At 6:08PM EST we will have the final moon of the 2022-23 Lunar Year of the Water Tiger. The January Moon the moon hit its full peak in Cancer♋️ giving us the last moon of the 2022 Lunar Year of The Water Tiger.
Cancer♋️ and Capricorn♑️ make up the 4th and 10th house axis governing Home & The Mother (4th House) and Career & The Father (10th House) dynamic. So we end the Lunar Year 2022-2023 with a nurturing tone (Cancer) calling us to release and forgive (Full Moon) especially to succeed in the outer world(Capricorn).
Additionally on Monday January 2, flirty Venus saunters into forward-thinking Aquarius, calm bonding takes the place of traditional romance. This freedom-loving cycle may motivate you to try novel arrangements and FWB scenarios. Single? Technology is ruled by Aquarius, giving the apps a high "clickthrough rate."
The 2023 Cancer Full Moon radiates warmth and compassion. You'll feel particularly connected to your emotions while being illuminated by these nourishing beams, so have the tissue box nearby in case you start crying.
Under the domestic sway of Cancer, family matters have equal priority. What is your first task of the year? Change your address totally, rearrange your living room, or buy new furnishings for your bedroom!
But there is also a great focus on balancing the masculine and feminine or the maternal and paternal energies – especially in the realms of our private(Cancer) and public(Capricorn) lives and selves.
Now if you’ve been following me for a while, you know I don’t recommend getting started with big new plans during retrogrades. So, if you do, make sure to build in lots of wiggle room for delays and miscalculations. Also triple check everything and, of course, have grace for yourself if it does not.
The rest of this blog and the video will give you the formula for emotionally ending 2022 and negotiating this Full Moon and the Mars and Mercury Retrograde that followed us into the new calendar year.
Cancer Full Moon🌕♋️ Lunar Wisdom Formula
Cancer Full Moon ♋️🌕 The Wolf Moon
Archetype: The Mother
4th House Lunation - Home & Ancestors
🌕13th & Final Full Moon of the 2022-2023 Water Tiger Lunar Year
🌕Focus on Home, Hearth & The Environment
🌕Pay Attention to your Dreams, Intuition & Gut Feelings
🌕Family Relationships & Ancestral Connections are Central
🌕Check in on some of the blocks or limits you have with family and ancestors to make a new start
🌕Deeply Penetrating Spiritual & Karmic Issues Will be Highlighted for Everyone
Applying the Lunar Wisdom Formula
This is the final Full Moon of the Water Tiger Lunar Year that began in 2022. We have 13 moons for a Lunar Year and as you can see the pattern of natural cycles does not align with our Solar Based Monthly Calendar. However it does align with the changes of the weather, light, environment and the Seasons (depending on your hemisphere).
We experience the final full moon of any lunar year somewhere between the Zodiac Seasons of Capricorn and Aquarius. And this event always follows the December Solstice as the shortest day and longest night of the year and the beginning of Winter.
Here in at the start of the dark, feminine and internal time of Winter we are given the chance to do one last release of any emotional energy built up in 2022.
Anyone who is a Cancer or Capricorn Sun, Moon or Rising will be impacted greatly by this lunation. This is a time where you can expect issues around family/career and both the mother and the father to come up for releasing.
Retreat from the world under this Full Moon. There is a shift that you must make, but first it's time for you to get vulnerable and honest. Process your feelings, and tune into your inner voice. Only from that centered space should you make decisions about the future, because who knows which path to take, and which changes to make.
In particular the next 2 weeks are best used for some radical self-care, nurturing and releasing. This will help us to discharge anything that isn’t needed to carry into the Lunar New Year. We can use the double water influence of the Cancer♋️ Full Moon to nourish the fertile earth that Capricorn♑️ season creates with its focus on structure, foundation, and success.
Below are some insights on how the Wolf Cancer Full Moon♋️🌕 will impact your Ascendant or Rising Sign for the most accuracy. If you don’t know your Rising Sign you can read for your Sun or Zodiac Sign.
🌟 ♈️Aries Rising: 4th house - Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, and your emotional foundation
🌟 ♉️Taurus Rising: 3rd house – Media, communication, siblings & extended family, short distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, speaking and the divine feminine
🌟 ♊️Gemini Rising: 2nd house - Money, possessions, personal property, how you earn, values and self-worth
🌟 ♋️Cancer Rising: 1st house - Self-awareness, the body, your identity, personal appearance, how you view yourself, and your character
🌟 ♌️Leo Rising: 12th House - The subconscious, hidden aspects, where and how you retreat, mental health, ways your self-sabotage, and spiritual liberation
🌟 ♍️Virgo Rising: 11th House - Friends, alliances, community, your hopes and dreams, social media, social reform, personal and professional networks, unions, philanthropy, and career & business gains, unions, mentors, and that which supports you
🌟 ♎️Libra Rising: 10th House - Your highest calling & purpose, reputation and public face, profession, ambition, authority and interaction with the father and patriarchy
🌟 ♏️Scorpio Rising: 9th House - Expansion, higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, and the divine masculine
work, sex, birth, death and transformation, and the occult
🌟 ♐️Sagittarius Rising: 8th House - Community property, inheritance, other people’s money, debt & taxes, depth & shadow
🌟 ♑️Capricorn Rising: 7th house – Business and romantic partnerships, long term relationships, contract negotiation and legal issues.
