Do you want personalized guidance on what to expect and how to navigate the next 12 months in relationships, love, career, money, and health? 

After you’ve decoded the Personalized Life Instruction Manual contained in your birth chart, you have what you need to take these insights even deeper.

Each calendar year has a unique Stellar Blueprint for the planetary transit and aspects that will happen. 

It is the mix of  energies from our Personal Birth Chart and The Stellar Year Blueprint that give us the most information to harness in our yearly planning and goal setting.

Marking the specific dates and times that upcoming planetary events will occur and what they will activate in your own chart is how you can leverage astrology’s timing power. 

Why Get A Yearly Forecast?

  • So that you can gain deeper insight into your natal chart.

  • So that you can discover tools and insights into how to work your natural rhythm and current purpose for the year ahead

  • So that you can learn what significant aspects will affect you and how to make the most of them.

I like to call it your unfair advantage - since this ancient wisdom has fallen out of more common practice.

But The Stellar Year Blueprint allows you to tap in and download the energetic blueprint of the year to maximize your plans and success

Together we will:

  • Discover the Major Stellar Energies & Events for your year ahead

  • Define the major themes and flow for your year ahead based on the Stellar cycles

  • Learn Stellar Planning methods to apply the insights to your days, week, and months for success cycle alignment

  • Create a yearly blueprint with personalized instructions & energetic blueprint for the year ahead

As a result of The Stellar Year Blueprint reading you'll feel:

A sense of understanding about the most auspicious times to take action on your goals and the key themes at play for you over the next 12 months.

The Stellar Blueprint - Year Ahead Reading includes:

  • The Stellar Year Blueprint Workbook & Yearly Transit Report

    • Target and identify the major points of the current year Astro Weather relevant to you

    • Learn the 6-Step Blueprint for aligning your timing & plans with their peak chances for success cycles

    • Answer specific questions about the timing of major events for the next 12 months.

Eighth House Wisdom currently has 3 different options for getting a Yearly Forecast listed below. All options come with the following resources.

  • A PDF copy of your transit interpretation report with Free Guide To Planets & Stars: You’ll be able to see exactly where the current planetary cycles will be and how their movement will impact your own chart.

  • A recording of our session: You’ll get this after our session so you can listen to it again whenever you want.

Stellar Year Blueprint Reading Options

Option #1 : Stellar Year Blueprint Extended - Start Your Year Off Right With An Extended Yearly Reading

Option #2 : The Stellar Year Blueprint & Tarot Reading - An Extended Astrology Reading & Yearly Tarot Reading Combined

Option #3 : Stellar Year Blueprint - For A Standard Yearly Reading Any Time of Year!

How We Work Together

First, you will pay for your session, book a time and provide me with your birth information (date, time of birth, and location of birth) as well as any specific questions you have for me.

After this, I will spend a number of hours preparing your reading and tuning into the key messages you need to hear.

At the agreed time we will have a zoom call where I will take you through your chart and provide time for you to ask any questions. 

All calls are recorded unless otherwise specified. Within 48 hours (normally sooner) I will send you your PDF report of your reading.


What information do you need from me?

For your Yearly Forecast, I will need your date of birth, place of birth (city or town) exact time of birth (or at least within a 2 hour range) and the starting date for when you would like to generate the forecast.

When can I book my session with you?

Currently, I am only offering these sessions one day a week with limited time available so you may need to wait up to 4 weeks.

What’s the investment?

Eighth House Wisdom has 3 Yearly Reading Options

Option #1 Extended Stellar Year Blueprint - $275 USD including a 75-minute call, call recording, detailed PDF notes and intro to astrology guide.

Option #2 Stellar Year Blueprint & Tarot Reading - $450 USD including a 90-minute astrology & tarot reading, call recording, detailed PDF notes and intro to astrology guide.

Option #3 Stellar Year Blueprint - $225 USD including a 60-minute call, call recording, detailed PDF notes and intro to astrology guide.

What if I want to book multiple astrology readings with you?

Hey! I've got you covered with my Astro Coaching Packages that provide multiple sessions plus bonus offerings. Check it out here