October 31st is the midpoint between the Autumn Equinox & Winter Solstice, similar to how May 1st straddles the Spring Equinox & Summer Solstice. This halfway points occur in mid spring and fall in the opposing signs of Scorpio♏ and Taurus♉. They bring the celebrations of Samhain (the darker half) and Beltane (the lighter half) into focus on the Wheel of the Year.

As the days are growing colder and shorter, we see that our harvest has come to an end and the fields are going fallow. It’s a time to embrace the death portion of the life cycle while we await rebirth in Spring.

This time is also known as the Celtic New Year, because the holiday of Samhain has been blended with All Souls Day and All Saints Day to really represent the full life cycle. In Latin American countries its known as Dia De Los Muertos where the community engages in the honoring of ancestors and crossed over loved ones. It blends the symbology of All Souls Day and native beliefs of the Central American indigenous peoples.

The Samhain & Halloween Connections

It’s important to note that even though Samhain and Halloween coincide their different holidays that have blended over the years. Samhain festival celebrates the dead due to what is known as the “thinning of the veil” between two worlds that allows for easier.

Samhain is a “cross-quarter” holidays on the Wheel of The Year.

These cross-quarter holidays fall between the Solstices and Equinoxes. In Astrology, the Solstices and Equinoxes mark the major points of the Sun beginning a season each year. These Cardinal/Influencer signs represent the start of a season and initiating energy every quarter: Aries at Spring, Cancer at Summer, Libra at Autumn and Capricorn at Winter.

The cross-quarter periods mark the 15th degree of the all the Fixed/Authority signs, with Samhain in the sign of Scorpio, the sign that corresponds to death and rebirth. This means all cross-quarter periods happen mid-season and have a bridging effect between the transition of energies.

Samhain can be celebrated on October 31st, which is the observance of Halloween, but it’s also proper to celebrate on November 6th which is when the Sun hits the 15th degree. All the holidays on the Wheel of the Year, called sabbats, can be celebrated over several days. Cross-quarter sabbats in particular have longer influence periods, and that is especially true for Samhain.

That means if you decide to do any manifestational, magical or root work on Samhain the magical energies will continue to rise until November 6 and get an assist from our crossed over loved ones.

How to Celebrate Samhain

Trick-or-treating started by people in towns going door to door with songs that honored those who’ve crossed over. When singing these people would often wear costumes to scare away any evil. Today its now morphed into our tradition of wearing costumes and going door-to-door getting sweet treats from neighbors. And instead of scaring evil away we dress up like scary or fantasy creatures during this between time in the “Wheel of The Year”.

If you’re not that into trick or treating and costumes, there are many other ways to honor this powerful day. Rituals to cleanse and protect your home are a great idea during Samhain. Hopefully this is something that you do on a regular basis, but there’s no time like the present.

When clearing your home or body energetically it is important to add an absorbing or positively infused stone or totem to clear any lingering vibes. This can also be accomplished by burning some Palo Santo or Lavender to smudge your space.

Samhain happens in Scorpio (Transformation) Season, so it’s important to take steps to release, let go and evolve. Be that old clothing or objects no longer needed we want to create physical and energetic space for changes to occur. It’s in this vacuum that we activate universal laws and attract!

November Astro Weather & Lunar Wisdom


🍁November Lunar Wisdom 🦂

Transformation • Values • Expansion

🌑November 4 - New Moon in Scorpio♏️

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams

🌓November 11 - First Quarter in Aquarius♒️

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit

🌕November 19 - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus♉️

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment 

🌗November 27 -  Third Quarter in Virgo♍️

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care during the rest of Scorpio♏️ Season and the Start of Fall Eclipse Season 2021. 

♏️♐️​ ​November Astro Weather ​

⭐️November 4 -  New Moon🌑​ in Scorpio♏️​

⭐️November 5 - Mercury moves into Scorpio♏️​ 

⭐️November 5 - Venus moves into Capricorn♑️​ 

⭐️November 19 - Full Moon 🌕Lunar Eclipse in Taurus♉️

⭐️November 21 -  Sun☀️ Moves Into Sagittarius♐️ 

⭐️November 24 -  Mercury Moves Into Sagittarius♐️ 

⭐️November 28 - Mercury Conjucts Sun in Sagittarius♐️ stations direct ♎️​

So go out and trick or treat, light a candle for your crossed over loved ones and set your mid- season Intentions.

Blessed Samhain, Wise Ones🎃

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