At 6:35 am on October 23, Scorpio♏️ Season begins, ushering us firmly into the shadowy darkness of the Underworld. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing - its more of a duality thing!
Powerful 8th House Energy⚡️
All things that live in the light were born from darkness
At the same time, Saturn will begin its post-shadow and direct motion after being retrograde in Aquarius♒️ since June 4th, 2022.
On October 25, just two days later, eclipse season starts, forcing all of us to embark on fresh paths with the New Moon Solar Eclipse also in Scorpio♏️.
After that, on October 28, the fortunate Jupiter enters Pisces♓️ for two months enhancing our luck and imagination.
While Mars goes retrograde in Gemini♊️ on October 30, which may disturb the balance of our relationships, as other planets start their forward motion.
We really need to get comfortable with feeling our way through things, because that is what you do when you must make your way through the dark. You use your sense of touch and the feeling of presence to orient yourself and move ahead.
That will be your saving grace for the next 30 days of 8th House Scorpio♏️ energy. During this time of year most of the world religions have an event dedicated to ancestor veneration or interactions with the Saints.
Whether that be Dia de Los Muertos, Samhain or All Saints Day, when the veil is thin we also have the ability to make contact with those on the other side.
This is why we will all be activating our “inner Magician” during the next month. The potent energy of Scorpio season really encourages us to embrace the changes that will come from the shadows to support our evolution - willingly or not.
And with Pluto the modern-day ruler of Scorpio just coming out of retrograde, two eclipses on the way, and Mars heading into retrograde in just a few days - expect nothing less than a transformation of massive proportions!
Read more to learn what the season has in store for you!
Scorpio Season♏️ Stellar Planning Focus
Scorpio♏️ Season Astro Weather includes:
Venus Enters Scorpio♏️ - October 23
Sun Enters Scorpio♏️ - October 23
New Moon🌑 Solar Eclipse in Scorpio♏️ - October 25
Mercury♎️ Trine Mars♊️ - October 26
Jupiter Enters Pisces♓️ - October 28
Mercury Enters Scorpio♏️ - October 29
Mars Retrograde in Gemini♊️ - October 30
Samhain/All Saint’s Day/Halloween - October 31
🌓 First Quarter Moon in Aquarius♒️ - November 1
Venus♏️ Opposite Uranus♉️ - November 5
Venus Square Saturn – November 7
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus♉️ – November 8
Sun Conjunct Mercury – November 8
Mercury Opposite Uranus♉️ – November 8
Sun Opposite Uranus♉️ – November 9
Mercury♏️ Square Saturn♒️ – November 10
Venus♏️ Trine Neptune♓️ – November 10
Sun♏️ Square Saturn♒️ – November 11
Mercury♏️ Trine Neptune♓️ – November 12
Sun♏️ Trine Neptune – November 14
Venus♏️ Trine Jupiter♓️ – November 15
🌗Last Quarter Moon in Leo♌️ - November 16
Venus Enters Sagittarius♐️ – November 16
Mercury♏️ Trine Jupiter♓️ – November 16
Mercury Enters Sagittarius♐️ – November 17
Mars♊️ Square Neptune♓️ – November 19
Sun♐️ Trine Jupiter – November 20
Mercury♐️ Conjunct Venus♐️ – November 21
Sun Enters Sagittarius♐️ – November 22
New Moon🌑 in Sagittarius♐️ – November 23
Mars♊️ Trine Saturn♒️ – November 28
Mercury♐️ Opposite Mars – November 29
🌓First Quarter Moon in Pisces♓️ – November 30
Scorpio season will account for a 30-day period where we focus on the Water💦 Emotional/Spiritual energy that pierces the veil to the Underworld and realms of the ancestors, the shadows and the Dark Feminine. Scorpio is the sign that anchors the Fall season and is known as one of the four energies that hold up the corners of the earth.
Modern Witch Tarot Deck
The World card in tarot is a perfect example of what I mean when I say Fixed/Authority energy.
This card literally depicts all of the Fixed signs of the Zodiac holding up the diagonal corners of The World in the image.
