At 11:47am on February 16, 2022 the Full Snow Moon in Leo will reach its peak lunation. 

Leo energy is all about romance, shining and being creative so we will probably feel all sparkly and ready to be center stage.

This is a great full moon🌕 to follow Valentine’s Day💘​ since many people are still in their loving and romantic vibe right now.

We are also being blessed by a rare, exact degree conjunction of Venus & Mars “The Cosmic Lovers” at 16 degrees Capricorn.

This meet up of “The Cosmic Lovers” will add to the emotional energy of the Moon and emphasize long-term goals and public prestige in the areas of romance and whatever part of your chart is ruled by Capricorn.

For me this is lighting up my 8th House of Transformation, Rebirth & Other People’s Money. It highlights karmic connections for me and is the completion of investments made during the 8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal and Leo New Moon of 2021

This Lunar energy promises that agreements made under this influence can stand the test of time, bring success and fame from the Leo influence.

The Leo Full Moon is a fixed sign so it will square (create tension) with the newly shifted North and South Nodes of the moon in the signs of Taurus♉️​ and Scorpio♏️​.

Be on the lookout for places where you have been rigid and tap into the Leo♌️​ creativity to break the pattern.

Fixed signs love stability and the recent Capricorn♑️​ Stellium (3 or more planets in same sign) has reinforced this pattern. But being too focused on it can cause you to miss the joy of the Star Powered passion, creativity, and romance that is a Leonian trademark.

The Snow Moon is aptly named by native tribes in North America and their observation of heavy snow cover during this turning point of the Winter season.

Leo Full Moon♌️​​​​🌕

Lunar Wisdom Formula


Leo Full Moon ♌️​​​​🌕 The Snow Moon

Archetype: The King/Queen

5th House Lunation - Creativity, Children, Romance, Fun & Games



🌕This Moon Can Extend The Valentine’s Day Love Vibes💘​ with the Venus and Mars conjunction at 16º Capricorn♑️​

🌕This Full Moon will Square(create tension) with the newly moved Lunar Nodes in Taurus♉️​ and Scorpio♏️​

🌕Be Romantic & Sentimental

🌕Embrace The Drama, Be Creative & Shine 

🌕Put Energy Behind Your Passion

🌕This Fiery Lunar Energy is Soul Igniting & Restorative

🌕Super Potent Energy

🌕We Will Reap Harvests From Seeds Planted During the 8:8 Lions Gate Portal in August 2021

Below are some suggestions of ways to release and embody the energetic signature for the next 2 weeks on an emotional level.

Releasing and forgiveness are the two powerful actions we can take at the Full Moon🌕​.

Creating this vacuum each 2 weeks is one of the secret of reaping manifestations in the following 2 weeks after the Full Moon.

1.     Be Bold Emotionally

2.     Attention Grab and Self-Promote Shamelessly

3.     Embrace Your Dramatic & Artistic Flair

4.     Birth A New Project, Idea or Child

5.     Express Yourself Fully

6.     Create Your Soulmate Checklist

7.     Indulge Romantically

8.     Have Fun & Play

May you outshine the brightest star in the sky during this Leo Full Moon! It’s a time to release the seriousness of this predominant Capricorn vibration since late December and turn up the volume on passion and fun.

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out

My DIY Lunar Astrology ​guide: The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon




My 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘


Blessed Be


