At 12:46 AM this morning we had the 2nd New Year of 2022 - The Lunar New Year!

It starts the 13 Moon Cycle that make up the Lunar Calendar, which is used by most of Asia.

It is very important to remember that the Chinese New Year falls on a different day from the Western New Year.

Even though China recognizes the Western calendar, they do not use it for the purpose of traditional Chinese astrology.

The Chinese set their holidays, astrology and celebrations based upon their traditional cyclidic calendar.

Also, Chinese New Year is based on the flow of the cycles. It is not the same day or date each year, but always falls somewhere in the months of either January or February.

For this reason, many people who have birthdays in either of those months may have incorrectly drawn charts.

This is why so many people know this day as “Chinese New Year” Most East Asian cultures celebrate this day as the Spring Festival, with the exception of Japan (as a result of their adopting of the Solar Calendar). 

You can check out my New Moon Video for a deep dive or get the basics from this blog post below.

New Moon In Aquarius♒️​🌑​

Happy Lunar New Year🐲​ & Year Of The Water Tiger 🐅​​🧧

Aquarius New Moon♒️​🌑​ Innovation 

✨​The New Moon conjuncts Saturn activated Karmic energy and aids in starting the New Year with structure and boundaries

✨​The New Moon Creates A Double Stellium of 4 Planets in Capricorn♑️​ and 3 Planets in The Sign of Aquarius♒️​ 

✨​The 2nd New Moon After Winter Solstice is The Traditional Start of the Spring Festival/Lunar New Year

✨Embrace & Create ​Innovations

✨​Welcome & Prepare for Sudden Changes

✨​Assemble A Stellar⭐️​Council of Supporters For Dreams & Efforts

✨​The New Moon of Wishes & Friends 

✨​Engage in Community - Virtual or IRL

✨​Unleash Your Inner Rebel & Activist

✨​Up Your Tech Skills

✨​Best New Moon for Trying New Things & New Beginnings

Traits of Tigers🐅​

And now for a little bit about Tigers and the feel of the Lunar Year Ahead! 🌑​🐅​🧧

The third sign of the Chinese Zodiac is the Tiger. In the Eastern world, it is the Tiger who is considered the king of beasts, as opposed the lion of the West.

In keeping with the sovereignty of the Tiger, those who carry this sign are respected and feared.

They are said to bring with them power, good fortune and an air of royalty. Many believe powerful Emperors will be reincarnated under the sign of the Tiger.

Tiger people typically have magnetic personalities and they usually assume an air of authority. Other people are drawn to the energy and natural leadership of the Tiger.

Courageous and fearsome, Tigers will face most situations with confidence and grace, even when leading others into dangerous or uncertain circumstances. 

On the other hand, Tiger people are calm, gentle mysterious and soft.

They are fiercely loyal, and tend to have long lasting, stable friendships, even as those relationships rock with the moods of the Tiger.

Enthusiastic, determined and optimistic, Tigers are often admired by those who know them. Tigers are very secure with themselves and their decisions. They are comfortable following their instincts and enjoy the unpredictable.

Tigers do well in a business atmosphere and do well to start their own business. Tigers enjoy doing things themselves and thrive under the pressure of new, exciting experiences. They face the unusual or difficult with unwavering confidence.

Those born under the tiger are usually straightforward, open and honest. However, they do not respond well to feeling trapped, emotionally. In this situation a Tiger will either withdraw completely or will become aggressive and attack the person trying

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 and celebrate Lunar New Year in a way that will bring blessings all year long, check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle

Monthly access to the Lunar Wisdom Formula for the New & Full Moon with guided workbooks, current lunar calendar, aligned rituals & meditations to help you easily apply this sacred feminine wisdom in in your everyday life.