The energetic signature of the Fixed/Authority essence is to put roots, anchor and stabilize.
When we look at the Wheel of the Year, all of the Cross Sabbath holidays occur during the time of the Fixed signs in every season of the Zodiac year:
Image: Cassie Uhl
Aquarius♒️, The Maverick – Winter❄️ - Imbolc/Candlemas - Feb. 1-2
Taurus♉️, The Builder - Spring🌱 - Beltane - April 30-May 1
Leo♌️, The King/Queen – Summer☀️ - Lammas/Lughnasadh - July 31- Aug. 1
Scorpio♏️, The Magician - Fall🍁 - Samhain - Oct. 31 - Nov. 1
These are the Zodiac forces that keep us tethered and represent the heart of each season.
Entering the time of Scorpio means that our next adult journey after forming relationships and partnerships has to do with sex, birth, death and dealing with other people's money.
The Zodiac has a beautiful predictable system of balance that moves our energy into the next stage of evolution effortlessly. Scorpio energy it's also about dealing with power, secrets and the unseen. It's a time for us to learn how to appreciate the dark side of life for the contrast that it brings. For without the darkness we would not know light🕯.
When applied to Stellar Planning we can immediately know that now is a time to transform our lives through working behind the scenes and letting go.
Aspects of the cycle of life including sex and death have a tendency to come up during these 30 days. So it is a good time to schedule looking into estate planning, inheritance, living will and power of attorney oh and taxes too. Death and taxes are both Scorpio ruled areas of life.
But it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom! There can be room for joy as we move through the powerful eclipse season at the same time. The key to doing this is remaining open and flexible to the unpredictable and overwhelming changes that will be instituted in the next 30 days to six months.
On October 30th Mars the traditional ruler of Scorpio will begin a retrograde journey in the sign of Gemini. this we'll do a little to tone down the famous Scorpio intensity because the planet will be moving backwards. But that means that much of our passion and energy (Mars) which will be channeled through our thinking and communication (Gemini) will be directed internally. So, watch what you say to yourself!
Scorpio energy is about learning to deal with life extremes, transform and use power for the highest good of all concerned. Power is a wonderful and corruptible thing in the hands of those who do not prepare themselves not only for the highs of life but grace under fire!
As a Scorpio Sun, with four planets in Scorpio, and a Scorpio Sun business - I've accepted my calling to do shadow work with others to help them transform!
We are finishing out the second elemental cycle in the Zodiac by taking our gained knowledge and balance from Libra’s (air💨) and descending into the darkness and shadows to learn the power of emotions and the spirit world (water💦). To do this we must let go and allow ourselves to be transformed into something much more. We need to accept that sometimes you can’t be balanced you must be passionate & intense
During this time we all need to ask ourselves what shadow work will we do for our highest good in the next 30 days?
Scorpio Season♏️ Body Wisdom
Scorpio♏️ rules the genitals & reproductive system and the rectum – the parts of the body we like to keep secret and that produce our magical power to bring life into existence. Scorpions are known to be great lovers, but they also need to guard for illness and injury related to how they express their deeply sexual or asexual nature.
Scorpions are deep and dark like the depts of the ocean, which is why they benefit from spending time around water, where their secrets can be released without consequence or breaking of vows. The sign has a connection with the colors of red and black and the root and sacral chakras which hold our life-giving energy and force.
Libra Season Body Wisdom had us creating balance in our relationships, going inward for the peak of Retrograde Season and tending to our energy levels and detoxification through our kidneys and adrenals(organs that come in pairs).
Now we need to focus on elimination, releasing and letting go as the “Wheel Of The Year” turns to the time of the Underworld – Scorpionic energy.
Pleasure, power and pain are all things that are associated with the Scorpio axis and now is a time to explore your relationship to them for your health. Repression and denial of the darker, shadowy or sexual things in life will NOT win you points with your body now. This will trap potent energy in your 1st and 2nd chakras that can result in lower back pain as well as sexual and elimination dysfunctions and illnesses.
