Early morning at 3:20am on November 22, 2022 the Sun☀️​ enters the bright light of the Fall Shadow Season Sagittarius♐️​ The Centaur. With this shift comes a fiery wave of hope, inspiration and the light that will lead us into the darkest night of the year.


The Sun enters horizon-widening Sagittarius♐️​ for a month, celebrates the distinctions that give each of us our unique personalities. "Anywhere but home" usually seems like the best option, and this week, with Mercury and Venus mingling and jingling in Sagittarius♐️​, invitations may be forthcoming from far-off acquaintances and long lost friends too.


Also the only New Moon🌑​ of the Year in Sagittarius♐️​ happens the next day reminding us to stretch our concept of reality. Better still?  Expansive Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius♐️​, awakens from a four-month retrograde shortly after the exact New Moon. That gives you two good reasons to switch to a wide-angle lens right away!


We have a chance over the next 30 days to really embody “The Explorer” archetype as we get oriented with the updates and timeline shifts from the 2 recent eclipses in Scorpio Season. That can really help us to start the process of closing out the year with flying colors!


Read more to learn what the season has in store for you!

Sagittarius Season ♐️​ Stellar Planning  Focus

Sagittarius​​​​ Season♐️ Astro Weather includes:

Sun☀️ Enters Sagittarius♐️​ – November 22

New Moon🌑 in Sagittarius♐️ – November 23

Mars♊️ Trine Saturn♒️​  – November 28

Mercury♐️ Opposite Mars – November 29

🌓First Quarter Moon in Pisces♓️ – November 30

Venus♐️​ opposite Mars♊️​ - December 1

Mercury​♐️ square Neptune♓️​ - December 1

Venus♐️​ square Neptune♓️ - December 4

Mercury♐️​  square Jupiter♓️ - December 6

Mercury enters Capricorn♑️​ - December 6

Sun☀️​♐️​  opposite Mars♊️ - December 7

Full Moon🌕​ in Gemini♊️ - December 7

Venus♐️​  square Jupiter♓️ - December 9

Venus enters Capricorn♑️​ - December 9

Sun♐️​  square Neptune♓️ - December 14

Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow begins - December 14

Last Quarter Moon in Virgo♍️​ - December 16

Mercury♑️​  trine Uranus♉️​ - December 17

Jupiter enters Aries♈️​ - December 20

Sagittarius♐️​ season will account for a 30-day period where we focus on the Fire🔥​ Action/Spirited energy that serves as our internal ignition and helps us have a little get up and go.

We are now in a Masculine/Yang energy cycle that takes us out of our internal focus and into creating and doing in the physical realm. As the oldest of the three Fire🔥​ Signs and ruled by expansive Jupiter, we get the urge to travel far and wide and/or expand our world view.


Sagittarius♐️​ is a Mutable/Maven sign that serves as the bridge between 2 seasons Fall and Winter. This again references the signs dual nature and it is typical to see this expressed in a wanderlust that allows them to go wherever the flow is taking them. When thinking about 9th house issues its all about philosophy, higher learning, spirituality and travel that considers the entire globe its playground.


Applied to Stellar Planning, now is a time to use the heat and light of this powerful Fire🔥 sign to find our way in the dimming daylight.

The best way to do that is to be open and to explore all that catches your fancy.

Trying international cuisine, taking a long-distance trip, returning to spiritual studies or picking up a foreign language would all fit the bill.


The Sun will be creating a dynamic square with Mars retrograding in Gemini♊️​, so expect to feel a kind of push and pull between the Ego (Sun) and your inner drive/energy (Mars). But just knowing this can help you to better anticipate and work with the energy.


We will also need to make great use of Jupiter’s retrograde in Pisces♓️​ that will give us a doubly expansive focus in the elements of fire and water for the next 30 days. Luck will be quite high now, especially in the areas of you chart ruled by Sagittarius and Pisces, in addition to where Jupiter is placed in your birth chart.


This is our third and final elemental cycle in the Zodiac, returning to Fire’s initiatory energy to push us through from Fall to Winter. Scorpio’s♏️​ powerful emotions and water💦 will now be tempered by the violet flames 🔥​of Sagittarius♐️ righteous arrows. Good thing we’ve got our explorer gear on so that we can make sense of all the change that has taken place and chart a new course.  

During this time we all need to ask ourselves what do we need to explore or give ourself permission to do so for our highest good in the next 30 days?

