At 5:01 AM EST on August 23, 2023 the razzle-dazzle of Leo Season comes to an end after a month of neon-bright hedonism and shameless excess. As the Sun enters earthy Virgo ♍️​ for the next 30 days, simplicity reigns supreme. While Mercury goes retrograde at the same time really slowing down the vibes. 

Create a Pinterest board dedicated to creative storage ideas and efficiency tips. And don't forget that many of the best things in life, such as rides to the beach or yoga in the park, are still free.


Uranus, the game-changing planet, reverses direction on August 28, 2023 and returns through Taurus for its annual retrograde. Between now and January 27, 2024, progress may halt and money may behave strangely. To keep the books balanced, you may need to pick up a side business or launch an indie venture. Venus will turn direct in Leo on September 3rd, 2023, bringing respite in the fields of love and money, as well as numerous lessons gained.


On September 14th, the year's sole new moon in neat-freak Virgo arrives, and cleanliness is next to godliness. One day later, Mercury goes direct in this taskmaster sign. Even if you THINK you're ignoring them, those distracting heaps of unopened messages consume a lot of mental energy!  However, the retrograde energy that has pervaded Virgo season will assist us all in catching up on the backlog of communication that has accumulated throughout this 3rd Quarter of 2023.


The Sun represents our conscious awareness in Astrology, and as the Sun transits through a sign, the spotlight shines on that sign. Virgo season reminds us of the necessity of aligning with routines and habits that support our health and wellbeing, as well as the effect of our everyday choices. This season invites us to serve Life and offers us lessons about discernment, healing, and self-improvement.


The rest of this blog and the video will provide Stellar Wisdom for how to navigate the next 30 days as the Sun moves into the sign of the fair maiden!

Welcome to Virgo Season♍️​2023

Virgo Season 2023 spanning from August 23rd to September 22nd, ushers in a period of meticulous introspection and practicality in 2023. Governed by the element of Earth and ruled by the planet Mercury, Virgo is known for its attention to detail, analytical nature, and a desire for order and organization.


As the summer transitions into autumn, this astrological season encourages individuals to harness the energy of Virgo traits, focusing on self-improvement, productivity, and refining their routines.


During Virgo Season 2023, there's a heightened emphasis on self-care and personal growth. People may find themselves drawn to activities that enhance their overall well-being, such as adopting healthier habits, decluttering their physical spaces, and fine-tuning their daily schedules.


The analytical and critical-thinking prowess of Virgo becomes a guiding light for problem-solving and decision-making, making it an opportune time to address any pending challenges or make improvements in various aspects of life.


This season also promotes a sense of responsibility and dedication in both professional and personal spheres. The Virgo energy prompts individuals to tackle tasks with a methodical approach, aiming for precision and excellence.


It's a time when attention to detail can lead to significant advancements, and dedication to long-term goals can yield fruitful results. However, there's also a need to strike a balance between striving for perfection and acknowledging that imperfections are a natural part of growth.


As the sun journeys through Virgo, there may be a tendency to be overly critical of oneself and others. It's crucial to channel this energy in a constructive manner, focusing on constructive feedback rather than excessive self-criticism.


Additionally, with Mercury as the ruling planet, communication takes center stage during this season. Clear and effective communication is key, but there's also a reminder to listen actively and empathetically to others. Especially since Mercury Retrograde begins its journey in the sign of Virgo on the same day as the Sun enters this sign.


Overall, Virgo Season 2023 invites us to embrace the qualities of precision, improvement, and practicality, fostering personal and collective growth as we transition into the autumn months.

What are the Virtues of a Virgo♍️​?

Virgo is an earth sign ruled by Mercury. It takes seven days to come into full power after August 21st-23th of every year, and also takes seven days from September 20th to lose its influence to the next sign, Libra. This makes anyone born during these two interim periods a combination of the native signs.


Virgos are like virgins: calm, sweet, shy, and idealistic. They like waiting for the perfect opportunity before taking action, and this carries into their choice of partners as well. The symbol for Virgo is a virgin carrying wheat in her hands, which signifies the qualities of wisdom and wealth for those born under this sign.


The influence of Mercury makes them patient and observant in their views of the world. They are always the ones to take matters in their own hands, and definitely don’t like being told what to do. They understand the connection between everything around them and work to maintain the balance of their environment.


Virgos are picky about who they choose to have around them. They are deep intellectuals and like to associate with people of similar standing. They decide for themselves which subjects to learn about and take an interest in, based on how valuable they perceive that information to be. They like spreading their knowledge to others as long as it is serving a good purpose.


Virgos are particular about their physical appearance and are not free from material pursuits in life. They are focused on how to succeed in life and purchase the items they desire. They are quite judgmental of everything and everyone around them. The infuriating thing is that most of the time, those opinions are accurate.

Virgo Season♍️​​​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ but this will occur at the final 2-3 days of the end of the season versus 2 days of the start of the season due to the double Aries New Moons in 2023. The Full Moon🌕​ in the sign opposite of the Sun Sign will now occur 14 days before the New Moon the opposite sign activating the balancing energy for the rest of the Lunar Year.

