We have a very busy week in the Astro Weather with a line up a planets in Gemini and Pisces that will bring real fireworks. The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius♐️​ energy has us all dragging ass after “Springing Forward” with time. This energy shift began on Monday and will be at peak late night on March 14th.

Adding to the mix is both an aggressive and passive feel of the third and last clash between belligerent Mars in Gemini and subservient Neptune in Pisces also occurring on March 14. Since their clash on October 12 of last year, and their subsequent fight on November 19, their dizzying squares have been distorting perspectives.

From those last meet-ups you might have intervened prematurely in a dispute by choosing a side before you were fully informed. Or maybe you jumped into something that seemed too wonderful to be true. Keep your guard up today, now that you are wiser for it.

Quickfire Mars and illusory Neptune could obfuscate the truth so thoroughly during this last grudge battle that you end yourself being taken for the same terrible ride.


So we could all use the incredible powerful energy of crystals to help ground and recharge us before the start of Spring🌷.​ Especially because Venus (love and money) moves back home into Taurus and squares (creates tension) Pluto (the transformer) on Wednesday. Which heralds making deep and profound changes in the areas of romance and money.  


In rest of this blog & video we are going to talk about how to work the lunar energy to prepare for the upcoming Astrological New Year, the Aries New Moon♈️​ and learn the crystals favored for these last days of Pisces season.  

🌗March 14 -  Last Quarter in Sagittarius​​​

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

This Moon Phase only lasts for one day and is the midway point between the Full🌕 & New🌑 Moon and this one will reveal the unseen. 


9th House Focus on Higher Learning, Philosophy, Travel & Expansion 

Pisces♓️​ Energy

Pisces is a water sign in astrology, symbolized by the Fish🎏​. It is known for its intuitive and sensitive nature, as well as its Mutable/Maven energy. This means that Pisces is adaptable and flexible, able to change and adjust to different situations with ease. It needs to be as it closes out the end of Winter❄️​ and brings us to the door of renewal at the start of Spring🌷​.

People born under this sign are often artistic and creative, with a deep empathy for others. They can also be spiritual and introspective, exploring the depths of their emotions and imagination.

Remember this sign is the archetype of The Innocent and The Mystic. Overall, Pisces is a compassionate and intuitive sign, with a great ability to adapt to the changing tides of life.

With all the mutable Astro weather going on this week, those brought into the world under the Sun/Zodiac sign or their Moon or Rising Sign in Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Gemini will feel the impact of this week's energy more than others.

To help ground you and assist you in making best use of this energy, let's check out the best crystals for Pisces ♓️​​​ ​season, the twelfth and final sign of the Zodiac, ending with the spiritual and psychic water💦 ​to add​​​ into our tool box. ​

Below you will find information about the 3 Crystals or Stones that I recommend for use during Pisces Season or when the Moon is in Pisces.

There are links to learn more in-depth information about the nature of each stone and a link of where to get ethically-sourced, high quality crystals for your own collection and use.

And if you’re reading this post then make sure that you use my Coupon Code: 8thHouseWisdom for an 11% discount at checkout.


Pisces♓️​ Healing Crystals

Click on the underlined crystal name for more in-depth information on the crystal properties. Links for purchase are below

Flourite: has healing properties that can help Pisces enhance their intuition and spiritual awareness, while also providing mental clarity and focus to help them navigate their emotions with greater ease.

Bloodstone: helps Pisces connect with their inner strength and courage, promoting self-confidence and resilience in the face of emotional challenges.

Blue Lace Agate: Blue lace agate is believed to have healing properties that can help calm the emotions and soothe the mind, making it an ideal stone for Pisces, who can often feel overwhelmed by their feelings and thoughts.

🌗Last Quarter Moon In Sagittarius♐️​

At 10:08 PM EST on March 14, 2023 we will reach the final phase for this moon cycle, the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius. On the same day that Mars (energy & drive) in Gemini (communication) squares off (tense aspect) Neptune (dreams & imagination) in Pisces (the subconscious) at 25 degrees.

The double Jupiter energy of Pisces and Sagittarius will reinforce the theme of expansion of beliefs and dreams. While Mars presence could indicate some fiery communication about those very same things.

As a fire sign, Sagittarius brings with it a sense of adventure, enthusiasm, and optimism. During this phase, we are encouraged to look back on the goals we set during the last New Moon and evaluate our progress.

This is a time for introspection and reflection, allowing us to release what is no longer serving us and make space for new beginnings. It's a good time to seek new experiences, learn new things, and explore the world around us.

By embracing the energy of the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius, we can tap into our inner sense of adventure and find inspiration to pursue our goals with renewed vigor.

Remember that after the Full Moon it’s time to slow down and rest. We need to allow our previous efforts of the past 2 weeks while the moon reached full power to start unfolding.

Check for sensations in your hips and thighs as indications of Body Wisdom from Sagittarius telling you where release and relief needs to happen.

​The Last Quarter Moon happens 7.5 - 10 Days after the Full Moon, lasts only for 1 day and reduce energy levels and increase the need for clear communication.

It’s a time to analyze & release any thoughts, energies and patterns that aren’t serving you anymore.

What to do for the Last Quarter🌗 phase

🌗 Get organized and re-focus on the things that are important to complete and tie up loose ends

🌗 Get plenty of rest- go to bed early and take an afternoon nap if you feel called

🌗 Analyze what’s going well and release/let go of what’s no longer serving

Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards

Check out the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Card for the Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius and its advice for how to work this phase for your best life.

Excerpt from:  Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards Guidebook” 2021 Hay House


The good news is that even though you have some issues that need tackling, they are nothing that you can't manage. More good news is that the best way for you to clear the air and reach a breakthrough right now (so you can get your life to go the way you wish it to) is to have a good old-fashioned laugh. It's all too easy to take life too seriously. This card urges you to take a lighter approach to life if you want to manifest your dreams.

Manifesting mix

It's great to be earnest, but there's a time and the place. Don't entertain superficial feelings, as these are no better than fake ones. 

Manifesting mindset

Being open to life will make you open to manifesting. Get in touch with your mystical side and have fun with it!

Manifesting Magic

These crystals work especially well for the sign of Sagittarius: Amazonite, Gold Tiger's Eye, Blue Tiger’s Eye, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli or any Agate. 

Choose one and hold it when you meditate, visualizing a Stunning blue-green light swirling around you. Alternatively, keep your crystals close by as you work through your situation, or use five or six to make a crystal grid.

Your manifestation affirmation

“Life loves me and I love life.”

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Sagittarius, on a Thursday (Jupiter’s day) or during Sagittarius' hour.

The Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius takes place when the Sun is in Pisces and the Moon is in Sagittarius. it knows that some fires should be left burning.

Sending you lots of light and love as you close out the astrological year of 2022 under the energy of this final moon phase. Be sensitive, philosophical and dream big!

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 


My DIY ​guide The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle
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Monthly access to the Lunar Wisdom Formula for the New & Full Moon with guided workbooks, current lunar calendar, aligned rituals & meditations to help you easily apply this sacred feminine wisdom in in your everyday life.

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