🌟 ♒️Aquarius Rising: 6th house – Body wisdom & physical health, work & service, personal development, the environment and our pets.
🌟 ♓️Pisces Rising: 5th house – Children, creativity, pleasure, romance, dating, sex, the arts, play and fun
The 12 Houses & Their Mottos
Working With The Moon Cycle 🌕🌑
The energy for the beginning of the calendar year is slowed down by Mars, Mercury, and Uranus going retrograde in the first week of January. Expecting to be enthusiastic and committed to your objectives and resolutions straight away is unrealistic.
That's not to say you can't get there with perseverance and some guidance, but it might be harder in the beginning. Don't feel forced to cling to something simply because it seemed like a good idea while the planets of action and rationality were on a brief holiday.
You might also discover that what you want your aims to be change before February.
January Lunar Wisdom ♑️♒️
Career/Public Image * The Father* Communities*Friendship*Technology
🌑December 23 - New Moon in Capricorn♑️
Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams
🌓December 29 - First Quarter in Aries♈️
Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit
🌕January 6 - Full Moon in Cancer♋️
Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment
🌗January 14 - Last Quarter in Libra♎️
Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?
Radical Release & Self-Care with Full & Dark Moon Phases🌕🌑
The New Moon and the Full Moon are the oppose each other in the lunar cycle, for The moon must first wax (get larger) and then wane (get smaller until no longer visible) between these 2 events.
In between these phases are the 2 midpoints which make up the 4 major points of a Lunar Cycle. The First Quarter Moon marks the midpoint of the waxing phase between the New and Full Moon. The Last Quarter Moon marks the midpoint during the waning phase as the moon goes from Full Moon to Dark Moon.
The things you've pushed into the shadows are brought into the light by the full moon. A wave of powerful emotions or even a sense of polarity and friction can overtake you.
Let yourself be seen and let them flow freely. It's time to reap the benefits of your previous sowing because the seeds you planted and nurtured are now blooming. Let go of your reservations, submit, and dance joyfully in the moonlight.
Once the waning phase begins you are probably likely to feel less energized. It’s when we begin to have difficulty keeping up with all the activity that we were just thriving in a few days ago.
Instead of getting angry with your body for not cooperating, consider it an invitation to slow down and go within. People forget that the body doesn't have words to communicate it uses emotions and sensations to get our attention.
This is why I recommend the waning phase is perfect for aligning your monthly self-care. Retreat, rest, and turn inward. Our energy will also decrease when the moon's does.
If you are always on the go, you might need to set aside some time for yourself so that you can stop and pay attention to your body. During this stage, consider pruning your thoughts to clear the way for clarity to emerge, just like gardeners do. Treat yourself or arrange some spa time as you get ready for a new cycle.
Because of this I will be hosting Eighth House Wisdom 2023-2024 Lunar Self-Care Challenge over the next 2 weeks. This will help you (and Me!) to close out this lunar year and to start the next one with clean and clear energy. I hope that you join me in this Radical Self-Care and Releasing for the Second New Year Celebration of 2023.
The self-care challenge is FREE and is a perfect way to work with the dimming moonlight and the Mars and Mercury Retrograde energies that are also present during until the 18th.
And if you want to get even further into the self-care spirit to celebrate the Lunar New Year on January 21st, 2023, then check out my Astrology Tool for Lunar Self-Care – The Lunar Wisdom Formula for Beauty & Self Care. It will allow you to supercharge my self-care suggestions related to your chart and desires to nourish and replenish your emotions and inner world.
Here are some reflective questions to help with releasing for the Cancer Full Moon 🌕♋️
What is arising?
What signs of growth and thriving are evident within you and around you?
Are there any conflicts or disconnections that require your care and consideration?
If you were truly making happiness and your overall wellbeing a top priority, what would you do different? How can you start to do that now?
If you had to identify your current deepest insecurities, what would they be? Then visualize the best-case scenario for each happening in real time.
How can set your home and personal life up to support the kind of goals you want to achieve in 2023?
Blessed Be Wise Ones✨
Monthly access to the Lunar Wisdom Formula for the New & Full Moon with guided workbooks, current lunar calendar, aligned rituals & meditations to help you easily apply this sacred feminine wisdom in in your everyday life.
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