Sun☀️ enters Virgo♍️​​ - August 23

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo♍️​  - August 23

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Sagittarius♐️​​​​ - August 24

Mars♍️​​ trine Pluto♑️​​ - August 24

Sun☀️​♋️​  opposite Saturn♉️​ - August 27

Mars enters Libra♎️​​ - August 27

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus♉️ - August 28

Full Moon🌕​ in Pisces♓️​​​​​ - August 30

Venus Direct in Leo♌️​​  - September 3

Mercury​♍️​ trine Jupiter♉️​ - September 4

Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus♉️ -September 4

Sun☀️♍️​​ conjunct Mercury Rx♍️​​ ​ - September 6

Last Quarter Moon🌗 in Gemini♊️​​​​​ - September 6

Sun☀️♍️​ trine  Jupiter♉️ - September 8

New Moon🌑​  in Virgo♍️​​​ - September 14

Mercury Direct in Virgo♍️​  - September 15

Sun☀️​♍️​ trine Uranus♉️​ ​ - September 15

Venus♌️ squares Uranus♉️ - September 17

Sun☀️♍️​​  opposite Neptune♓️​​ - September 19

Sun☀️♍️​ trine Pluto♑️​​​ ​ - September 21

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Sagittarius♐️​​​​ - September 22 

Virgo Season♍️ ​​Stellar Planning  Focus

Virgo season​♍️​ accounts for the 30-day period where we focus on our sense of service, organization, health, wellness, the environment and pets. We focus on the Earth Physical/Material energy as we’ve reached another seasonal crossover point between the end of Summer and Beginning of Fall. Because they straddle the fence between two energies, seasons, and attitudes, all Mutable/Maven signs have dual energy.

Our spirit has finally reached adulthood when we enter the sign of Virgo. This is the time to put the teachings of the previous five signs into practice in order to discover our adult freedom and learn how to negotiate its responsibilities counterpart.


When applied to Stellar Planning, we can quickly discern that now is the time for Analysis and Review of what is going on in our life - since no astrological force is better suited to completing a review than a Virgo.


If there was ever a time to apply your keen observational skills to the tasks you've already started in order to complete them and leverage large in the future, it's now! Especially with Mercury Retrograde starting on the same day.  This season takes us back to basics to ensure that we are taking care of the fundamental parts of our daily lives and work.


You may have formed MANY innovative ideas that appear to be thrilling to make and entertaining to imagine, but you will never get anywhere with them unless you are prepared to lay out and prioritize the most crucial actions that you actually need to do to get it done!


This month is all about taking a deeper look at your habits, rituals, routine, and the small steps that will help you achieve your larger goals... even if you have to roll up your sleeves and work on less attractive tasks from time to time.


From eating better meals and finding time to exercise so you have more energy to get things done... to decluttering your computer and surroundings so you can work more efficiently... How can you learn to enjoy the tiny things that will make you feel so much more supported in the long run?

☀️Virgo The Virgin♍️​​

⭐️​​6th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🌱​​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable/Maven

⭐️Motto: I SERVE

⭐️​Archetype: The Analyst


Mercury Retrograde In Virgo♍️​​ 2023

Thriving during Mercury Retrograde in Virgo 2023 requires a mindful and adaptable approach to communication, decision-making, and self-care. From August 23rd to September 14th, 2023 we need to go into review, reset and recalibrate mode.

Mercury Retrograde is often associated with misunderstandings, technological glitches, and delays, but there are ways it can be used to our benefit. Especially when combined with the analytical energy of Virgo, it's crucial to navigate this period with patience and a willingness to learn from the challenges that may arise.


We need to become researchers of our own lives in the area of our chart ruled by Virgo to get the most out of this transit. And below are some additional tips for making that happen under this specific energy signature that can guide your Stellar Planning efforts.


1. Double-Check Communication: In the detail-oriented sign of Virgo, take extra care in your written and verbal communication. Double-check emails, texts, and important documents before sending them, and consider adopting a more patient and empathetic tone in your interactions. Be prepared for delays in responses and try not to jump to conclusions if things seem unclear.


2. Review and Reflect: Virgo's introspective energy aligns well with the reflective nature of Mercury Retrograde. Take advantage of this time to review ongoing projects, reassess your goals, and refine your plans. It's an excellent opportunity to identify any areas that need improvement or adjustments. Consider it a chance to make necessary tweaks before moving forward with full force once the retrograde period concludes.


3. Tech and Travel Precautions: Technological glitches and travel hiccups are common during Mercury Retrograde. In the practical realm of Virgo, back up important digital data, update your devices, and be cautious when making online transactions. If you have travel plans, allow extra time for potential delays and be prepared for changes in schedules.


4. Practice Self-Care: The Virgo-Mercury Retrograde combination can sometimes lead to heightened anxiety and self-criticism. Engage in self-care practices that ground you and alleviate stress. Meditation, yoga, journaling, and spending time in nature can be particularly helpful during this time. Avoid overthinking and remember that mistakes and setbacks are part of the growth process.


5. Flexibility in Decision-Making: Virgo's analytical nature may tempt you to make precise decisions, but during Mercury Retrograde, it's wise to be more flexible. Avoid making major decisions if possible, especially those involving contracts or agreements. If you must make a decision, take your time, gather all the facts, and consider seeking advice from trusted friends or professionals.


6. Patience with Technology: Technological disruptions are par for the course during Mercury Retrograde, and Virgo's energy encourages a practical response. Instead of getting frustrated, take the opportunity to troubleshoot and organize your digital life. Clean up your email inbox, organize your files, and address any technical issues you've been putting off.


7. Cultivate Mindfulness: Virgo's attention to detail aligns well with the mindfulness approach needed during Mercury Retrograde. Slow down, stay present in the moment, and practice mindfulness in your daily activities. This can help reduce stress and improve your overall sense of well-being during potentially challenging times.


8. Reset & Rejoice: Virgo energy pulls out our inner perfectionist. The best antidote to that is to reset your expectations of yourself and plans – by dropping them and allowing things to unfold. We also need to intentionally celebrate and point out the things that are going right. This recalibrates our magnet to attract positivity and joy, regardless of current circumstance.


So over the next 30 days embrace the Virgo qualities of patience, practicality, and self-improvement, you can navigate this Season and Mercury Retrograde in 2023 with grace and even turn it into a period of personal growth and positive change.


Blessed Be

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