Many people believe that astrology only concerns the Sun. That makes this 2022-2023 Lunar Wisdom & Lunar Self-Care Challenge is the perfect time to dispel that notion. This is due to the Western world’s view of astrology, which focuses on reporting on your Zodiac or Sun Sign.

However, in truth the study of astrology goes well beyond Sun signs. In the Eastern world, such as in China and India, the Moon is actually the primary consideration in studies of astrology.

The Moon signs and cycles are used to determine the best time for activities and is a part of daily life. This may seem backward to some but actually results in more accurate predictions in many cases than Western astrology does.  

That is because the Moon is the fastest moving body in our solar system, so it’s position can give the most up-to-date information about the mood and environment for the day.

This is why the Moon plays such large role in the older forms of astrology and astrological phenomena. The position and phase of the Moon influences the other aspects of astrology, including sun signs and planetary movements.

In fact, the Moon influences other aspects of astrology as a whole.

Astrology is made up of the study of all the planets, the Sun and the Moon. The Moon actually influences this overall picture and can cause certain aspects in any astrology chart to influence our lives differently than was otherwise predicted.

What is the Role of Moon Signs🌕​ in Astrology?

The role that Moon signs play in the your Core Astrological Personality is often underestimated. Because it is not as well-known as the Zodiac or Sun sign, it can be more difficult to learn about. Yet the information can reveal a lot about an individual.

Since most people don’t realize that astrology relies on the study of three different components to determine one’s main personality traits, they may think their Zodiac or Sun sign doesn’t say much about them.

We need three components, the Sun, the Moon, and the Ascendant or Rising sign, to get the greatest accuracy. It’s these three coordinates in the sky and their position together that determine your Core Astrological Personality.

This is the secret sauce that makes one Aquarius♒️​ or Pisces♓️​ different from the next and increases the accuracy of birth chart interpretations.


Those who learn their Moon sign, either through a computerized Astrology report or professional astrology reading, realize that they can relate to their personality better once they know the characteristics associated with it.

The placement of the Moon change once every 60 hours or 2.5 days. Therefore, about three times a month the Moon is in a different position at night than it was in the morning. This is why the Moon is so telling about the mood, feeling and tone of the day.


Your Moon sign analyzes your behavior. If the Moon sign of your birthday reflects positivity in its position, it means that the individual is kind, aware of the environment, socially active and in a generous mood.


A negative Moon sign implies irritation, impatience, isolation from ones surroundings, and a temperamental nature. The Moon sign also reveals intimate details about the inner workings of a person’s mind. Together with the Sun sign and the Ascendant, one can make a fair idea of an individual’s personality using the appropriate Moon sign.


The Moon🌕​: Our Emotions & Environment

The Moon, for the most part, influences our emotions, what nurtures us and our experience of the physical environment.

In certain phases of the Moon, predictions made based off Sun aspects would otherwise occur fail to happen, because our emotions do not produce the reactions to the astrological phenomena that are expected.

In other phases of the Moon, astrological phenomena of planetary alignments and their effect on the Zodiac sun signs are not altered from their original reading.

The influence of the Moon on the Zodiac is a study in and of itself called Moonology.

When you are aware of your Sun sign, you can use information about the cycles of the Moon and the Moon signs to determine the best time to make decisions or avoid certain activities. The Moon signs are named the same as the Zodiac expressing the signs qualities in a more personal way.

This is the source of the ancient knowledge that is The Lunar Wisdom Formula and Lunar Self-Care.

Moon 🌕​Sign Cycles

The signs of the Moon cycle each month rather than each year. Each sign has three phases: ascending, true, and descending. Each sign influences our emotions differently, depending on our sun sign and natural tendencies.


The phases of the Moon also affect our emotions and other aspects of astrology. When we learn these influences that the moon holds over us, we can use this information to our advantage.


For example, during the Full Moon there is an uptick in emergency room and psychiatric ward admissions because of the powerful effect on our mood and the environment. The word lunacy comes from the correlation between the Full Moon and irrational thought. Knowing this can help you to avoid major decision making during the time of the full moon.


After getting hooked on watching the Moon and its impact in my own life, I decided to write Lunar book series to make this ancient information accessible for more modern women. Because my stress levels, daily mood and self-care game completely up leveled once I got serious and consistent my Lunar practice – and I believe in sharing!

If you would like to get started with embracing your own Lunar practice in 2022 then check out my book The Lunar Wisdom Formula or for even greater support by joining my monthly Moon membership Lunate: The Wisdom Circle below.


Blessed Be Wise Ones🌕​✨​

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle

Monthly access to the Lunar Wisdom Formula for the New & Full Moon with guided workbooks, current lunar calendar, aligned rituals & meditations to help you easily apply this sacred feminine wisdom in in your everyday life.


