At 9:02 AM ET, the Sun bursts into enterprising, wisdom-seeking Sagittarius ♐️. Followed by and fiery Mars on Friday, respectively, beginning your period to brainstorm your most inspired 2024 dreams and intentions.


The burst of confidence and do-anything energy from this double fire in the sky impacts every aspect of your life. Especially as they join up with Mercury already telling expansive and epic stories in the sign of Sagittarius ♐️.


You'll suddenly have the motivation to pursue your goals, whether they involve independent business ventures or bucket list travel destinations. Plus the insight about how to integrate the new timeline changes should be breaking through with great mental clarity - even though is Thanksgiving this week.


From Saturn's entry into Pisces to Pluto's pivot between Capricorn and Aquarius, as well as Venus and Mercury's summer retrogrades and October's eclipse season, the year has been one of constant change. (Are you done yet?)


November is integration month, when we ground ourselves in the midst of the intensity. to make room for everything that has transpired since the planet went into chaos last month. So continue reading the rest of this blog and watch the video to gain the information you need to apply the astrology for a Stellar Sagittarius Season!

Welcome to Sagittarius Season♐️​​​​ 2023

As we embrace Sagittarius Season 2023 , the cosmos ushers in a period of expansive energy and optimistic fervor. Commencing on November 22, as the sun takes its position in the spirited realm of Sagittarius, a sense of adventure and exploration permeates the atmosphere. This celestial shift brings with it the promise of personal growth and a renewed zest for life.


The cosmic alignment during this season encourages us to set our sights on the horizon, fostering a spirit of open-mindedness and a willingness to embrace new opportunities. It's a time when the universe invites us to break free from limitations, both self-imposed and external, and to chart a course towards our most authentic and daring aspirations.


Throughout Sagittarius Season, there is a sense of abundance and good fortune permeates the cosmic atmosphere. This planetary dance encourages us to expand our horizons, take calculated risks, and trust in the inherent wisdom of our journey.


The conjunction of Mercury and Mars in Sagittarius infuses our communication and actions with a fiery vigor, propelling us to express our ideas with enthusiasm and to pursue our goals with unwavering determination. It's a time to harness the bold and adventurous spirit of Sagittarius to propel ourselves forward, both intellectually and experientially.


The Full Moon in Gemini♊️​ on November 27, has the ability to facilitate closure through dialogue. Just be cautious that the resolution might feel a little different or less satisfying than you had anticipated because elusive Neptune is starting to slow down its roll ahead of stationing direct.


On December 6, imaginative Neptune, the planet of illusions and dreams, will station direct, providing a small respite for us. We could become more at ease in the world of fiction and reclaim the optimism and hope that had been temporarily taken away. Just resist the urge to get carried away by grandiose ideas—which can be difficult during the upbeat Sagittarius season—and cling to the reality checks you received when Neptune was retrograde.


On December 13, Mercury enters retrograde in Capricorn. When it comes to expressing yourself, be prepared for some hiccups and be alert for unforeseen schedule adjustments. Even though you may feel pulled in multiple directions, it's crucial to keep in mind that there are always multiple paths leading to success.


Amidst these celestial occurrences, it's essential to stay attuned to the cosmic energies and be open to the possibilities they present. Sagittarius Season in 2023 unfolds as a dynamic and expansive period, calling on us to embrace the adventurous spirit of the archer and to navigate the journey ahead with courage and an open heart.

Want to Know More About The Sagittarius Sign♐️​?

Sagittarius is probably the most humanitarian sign in the entire Zodiac. Sagittarians are truly people-oriented. Their optimism allows them to handle even the toughest hardships and failure; they simply pick themselves up, brush off the dust, and move on in greater pursuits. As a general rule, they are happy, loyal, and just. They enjoy experiencing new things, people, and places, and are always in search of adventure and novelty.


Despite being so interested in people, those born under the Sagittarius sign are often met with hostility by others. Sagittarians are instinctive and make quick judgments regarding people and situations. They always believe they are right and are willing to argue their point if challenged. Instead of learning from their experiences, Sagittarians continuously feel misunderstood.


Since they are so helpful and courageous, many people take advantage of Sagittarians and make them do their work. However, Sagittarians do not often receive recognition for the hard work they do in terms of money, fame, or accolades. This is one of the main reasons why many Sagittarians are left with bitter memories and experience many disappointments in life.


On the positive side, they are flirtatious people who make friends easily and can be very charming. Since Sagittarius is a fire sign, people belonging to it get along very well with the fellow fire signs of Aries and Leo. Sagittarians sometimes follow traditions so rigidly that they forget to differentiate between their beliefs and the ritual associated with them. This can make them appear rigid and fanatical.


One thing’s for sure; Sagittarians are very helpful and are always ready to be of assistance. They don’t keep track of how much time they have invested, how much money they have spent, or how much hard work they’ve done. Their only concern is that the other person is happy.

Sagittarius Season♐️​​​​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ but this will occur at the final 2-3 days of the end of the season versus 2 days of the start of the season due to the double Aries New Moons in 2023. The Full Moon🌕​ in the sign opposite of the Sun Sign will now occur 14 days before the New Moon the opposite sign activating the balancing energy for the rest of the Lunar Year.

