How To Leverage The Most Powerful Manifestation Portal of 2021💫​


Welcome the month of August and to the most potent energetic time of 2021! We entered a period on July 28, where the fixed star Sirius has begun its dance with us here on planet Earth. This also happens to be my favorite time of the year at Eighth House Wisdom, for the connections to Mama Africa and the numerology of 8.

Every year the 8th day of the 8th month of the year we reach a point of alignment in this energetic portal that is called “the Lions Gateway” (see my older blog post with more info).

During this time of the opening of The Lions Gate we experience a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the heavens and the earth which lands in our 4th or Heart Chakra. There is also a deeper connection of the physical and spiritual realms if we can tap into the field.

Like I said before the Lions Gateway originates in ancient Egypt where the Nile River Valley would flood the plains and that influenced the design of the Pyramids in the Valley of Giza. In fact, it’s on 8/8 where it appears that Sirius sits atop the capstone of the largest Pyramid, which is an amazing feat of astrological and astronomical alignment.

When we think about the fact that this has been an event honored for thousands of years as a time of a great energetic influx and activation, it makes good sense to take an interest for ourselves. And if you do this year you’ll quickly learn that 8/8 may very well be the most powerful day for manifestation in all of 2021. Especially because the New Moon🌑​ in Leo♌️​ is also falling on this same day.

My goal at Eighth House Wisdom is to make astrology an accessible and practical tool for improving your life. So even if you don’t fully know what this means, the next parts of this post are about helping you to use the to expand your capacity to open your heart, call in your heart’s desire and make the most of this interesting time in our lives. Timing is everything…and below are some instructions on how to make the most of it RIGHT NOW!


The Power Of The Lion’s Gate Portal

August 8 is a beautiful spiritual window of great manifestations and opportunities that can be tapped into by all the signs of the Zodiac. It’s a time to set intentions, embrace abundance, and create new beginnings. Understanding the meaning of the 8/8 lions gate portal can help you take advantage of its magic.

Without going to deep on this because I have a whole post on the specifics, Sirius is a fixed star, which is literally the second brightest star in the sky, next to the Sun. Many people call it the home of our "Spiritual Sun" because of how it plays a role in the lighting of our spirits and illuminating our higher-vibe goals and ambitions. The fact that this happens every year during the Sun’s transit of it’s home sign Leo has made it a very heart-centered time where many emotional blocks to manifestation are lowered.

The date of 8/8 is the peak for harnessing the mystical energy of The Lion’s Gate, but there will be a reverb that lasts weeks after it. So the after burn will aid any of our manifestational efforts with an extra boost. Additionally this year’s Leo Moon occurring on 8/8 is adding the alignment of the Moon and Sun in Leo in addition to starting a new lunar cycle occurring in the 5th House of fun, play, creativity, children and romance. Our ability to shine comes out and our passions are brought to the forefront making this a potent time to start anew. Can you see why astrologers are saying that this could be the luckiest day of the year?


The Numerology Of 8/8

Now I run a business called Eighth House Wisdom, so I might be a bit partial, but 8 is a very powerful number. The 8th numeral is considered one of the luckiest numbers in numerology and represents wealth, prosperity, abundance and community resources.

I mean even the symbol for the number 8 is an infinity symbol turned upright representing unlimited potential. In the Chinese culture 88 is considered a blessing of “double happiness & prosperity”. So this coming Sunday is a prosperous line up of the heavens, Astrology and Numerology that you don’t want to miss.

How to Tap Into The Energetics for Supercharged Moon Manifesting Powers

I want all my Wise Ones to be able to tap into the energy that this portal brings and up-level their manifesting goals for the next 6 months. Applying the Lunar Wisdom Formula where you look at your own chart to see what area Leo rules, can really help you personalize and align your goals with the activated area and portal power.

In addition to this process, below I’m listing a few strategies to help make the most of this magical time in coming up for us:

  • Do an 8-Minute Meditation where you set intentions for harnessing the energy of the day. Grab a timer, set it for 8 minutes and place a hand on your heart and one on you your belly and get into the zone of possibility about your wish. Focus (or re-focus multiple times) on the heart of your intention, wish or desire. Embody the Leo New Moon energy of living out loud and shining in big ways when you imagine the possibilities. As an extra boost, try doing this practice at 8:08 am/pm for even greater alignment.

  • Do work with the color yellow and crystals for healing! New & Full Moons are always a great way to work with crystals and the colors of the current zodiac sign Leo – yellow and gold. Speak your intentions over the crystals and carry them with you for at least the 2 weeks following the New Moon to aid in harnessing the natural manifestation power that The Lion's Gate Portal offers.

  • Do a personalized self-love ritual for The Lion's Gate & Leo New Moon. With the focus on our heart chakra and the powerful energies that surround this time, it’s a really good idea to engage in an activity that allows you to really appreciate how your body and spirit have supported you fully to make it to the next day. Even if you have a hard time loving your outer shell, think about the ways that you are beautiful on the inside and magnify it in a Leo way. The energy of love trumps all things and is just the secret sauce to bring all your manifestations & wishes to life. Use the additional energy of the New Moon to do a reset in this area if you’re just beginning your journey of self-love and care.

And to add to the mix, I will be releasing my newest guide called The Lunar Wisdom Formula for Beauty & Self-Care on 8/8. So be on the lookout for more information about how to grab your copy. Its full of tips and tricks to supercharge your hair, skin, nails, bodywork and self-care routines by planning them according to the Moon cycles, the same way gardeners do to get the best flowers, plants or crops. Happy Manifesting, Wise Ones!

Blessed Be




The First Aquarius♒️​ Full Moon🌕​of 2021: Starting Leo Season with Futuristic Vibes