Sun🌞​ & Moon🌜​Power: The Plot & Setting of Your Life Story - The BIG 3 In Astrology Series Part 2

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As an astrologer I love to ask people why they read their horoscope? Whether you’re old school reading them in the newspaper or magazine column, or do it online or using one of the apps like Pattern or CoStar, each day millions of people read their daily horoscope. Some are searching for answers to their problems, looking for any inkling of relief that might present itself.

Some are reading just for entertainment, trying to fill some time. Then there are those who read it simply out of habit they’ve always read it, so they keep reading it, whether it makes a difference in their lives or not.

The horoscope you read in public newspapers or on a website is written in very general terms and can be easily applied to a wide spectrum of situations. This type of horoscope isn’t as useful to you as it could be. And it accounts for so many people telling me that they don’t believe in Astrology because it isn’t specific or accurate enough.

This is why I recommend that everyone get a copy of their birth chart, so we have all the players in the story of your life. A story needs the plot, the setting and the characters. A birth chart or natal chart, tells the real story of your natural personality.

This chart graphs the position of the planets and astrological houses present in the sky at the very time of your birth. This is what we look at to discover your own Big 3 In Astrology and what guidance it can give you.

The characteristics assigned to the planets and astrological houses this chart can reveal your motivations, desires, positives, negatives, an just why you are the way you are. It’s like unlocking the code to access your personalized life instruction manual, that has always been with you.

The three most important things to review about your birth chart are the sun sign, the moon sign and the ascendant.

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  • Your Sun Sign🌞​ reveals your inner-self the core of who you are, and how you see yourself. This is the most general aspects of your personality.

  • Your Moon Sign🌜​indicates emotional and intuitive responses - the way you deal with certain situations.

  • The Rising/Ascendant Sign⬆️​ can be thought of as your outward personality - the part of you that you project to others, or that others observe about you.

In this post we are going to talk about the two factors of The Big 3 that you can figure out, even if you don’t know your time of birth. It’s your Sun & Moon Signs.

Your Story's Plot: The Sun Sign

The Sun Sign is what we all tend to think of when we think of our Zodiac Sign. It basically refers to the position of the Sun in the Zodiac during the time of your birth.

Since the Sun is considered to be the seat of power and the center of attraction (think of the nine planets and their respective satellites revolving around the sun), its position during birth determines similar qualities within us.

How dominant we are, how ambitious or successful we will be and what our core personality will be are all determined by the Sun’s position. Our ego, pride, self-importance, and arrogance are all dependent upon the placement of our sun sign.

All of these reasons are why I call the Sun Sign in any chart “the plot of the story”. It’s about how we shine in the world at large and the more we know about it, the more we know about how our life will unfold.

Sometimes, people are born between two sun signs, and this is known as a “cusp”. On these days people can sometimes belong to a totally different zodiac depending upon the time the Sun’s position moved that year.

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I’m born on the Cusp of two zodiacs - Libra♎️​ & Scorpio♏️​ (see in my chart below). Personally I identify strongly with my Scorpio♏️​essence, however most people experience me with my Libra♎️​ tendencies of bringing peace and seeing both sides of a scenario (good traits for a therapist and astrologer).

I have rectified many clients and friends charts who are born on the cusp as a professional astrologer. But like me, most people born under the cusp of two zodiacs bear personality traits of both signs.

Analysis of Sun Signs can often reveal a person’s true calling - which path he or she should choose professionally or personally. Your sense of style and aesthetics are also dependent on sun signs to a great extent.

However, a story’s plot is not all that is needed to complete the tale and it’s the same in astrology. In astrology we take the sun, moon, and nine planets in the solar system into account. So, we need to look next at the Moon Sign’s role in our personalized instruction manual.

Your Story'S Setting: The Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign is critical in determining your inner characteristics and emotional traits. The specific position of the moon every two days is something that you can keep track of with the help of my website or a moon app on your phone.

You can then use this information to chart the way in which you will go about your activities. When you are aware of your moon sign, it can help you a lot in figuring out what you should do with your life by informing you what environments you favor.


By knowing this, you will improve your quality of life and increase your chances of success, because it helps you be in the “right place at the right time.” This is why I wrote a whole book about using the moon to unlock your manifestation powers.

The moon changes its position in the sky every two days. When you were born, the moon was also in a specific Zodiac sign. This means that according to your date and time of birth, you will have your own unique moon sign.

The moon sign affects many traits within each person. You may have noticed that two people with similar sun signs can have very different personalities. The reason for this lies in the influence of the moon sign.

The Moon is what has the most influence on your inner being. It governs your inner self and dictates the path of your emotional life. In terms of the Story of Our Lives, it’s the setting where the plot takes place. It helps us to define our optimal environment and what will on an emotional level feel like home.

However, you need to be sure that there is a balance between the influences of the Sun and the Moon in your life. If the Moon overshadows the Sun, there is a chance that you could lose control over yourself due to being overly emotional.

Moon signs are very relevant in studying the way that your inner self operates. So, pay attention to the moon signs, but at the same time, do not neglect your sun signs. They are both equally responsible for determining your external and internal universe. Always strive to maintain a perfect equilibrium between the two.

"I'm an Orange Moon🌕​ - reflecting the Light of My Sun☀️​" - Erykah Badu

Astrology is a science with an aspect of art involved in interpretation. It is based in mathematics, geometry, and astronomy, and there’s nothing magical, mythical, bad or evil about those particular sciences. The stars are God’s creation and the precision, timing and consistency of planetary motion only remind me of the magnificence of spirit!

The entire universe is built upon the laws and principles of these sciences. The practice of astrology can most certainly aid in our “living more fully in the NOW”, but that’s only going to come from understanding your natural self, the “you” you were born to be or as it call it “Your Stellar Birthright”.

That birthright begins with understanding “The Big 3” or “Your Core Astro Signature”. This information is like Stellar GPS that give us clear directions on how to live our life’s purpose, tap into our gifts and make plans that use the current energies to our advantage. Isn’t it amazing to think that we actually come with a set of instructions?!

Through astrology, you can clearly see what you have already in your corner and what you need to work on to make your NOW happy, healthy, and productive. Could that be the magical part of astrology? After all, knowledge is power.

Forget the Future, Build the NOW!

In the final, Big 3 In Astrology series post we will uncover the most important factor of your Core Astro Signature, the Rising Sign or Ascendent and how it completes our story. If you want to get a FREE Copy of your Birth Chart just click here to get access to your own Big 3 instantly!

Blessed Be✨​


Leo♌️​: The King👑​


Intuition And ALL the Feels with the Cancer New Moon♋️​