The First Full Moon of 2021 & The Lunar Wisdom Formula

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Part of my first full moon of 2021 ritual is tied to releasing big things. And since this is also the the “Day of Miracles”, which is an astrological event where the Sun(Self/Ego) and Jupiter(Luck & Expansion) meet up at the same degree (in Aquarius♒️​), I’m releasing the first section of my new e-book The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon as a gift to all. The information contained within is so vital to women and women-identifying humans to help us reconnect with our life-giving essence, the seat of our power and inner divinity. The Moon is the heart of the Sacred Feminine energy for us Earthlings🌎​

In keeping with the dynamic, dramatic and giving energy of the Leo Full Moon, I am releasing this snippet to start a wave of Lunar Cycle awareness amongst all my Wise Ones! But let’s get into this information about today’s full moon and how the activation of the tradition 5th House of Creativity, Romance & Children will impact you…


✨Leo♌️​ Full Wolf Moon

✨​Examine the results of what you initiated on the Leo New Moon that occurred 6 months ago August 18, 2020

✨​Venus and Pluto conjunction at 25º Capricorn♑️​ add to magnetism of the day.

✨​The Full Moon also occurs on the “The Day of Miracles," when Sun and lucky planet Jupiter are in the same degree - This year it’s in Aquarius♒️​

✨ Be Romantic & Sentimental

✨​ Embrace The Drama, Be Creative & Shine

✨Put Energy Behind Your Passion

✨This Fiery Lunar Energy is Soul Igniting & Restorative

✨ Super Potent Energy

✨We Will Also Reap Harvests From Seeds Planted During the 8:8 Lions Gate Portal in August 2020

And now for the book excerpt...


Working with the Lunar Cycles is an amazingly powerful process that allows you to tap into the guiding cycles of the Sacred Feminine and the powerful pull that is Lunar Energy. This is an energy that has existed unbroken and unchanged since the dawn of time. Full of Ancient Mysteries and light giver to our dark skies.

The moon has a rhythm and cadence that we can predict, track and rely upon. It ebbs and flows in cycles from the new moon, when it is dark in the sky, growing to a full moon shining like a bright orb, before waning and returning to darkness. Its soft light guides the way through the unseen by enhancing our emotions and inner knowing.

The new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions and activating our desires. The full moon is a powerful time to release and let go. During the first quarter moon you can review and add to plans as we approach the moon approaches fullness. Last quarter moon is a time to give yourself and plans the gift of grace and practice further releasing energy through forgiveness work.

Similar to how the tide rolls in differently at the new and full moon, or how farmers and gardener plant seeds during the new moon and expect a sprouted seedling during the full moon, the lunar cycle is a deep, natural & predictable wisdom that we need to reclaim in our lives. Especially now that our worlds are dominated by electronic devices and technology that cause us to look down for direction, not up to the heavens.

Even on a psychological and personal level, statistically there is a rise in domestic calls for police and emergency room services during the full moon portion of the cycle. People experience sleep disturbances and may experience what I can "Full Moon Hangover" during the 2.5 days of the full lunation. Last but not least, women are inextricably aligned with the moon, where our menstrual cycles follow the 28-29 day rhythm set by our feminine, light giver of the Earth's moon.

“The moon energy is ancient, and with it comes our elders’ insights. The silver lining to every lesson, a clarity of consciousness that can be the gift to even the darkest of passages.” ~ Emma Mildon

To learn how to manifest with the moon 🌕 check out my new guide The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon

Light⭐️ & Love💙, Wise Ones


Happy Lunar New Year 2021:East Meets West Astrology Mash Up


Aquarius: The Rebel