Holiday season is upon us and the end of another year for the history books in coming in a few weeks. This is the best time to put thought into planning your year ahead, so you can hit the ground running on 1/1/2022.


During this time it can be much easier to think of possibilities for the new year…a time of new beginnings, resolutions, goals, and reflections. Many of us take stock of who we are, where we want to go and what we need to get there. As a Desire Map Facilitator, I often suggest that we add the additional questions of: How do we want to feel next year and when we reach our goals?


It a time that is perfect for taking a long view of the next 12 months and gathering the necessary resources for the journey ahead. Especially when many of our goals and resolutions are difficult to achieve and can months or weeks, or days to accomplish.


Many of us are aware of astrology‘s power to help us examine our personalities and the personalities of others, using the blueprint of our birth chart to navigate our relationships and be our best selves.


But, what if could use the power of astrology to also guide us in planning, in achieving our short- and long-term goals?


What if we had signposts to warn us of potential pitfalls in the road ahead of us? As it turns out, we do have easy access to such information, when we enlist the power of the planets and the stars - it’s called the Stellar Year Blueprint!


So how do we use Astrology to help us plan, year by year? Even if you are new to astrology, there is a wealth of astrological information in the form of annual calendars, almanacs, and datebooks, as well as books on the subject for all skill levels.  But you wont need any of those because Eighth House Wisdom has you covered with our upcoming FREE Workshop Stellar Planning for 2022: Supercharge Your New Year Plans with Astrology.


This is where breakdown the most important of the many different cycles in astrology you need to follow to supercharge you best year yet!


Here’s what we will cover:

Tracking The Sun & Retrogrades

The Sun is the most important planet in Astrology when you want to determine the monthly focus in your life and how your “ego self” will feel. The Sun stays in one sign for about 4 weeks giving you a longer time-period to address what part of your chart is being activated.


Since the Sun lights up each house as it passes through, this can help you enhance or focus on the topics of that area of life.


So the Sun hitting your 10th house gives a strong focus on your career and public image for the month, while the 5th house would focus on children, romance and fun (and the Sun’s natural house & happy place).


The Sun can be impacted by the main inner planets (Mercury, Mars, Venus) going retrograde and by aspects with the slower moving outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto & Neptune)  backwards motion as well.

Every year most (if not all) of the main planets go retrograde and in 2022 every planet will do it’s backwards dance in the sky!

Each of the Retrograde Planets has a different meaning with different activities to avoid, and there is usually a period where multiple planets are all retrograding at the same time.

This is what we call “retrograde season” and it’s a time to focus inwardly versus trying to achieve in the outerworld – like the set up before the comeback!


 Apply The Lunar Wisdom Formula

Each New Moon and Full Moon activates a different part of our chart letting us know the best times to take action, go within or rest.

For example, when the moon is in my 1st house it’s a perfect time to focus on my outer appearance and get my beauty routines. Yet when the moon is in my 12th house it’s time to be a hermit, go within and maybe even hit a retreat. But I don’t start anything during this time.    

One of the best ways to do this is work off a list of all the new and full moons for the year so you can see the energetic rhythm of your emotions for the year.



Check Yearly Transits & Rare Events

The final piece of the puzzle is checking for yearly planetary cycle movements – called transits and rare events in the sky. Because the slower outer planets like, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto can and do override the regular rhythms set by the Sun and Moon.

In 2022, we have Jupiter in Aries & Pisces, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Taurus and Neptun in Pisces. We will also experience the first ever Pluto Return of the United States of America, which has been 246 years in the making.

So we will have our fair share of transits and rare events in 2022 that will be important to note and plan for so that you’ve got astrological wisdom on your side.


Bringing It All Together

How do you plan your year ahead? Do you use astrology to help you with setting your schedule? If you’d like to learn about this missing piece to your planning routine that will take you from great to stellar – then check out my upcoming workshop (Register with button below⬇️​).

It will include more about this information and the other pieces of the Stellar Year Blueprint that will Supercharge Your 2022 and bring you more ease and grace.

Blessed Be, Wise Ones💫​




