Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. People who are born between the dates of January 18th - 21st and February 18th - 19th, depending on the year, come under the magical influence of this sign.
Aquarius is symbolized by the picture of the Water Bearer, whose equally weighted scales show the true love of the Aquarius for equality and balance.
This Air not Water sign, is the bearer of water or spiritual knowledge to the masses through high level communication or air in groups or communities.
They use the current advancements and technology of their time to do that be it creating the Rosetta Stone in BC or sending a text from the latest model gadget in 2022.
The energy essence of this sign is a fixed authority that represents stabilized air able to communicate intellectually about the future, the spiritual and the collective without becoming overwhelmed by the emotionality of it all! Aquarius is one of the 4 signs that hold up the earth along with Leo, Taurus and Scorpio.
How Do You Know a Person is an Aquarius♒️?
☀️Aquarius The Water Bearer ♒️
⭐️11th House Ruler
⭐️Air: Element💨
⭐️Essence: Fixed
⭐️Motto: I KNOW
⭐️Archetype: The Maverick
Aquarians are strong thinkers as the last and final of the Air sign progression of development. Their radical approach to problem-solving may be a bit risky, but since they are very skilled at conflict resolution, things always work out the way they expect them to.
They bear strong eccentric qualities and are also very rebellious and outspoken in their nature. These are the folks who are perfectly ok with being unique, weird or a stand-out. Aquarians let their “freak flag fly” proudly!
Aquarius individuals are quite the rebels, but they also make pretty good team players as the sign rules groups and community. The reason for this is that they can always appreciate the talents in others.
They call this the “House of Large Gains” They can compromise in professional work and see the greater good in all motives. They are demanding, inspiring, and perfectionist. They are also very critical and organized in their work.
Aquarians are very concerned with issues related to fairness, freedom, and equality. For this reason, they tend to be a bit more progressive in their lifestyle. They might be seen doing charitable work, but they do it in a detached and practical manner and are usually not emotionally involved in such actions.
Aquarians might be afraid of losing their independent streak, but this does not keep them from falling in love. For the strong Aquarian heart, love is a clear and serious emotion. Games, jealousy, and infidelity will not go over well with this sign.
Those born under the sign of Aquarius prefer not to make a bold display of their emotions. They are logical, fair, and practical in their every move, but do not make very romantic partners. They are excellent friends and will always be respectful towards their partner. They will also always be deeply caring for the ones they love the most.
Astrology & Technology
If you are into astrology, then you know how difficult a process it can be to calculate the movement and position of stars and planets.
However, with technological and software advancement, nowadays daily planetary positions and horoscopes can be accessed on your smartphone via an app or a website.
From mechanical to electronic technological advancements to increased interest and access to astrology we are in Aquarian ruled aspects of life.
Technology has revolutionized astrology which is another Aquarian trait through the widespread access to Astrology Reports online.
An astrology report is halfway between daily horoscopes for your Zodiac sign and the depths of an Astrology reading or consult with a professional.
Here’s some information about what are good reports to begin with and what’s the benefit?
You buy an astrology report for insight (especially for a birth/natal chart report or a comparison or composite), to see what all the planets in your chart mean for your life instruction manual. You get a list of general meanings of your planetary placements and aspects.
A computer can’t integrate all the information and draw conclusions like a professional astrologer can, but it’s a great start on your journey of self-discovery.
You get multiple levels of meaning to help you familiarize yourself with what’s going on inside your chart and get better acquainted with astrology in general.
It’s personally useful to anyone, and a student may find it useful to get multiple reports to see how these placements work in other people’s charts.
These are useful to everybody, including even professionals like myself who may overlook something that a computer will always pick up. This is why my readings combine both and why I offer both reports and readings to clients.
Regardless of whether you’re a beginner or a pro, a computer picks up every position and aspect in a chart and spits it out, just so you don’t miss it, pass over it, or simply forget it.
After nearly 25 years of practice, I’m still reminded of things reading my own reports that I haven’t thought about recently or have become more important lately than they used to be.
For instance, I have the sign of Aquarius ruling my MC or Midheaven and my house of Career. Its no wonder I love to blend the Aquarian themed ideas of Astrology & Technology into the work I do.
That in itself is good reason to have a couple of reports on hand covering both natal, progressions, and transits. They cover all bases and serve as a background benchmark for your own development.
If you would like to try either of them click the links below to find out more information about the Astrology Reports & Readings we offer at Eighth House Wisdom. Aquarius Season is the perfect time to dig into this!
Blessed Be, Wise One✨