Contrary to popular belief the dark and shadows are not bad, they just represent contrasting or opposing energy. Let’s make an inner pact to go into those secret and forbidden places during the next 30 days is to repeat the mantra “I embrace the secret lessons of the shadow to transform to my highest good”.
We can all really use work around re-wiring our associations with all things dark and shadow as negative or bad. It’s such a limiting belief when it comes to our expansion.
☀️Scorpio The Scorpion♏️
⭐️8th House Ruler
⭐️Element: 💦
⭐️Essence: Fixed/Authority
⭐️Motto: I DESIRE
⭐️Archetype: The Magician
Traits of Scorpio♏️
Scorpio is one of the most complex of all the signs. Scorpio has been known as the Magician, the Alchemist and the Investigator, as well as the Eagle and the Phoenix being associated with this sign.
Scorpios are driven to learn about people and have an innate ability to see what others can't. They are intuitive, passionate, and exciting. They hate shallow relationships or being taken advantage of, and they are persistent, determined, and focused.
Scorpio has ego. They know themself, so insults do not phase them. Outwardly, they’re calm, focused, serene, but inside, they’re boiling. It's very difficult to read a Scorpio's mood by the look on their face, because they have a natural ability to keep their reactions small. They have ambition, but it's impossible to tell their goals because they won't be obvious.
With the ambition, they have the focus and drive to accomplish anything they want, and when they succeed, it will seem like it was natural, meant to be, rather than by their will. This is why more US Presidents have been Scorpio than any other sign – this sign is the center of the Axis of Power!
Don't ask a Scorpion for advice unless you really want it. You won't get false compliments or empty reassurances; you'll get the cold hard truth. Scorpio is intensely loyal, and never forgets a favor.
On the other hand, they never forget being wronged, either. Hurting a Scorpio is like planting the seeds for your own destruction, because they won't be satisfied with simply evening the score--they'll have to outdo the offender.
This is the weakness of the Scorpio--jealousy, resentment, vindictiveness, and obsessiveness are very easy to fall victim to. Scorpio has always been associated with dark things, which is only natural considering their rule by the modern planet dark, distant Pluto and the traditional fiery, planet of war Mars.
This is because of the need for someone to show us what is hidden in dark corners of the world and the soul, and Scorpio is the one to do that!
Entering the Fall 2022 Eclipse Portal
The start of Scorpio Season is also the beginning of Eclipse Season, with the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio happening on October 25, 2022. This is the first of the last 2 eclipses along the Scorpio/Taurus axis of the Lunar Nodes. The coordinating Total Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus will happen November 08, 2022.
Eclipses historically have been kingmakers and world event predictors, so this is a potent time for big world changes. Since we are starting with Scorpio expect secrets to be revealed and the shadows and darkness to recede for those who need to be exposed for the good of us ALL!
Purging unprocessed sadness and emotions will be necessary to make room for a new beginning because the Solar eclipse is occurring on the Lunar South Node, which stands for our karmic past. The beginning of an inner journey marked by emotional ferocity, tenacity, and rawness is signaled by this New Moon Solar Eclipse.
During this journey, we may find ourselves attempting to ascertain the most profound, unconscious, and hidden intentions, motivations, and desires guiding others and ourselves. Particularly in our closest relationships, intimacy, trust, and vulnerability issues are likely to be uncovered.
Eclipse Basics
Solar eclipses are times for new beginnings, while lunar eclipses are times of endings and culminations, so if you ended something this summer for the Scorpio lunar eclipse, you may see a new beginning now that involves it. This can also be a time to initiate or start things that help you progress and move forward after the clearing energy from the recent Lunar Eclipse.
Either way we all need to prepare for great revelations as well as Beginnings (Solar Eclipse) and Endings (Lunar Eclipse) in this energetic portal between the 2 eclipses and the 6 months that follow. Make sure to tap into your inner Scorpio & Taurus powers, in the houses/areas they rule in the chart, so that you can swim through the dark and shadows for the next 30 days and land on solid ground. ✨
8th House Blessings Wise Ones✨
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