Sagittarius♐️​ Season Body Wisdom

Sagittarius♐️​​ rules the hips & thighs – which makes total sense when your Zodiac totem is half-human and half-horse. These areas of our body stabilize us and hold us up – they are also parts that come in a pair (as do the parts of all mutable signs). The saying  “Shooting straight from the hip” had to be made for a Sag!


This mash up of 2 worlds also explains why Sag’s are always ready to go travel and be in a space where their bodies and/or minds are free. Blessed by Jupiter’s luck they create expansion and are known as The Explorer archetype.


It’s where we desire to explore and expand our minds, hearts and vistas to see and be more. Where our life philosophy becomes the guiding force and we get blessed with a little luck. Because Sag is a mutable sign it both ends and starts a season making one of its best traits open-mindedness and flexibility.


This makes the body wisdom focus more mind-body because Sag natives need to have both a free mind and body to maintain optimal wellness. We can both open our minds and our bodies to change, growth and expansion. Opening up to dual influence reminds us that seeking the world outside our home or our innate beliefs can really change our experience.

Elevated thinking and actions can help make our big planet that much smaller - especially when you add in natural optimism. Let’s use hope to help us explore new territory over the next 30 days. It is highly recommended to even become an explorer in your current environment and body as the Eclipse timeline shift has left much to be uncovered!

☀️Sagittarius The Archer♐️​

⭐️​​9th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🔥​​​​​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable/Maven

⭐️Motto: I SEE

⭐️​Archetype: The Explorer


Traits of Sagittarius♐️​​

If there was a most likely to succeed Zodiac sign, it would likely be Leo♌️​. 

On the other hand, if there was a most likely to put his foot in his mouth, that would be Sagittarius♐️​.

They don’t mean to, of course.  They does mean well.  Sagittarius is the Archer♐️​, and every now and then, one of those arrows is totally off target.  They are creatures of the extreme either that arrow will hit perfectly, dead center, or it will rebound off the target directly back into the archer’s face.


Sagittarius♐️​ thinks big.  He doesn’t have time or patience for details, and that’s where his weakness lies because such things as social graces and tact can fall into those little details sections.  Likewise, a job that demands attention to detail, like assembly line work, would leave an Archer breaking his bow in impatience and frustration.  Deep down, Sagittarius♐️​ is the most insecure of all the signs.


The Archers are messy and scruffy, the “devil may care” personality of the Zodiac.  Ironing shirts and combing hair can easily become one of those little details, too.  Don’t expect a neat and orderly house when there’s a Sagittarius♐️​ living there.


Like the Centaur that the constellation Sagittarius♐️​ represents, Archers love to travel.  Even better is traveling in something as rough and ragged as they are, four-wheel drive and covered in mud.

Archers do well in entertainment.  They want to be liked, due to that deep insecurity, and they want an audience, because of their high level of pride.

Sagittarius♐️​ generally leans one of two ways.  One, they are intellectual, thinking big, well read, opinionated, and willing to debate for hours on end though often having a problem admitting when they’re wrong. 

Or two, they thrive on athletic competition.  If you want to spot the Sagittarius♐️​ in the backyard football game, look for the muddiest member of the winning team.

The Timeline Shift…Post Eclipse Integration

Fall eclipse season provided us with great beginnings and great endings period now we need time to integrate all that we have learned for our highest good. This is what I mean when I say that there has been a timeline shift. Because what we have known prior to the eclipses is not the same anymore.


That means that we must be willing to explore so that we can reorient and get back on the track we truly desire.

  • Do you and your family have the kind of relationship you want?

  • Do you have the desired work-life balance?

  • Do you and your significant other have a good relationship?

  • Are you single and seeking a partner?

  • Would you like to give yourself more time? Do you yearn for more excitement?

Sincerely, consider what you have, what you want to maintain, and what is in your life only out of habit rather than because it makes you happy.

The day the Sun☀️​ moves into Sagittarius♐️​ is also the day the Moon🌑​ is at its darkest before the New Moon (Dark of The Moon phase).

This is the ideal time to kick off this integration process and begin letting go of old self-perceptions, tales of former relationships that keep you mired in the past, behavioral patterns, self-talk, and choices or decisions that, while perfectly acceptable for who you were, no longer serve who you are or who you want to become.


Blessed Be ⚡️​ ⚡️​


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