy often possess nimble fingers and excel in activities that require manual skill and coordination.

Their hands become conduits for their intellectual pursuits, whether through writing, painting, playing musical instruments, or engaging in various forms of craftsmanship. The hands of a Gemini are not only tools for physical expression but also channels for the transmission of their vibrant ideas and lively gestures.

So over the next 30 days we’re being asked to use our hands and our voice to make changes in our environment and transition into the new timeline and new season. These are the tools that our minds need to put things into place in the real world – going from idea to object.

Blessed Be

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