On Feb 18th or 19th, depending on your location in the world, the Sun moved into Pisces. This energy signature might feel more touchy, empathic, and inventive than ordinary this month with the capacity to achieve a more deep, secretive and spiritual association with people around us as well as ourselves.

The equilibrium of being selfless versus being the martyr might become possibly the most important factor to work on for the next month.

Concentrate on  how you might really want to take advantage of your time here on the planet and find ways to move any restricting beliefs, convictions, secrets or subconscious messages that might have been keeping you down.

In this blog and video we are going to break down some of the major traits and characteristics of the Pisces energy signature that will be in play for the next 30 days.

Traits of Pisces♓️​

☀️Pisces The Fish♓️​

⭐️​​12th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: Water💧​​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable

⭐️Motto: I KNOW

⭐️​Archetype: The Mystic & The Innocent

The last sign, Pisces, the two swimming fish, is the most deep and sensitive sign of them all.  Ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, Pisceans are creative and adaptable, but not very organized. 

Traditionally, Pisces is considered to be at the highest spiritual plane.

Pisces is the ultimate artist of the Zodiac.  There are more Piscean poets than any other sign, and their empathy for others is legendary. 

No other sign is better able to understand another’s pain like Pisces.  At the same time, Pisces is the most free-spirited of all the Signs, too.

The empathy of a Pisces makes them not only artists, but also perfectly suits them for nursing and medical careers.

All of the Water signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are sensitive.  But the other two have one thing that Pisces lack, and that’s the hard outer shell. 

Pisces do not have the natural defenses around their sensitivity, and when insulted or hurt, will often swim away and hide.  Pisces is very good at withdrawing from the world or turning invisible.

There is a bright side to that invisibility talent, though.  It manifests as an almost chameleon-like ability to fit in.  Pisces will happily join into their mates hobby not because they’re interested in the hobby itself, but because learning it allows them to understand their mate better.

Many Pisces are fascinated with movies and photography.  There’s a natural affinity there, because film-like Pisces is very sensitive and picks up everything it sees.

The Pisces sense of style is practically none at all.  Pisces is far more concerned with spiritual enlightenment than on the annoying little detail of whether or not their socks match.  Personal style is trivial and meaningless in a monastery. 

Far more important than style is the emotion attached to things; the furniture may not match, but the battered rocking chair that Aunt Edna told her stories from, that’s important, it stays put.

Spiritual Renewal

Jupiter “The Great Benefic” and Neptune “The Great Pretender” are both in the sign Pisces. These two planets also happen to be the traditional (Jupiter) and modern (Neptune) rulers of this sign - so it’s like a homecoming of sorts, that in Astrology we call being in domicile.

This will allow us to expand our dreams, kindness, compassion, imagination and wisdom. We get the chance to focus on the hidden side of life and work with the spiritual world.


Jupiter’s expansive energy traveled back into Pisces December 28, 2021 and will be here until its retrograde May 10, and then again from October 28 to December 20, 2022.


We now have both the modern and traditional ruler of Pisces at home in their sign creating a sense of comfort and allowing these planets to really express themselves fully.


The upside of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces is being able to go to expansive energy as it relates to wisdom, compassion, imagination, charity, and spiritual evolution. These two\ will kiss in the sky on April 12 at the exact degree which may go down as a very spiritually and religiously expansive day this year.


These two planets visiting Pisces will probably motivate a gentler mix of more prominent experiences by savoring times of withdrawal, opening our instinctive capacities, reflection, and individual restoration.


Visual symbolism and improved innovativeness in human expressions is a superb method for elevating and rouse your spirit during this time-frame.


Pisces are known as the visionaries of the zodiac. As the 12th sign Pisces incorporates a tad of every one of the 11 signs before it. This helps provide Pisces with a delicate and general point of view of mankind.


As you retreat on an internal excursion to find extensive conceivable outcomes the universe holds, getting more familiar with the language of astrology is a decent method for comprehension and mull over more profound secrets of life.


Essential comprehension of the four components in Western Astrology can without much of a stretch help you along the way toward delight, quiet, and taking care of oneself. These are viable, strategic techniques to reach out to soul.

Pisces♓️​ Season Energy⚡️​ for the 4 Elements 🌱​💨​🔥​💦​

Earth Signs🌱

​If you are a Taurus♉️​, Virgo♍️​, Capricorn♑️​ or those with strong Earth placements in your chart should prepared to be nourished during this watery season.  Try leaning into more physical ways of being kind to yourself, such as massage, beauty treatments, or cleansing your immediate space.


Air Signs💨

Gemini♊️​, Libra♎️​, Aquarius♒️​ or anyone with strong Air placements should try doing things that stimulate your mind in gentle and relaxed ways such as: instrumental music, guided meditations, or simply having warm conversations with trusted close friends.


Fire Signs🔥

​Aries♈️​, Leo♌️​, Sagittarius♐️​ or those with strong Fire placements will need to keep active during this watery season so you don’t get drowned out. Fire signs can instinctually connect with their bodies and doing active movements or dancing around a winter fire can really help bring your system regulation. Watch the fire dance itself is a perfect more active meditative practice


Water Signs💦​

Cancer♋️​, Scorpio♏️​,  Pisces♓️​  and strong Water placements should think SUBMERGE for the next 30 days. ould surely enjoy showering or soaking in a bathtub with scents of aromatherapy oils, or drinking herbal teas to soothe any tensions and find peaceful moments.

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