Sun☀️♏️ enters Sagittarius♐️​​​​​ - November 22

Sun☀️♏️ square Saturn♑️​​​ ​ - November 23

Mars enters Sagittarius♐️​ - November 24

Mars♐️​ trines Saturn♓️​  ​​ - November 25

Beaver’s Full Moon🌕​ in Gemini♊️​ - November 27

Mercury squares Neptune♓️​ - November 27

Mercury enters Capricorn​♑️​​ - December 1

Mercury Retrograde Pre-Shadow begins - December 1

Mercury♑️ square Saturn♓️​ - December 2

Venus♎️​​ square Pluto♑️​ - December 3

Venus enters Scorpio♏️​​ - December 4

Last Quarter Moon🌗 in Virgo♍️​ - December 5

Venus♏️ trines Saturn​♓️  - December 5

Neptune Direct in Pisces♓️ - December 6

Mercury♑️​  trine Jupiter♉️​ - December 7

Venus♏️ opposes Jupiter♉️ - December 9

Mercury♑️ sextile Venus♏️ - December 11

New Moon🌑​ in Sagittarius♐️​ -​ December 12

Mercury Retrograde begins♑️​  - December 13

Sun♐️​  square Neptune♓️ - December 16

Mercury♑️ trines Jupiter♉️ - December 18

First Quarter Moon🌓 in Pisces♓️​ - December 19

Sagittarius Season♐️​​​​​ ​​Stellar Planning Focus

The 30-day Sagittarius season is dedicated to focusing on the Fire🔥 Action/Spirited energy, which acts as our internal spark and gives us a little boost of energy. Now that we are in a Masculine/Yang energy cycle, we are focusing on creating and acting in the physical world instead of inside ourselves. Being the oldest Fire Sign and having Jupiter as our benevolent ruler, we have a strong desire to travel far and wide and/or broaden our horizons.

The Mutable/Maven sign of Sagittarius connects the two seasons of Fall and Winter. This alludes once more to the signs dual nature, which is usually manifested as a restlessness that permits them to go wherever their spirit leads them. When considering 9th house issues, the world is your playground when it comes to philosophy, higher education, spirituality, and travel.


Applied to Stellar Planning, now is a time to use the heat and light of this powerful Fire sign to find our way in the dimming daylight. The best way to do that is to be open and to explore all that catches your fancy. Trying international cuisine, taking a long-distance trip, returning to spiritual studies or picking up a foreign language would all fit the bill.


This year Sagittarius Season will include yet another Mars and Sun joining in the same sign, when the planet of energy moves into Sagittarius on November 24th. Starting on December 1st we will have moved into the pre-shadow period of the final Mercury Retrograde of 2023 in the sign of Capricorn ♑️. Then Venus’ transit into Scorpio ♏️  on December 4th after this summer’s retrograde in the fellow fixed sign of Leo, bringing back intensity of love like no other. But just knowing this can help you to better anticipate and work with the energy.


During this season of wanderlust, exploration and expansion we will have the time and information to really put to the test our eclipse timeline shifts the Fire🔥​ initiatory energy to push us through from Fall to Winter.  Righteous arrows from Sagittarius will temper Scorpio's strong emotions and water 💦 with violet flames 🔥. It's a good thing we have our explorer gear on so we can navigate the changes and figure out where to go from here. 


In the next thirty days, each of us should ask ourselves what it is that we need to learn or allow ourselves to learn for the greater good?

☀️Sagittarius The Archer♐️​

⭐️​​9th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🔥​​​​​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable/Maven

⭐️Motto: I SEE

⭐️​Archetype: The Explorer



The Chronology Change...After Eclipse Timeline Incorporation

We had wonderful beginnings and endings during the fall eclipse season, but now is the time to put everything we've learned to use for our ultimate benefit. When I refer to a shift in the timeline, this is what I mean. Because of this, our knowledge from before the eclipses has changed.


This implies that in order to reorient and get back on the path we really want, we must be open to exploring. Are you and your family in a relationship that fulfills your desires? Has your work-life balance reached its ideal point? Is the relationship between you and your significant other positive? Are you looking for a partner and are single? Would you like to extend the time you give yourself? Do you long for greater thrills?


Sincerely, think about what you have, what you want to keep, and what you only have in your life because it's habitual rather than because it brings you joy.


This is the ideal time to kick off this integration process and begin letting go of old self-perceptions, tales of former relationships that keep you mired in the past, behavioral patterns, self-talk, and choices or decisions that, while perfectly acceptable for who you were, no longer serve who you are or who you want to become.


Now is the perfect time to start this integration process and start letting go of outdated beliefs about who you are, stories about past relationships that drag you down, patterns of behavior, negative self-talk, and decisions that, although they were perfectly fine for the person you were, no longer fit who you are or who you want to be.


May this Sun’s transition into ring of fire that is expansive Sagittarius Season♐️​ offer you wide open spaces, knowledege beyond belief and a pathway forward in the post eclipse end of the year. So that you can expand your mind and horizons over the next 30 days as the desire for more propels us forward.


Blessed Be

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