In this video and blog post I will be talking about Venus and Mars known as the cosmic lovers of the Zodiac. This particular planetary line up is one of the reasons that 2022 has such a different energy signature than the past 2 years.

 When Venus conjuncts Mars in our yearly planetary transits it marks the start of a new cycle for relationships – especially romantic ones. This is really good and juicy energy to be taking into Valentine’s Day and to follow all the retrograde influence of January.

The Venus Mars conjunction only happens once every 2 years and provides a cosmic reset and new beginning in making connections.


This energy signature is like a New Moon giving us a chance to clean house, initiate new actions and set forth new intentions. After the fires of 2020 and 2021, many of us are looking forward to this restart

The video above will break down all that this transit will mean for us in the coming months. The information below will provide the specific dates and themes that you should note to include in your Stellar Planning for the next couple of months.

To get the most out of this information make sure to get your own birth chart and identify the houses that Capricorn♑️​, Aquarius♒️​ and Pisces ♓️​ rule in you chart to see where this influence will manifest in your life. If you don’t have one you can grab a free one right HERE!


May the Cosmic Lovers dance across the sky bring you relationship blessings of all kinds❤️​

Blessed Be✨​

Important Dates & Themes 

April 2022

April 4 – Aries New Moon🌑​

April 5 – Venus in Pisces♓️​

April 14 – Mars in Pisces♓️​

April 16 – Libra♎️​ Full Moon🌕​

April 30 – Taurus♉️ New Moon🌑​ Solar Eclipse

May 2022

May 2 - Venus in Aries♈️​

May 16 – Scorpio♏️ Full Moon🌕​ Total Lunar Eclipse

January 2022

January 19 – Lunar Nodes into Taurus♉️​/Scorpio♏️​

January 24 – Mars in Capricorn♑️​

January 29 – Venus Direct in Capricorn♑️​

January 30 – Venus Retrograde Shadow Begins 

February 2022

February 1 - Aquarius♒️​ New Moon🌑​

February 16 – Leo♌️​ Full Moon🌕​

February 28 – Venus Retrograde Shadow Over 

March 2022

March 2 – Pisces♓️​ New Moon🌑​

March 3 – Venus Retrograde Shadow Ends

March 6 – Mars & Venus in Aquarius♒️​

March 18 – Virgo♍️ Full Moon🌕​ 

Monthly Energies & Themes

April Energies & Themes

Mars & Venus in Pisces♓️​ - The Receptive, Watery, Psychic Lovers

 Aries New Moon🌑​ - April 1


New Beginnings & Connections

o   Passionate, Energetic, Fiery Full Body & Physical Interactions 


Libra♎️​ Full Moon🌕​ - April 16

Pink Moon

Declarations of Love, Commitments & Taking It to The Next Level

o     Awakening Karmic & Soul Ties in Love & Relationship

o     Completing Soul lessons

o     New Soulmate journeys begin


May 2022 & Eclipse Energies

Taurus♉️​ New Moon🌑​ Solar Eclipse April 30


New Beginnings & Connections

o   Through Wisdom Awakening

o   Venus energy embodying the New Moon initiation

o   Receptivity & Allowing


Scorpio♏️​ Full Moon🌕​ Total Lunar Eclipse May 16

Flower Moon

o   Closing Past Chapters

o   Martian/Masculine energy embodying the Full Moon Release

o   Working with Secrecy, Power and Transformation


February 2022 Energies & Themes

Mars and Venus in Capricorn♑️​ – The Practical Dedicated Sensual Lovers (Earth Energy)

Venus Post-Retrograde Shadow 

Aquarius♒️​ New Moon🌑​ - February 1


New Beginnings & Connection

o   Through Community, Friends & The Internet


Leo♌️​ Full Moon🌕​ – February 16

Snow Moon

Romantic, Fun & Passionate Manifestations

o   The Divine Masculine & Feminine find each other

o   Commitment & building structure

o   Success in long term relationships.


March 2022 Energies & Themes

Mars & Venus in Aquarius♒️​ -The Cool-Headed, Eccentric, Friends & Lovers (Air Energy)

Pisces♓️​ New Moon🌑​ - March 2


New Beginnings & Connections

o       Through Spirituality, Psychic Connection, Secret Societies

Venus Post-Retrograde Shadow Ends – March 3

Virgo♍️​ Full Moon🌕​ – March 18

Worm Moon

Winter Harvest from Seeds Sown

o   Acts of Service as a love language

o   Exploration, familiarity, developing routine

o   Small moments & cherished memories

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