The Sun☀️​ enters socially conscious Aquarius♒️ on January 20th at 3:39am EST and remains there through February 18. This will shift the feel of our action-oriented, yang nature from building careers and creating structure to connecting with groups, technology and innovating.


This energy shift is supported by Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, course correcting on January 18th.  Following a disruptive retrograde🔁​​that started on December 29, 2022 that was co-present with Mars Retrograde in which ended January 12th.


Both Mercury and Mars in backward motion made goal-oriented Capricorn season new year intentions and resolutions difficult to fully commit. Good thing Aquarius season starts with forward motion⏩​ and the first New moon of 2023


The Aquarius New Moon on Saturday, January 21st marks the Lunar New Year in the enlightened, prosperous Chinese Zodiac Sign of the Water Rabbit. Then, on January 22 Uranus' retrograde period comes to an end, giving us a time with no retrograde planets in the sky. #allplanetsdirectmotion  We can finally make fresh starts with forward motion after the start New Calendar (January 1st) and New Lunar (January 21st ) Year.

Welcome to Aquarius Season♒️ 2023!

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac represented by the water bearer. Because of this people think it's a water💦​ sign, but it's not! It is the last and the oldest of the signs in the air💨​ element. Aquarius energy is known for its radical thinking, innovations and tie-ins to technology of all kinds.


The 11th house is known as the “House of Great Gains​” 💵 because it is the house that comes after our house of career. That means it shows us how we make gains from the work that we do in the world. Looking to your 11th house in your own chart can give you an indication of ways in which you can gain financially from your efforts.


You can also tap into 11th House Energy to connect to groups or society at large. Or maybe you want to dream big, Aquarius energy has the key to doing this because it's thinking is so expansive. It's also great at manifesting because Aquarian energy is also good at practicing non-attachment. Some may refer to that ability as an aloofness, but the secret to manifesting is dreaming big and then releasing it like a balloon.

Aquarius♒️ Energies & Influence 2023

Since the end of 2020, with the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, this sign has been experiencing great activity. Which has shown up in our lives through the increase of Internet usage, telecommunications, and digital technologies to help us overcome the challenges posed by a global pandemic.


For the past 2 1/2 years anyone with a Saturn in Aquarius placement has been going through their Saturn return. This is a pivotal transition that marks the end of early adulthood and the middle stage which occurs for all people between the ages of roughly 27 and 30. This presence of Saturn the Lord of karma in Aquarius has had a great impact on Aquarius sun shines as well.


March 7th when Saturn leaves Aquarius and enters into Pisces. Energetically this could be described as a lightning of your load and a lessening of responsibilities. This is something exciting to look forward to as you put the hard-earned lessons of the past 2 1/2 years in place.


The counterbalance for this is that a new planet will be taking its place, and that's Pluto the transformer on March 23rd. Good thing you've just run an obstacle course in this same energy, because Pluto plans to put us to the test big time.


2023 will continue to have big impact on Aquarius natives as this year there is both a planet moving in and out of your sign in the month of March. The rest of this blog post & video will focus on how to do Stellar Planning for Aquarius season and to orient Aquarius natives about factors for their year ahead.

Aquarius Season♒️ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ within 2 days of the start of the season. The Full Moon🌕​ will occur 14 days after in the opposite sign activating the balancing energy.

New Moon🌑​ in Aquarius♒️​ - January 21

Lunar New Year of The Water Rabbit - January 21

Venus conjunct Saturn♒️​ - January 22

Venus enters Pisces♓️​  - January 27

First Quarter Moon in Taurus♉️​​ - January 28

Sun☀️♒️ square Uranus♉️ - February 3

Venus♓️​ square Mars♊️ - February 4

Full Moon🌕​ in Leo♌️​​  - February 5

Mercury♑️ sextile Neptune♓️  - February 6

Venus♓️​ sextile Uranus♉️​ - February 8

Mercury♑️ conjunct Pluto♑️  - February 10

Mercury enters Aquarius♒️  - February 11

Last Quarter🌗​ Moon in Scorpio♏️​ - February 13

Venus​​♓️ ​conjunct Neptune♓️ - February 14

Sun☀️♒️ conjunct Saturn♒️ ​- February 16

Mercury♒️ sextile Jupiter♈️​  - February 17

Aquarius Season♒️​​​Stellar Planning Focus

Aquarius♒️ season will account for a 30-day period where we focus on hopes, dreams, wishes, communities and friendships. It is also a time of year to focus on business gains.


In the week leading up to this season we have just experienced a great release of energy. Mars went direct on January 12th, Mercury went direct on January 18th, and Uranus will be going direct right after the new moon on January 22nd.

Aquarius is a Fixed/Authority sign that serves as the pillar of knowledge and holds the vessel through which the waters of March flow. That is the same water that Pisces the last sign of the Zodiac swim in to acquire all the knowledge of the signs that came before. It anchors the Winter Season as the midpoint.

Aquarius uses knowledge to innovate and or revolutionize things that aren't working. This energy is not afraid to be a maverick and go against the grain. This gives us some indication of the quality of the energetic container for the next 30 days.

Applied to Stellar Planning, now is a time to reconnect with your friends, especially now that we have all planets direct. Being in groups and feeling a sense of community will be extremely nourishing to you during this time. If you have an annual goal that focuses on working with the community, large groups or friends now is a great time to start working on it.

This is our third and final Air Sign and the third and final elemental cycle in the Zodiac. The air element is about intellect, communication, and social interactions. These things will be more pronounced during and air sign season. And with the twist of Aquarius there will be lots of weird to go along with it!

During this we all need to ask ourselves how can we be our most authentic selves, where do we need to start a revolution, and where do we need to dream big and rely on friends and community in the next 30 days?

☀️Aquarius The Water Bearer ♒️

⭐️​​11th House Ruler

⭐️​Air: Element💨​

⭐️​Essence: Fixed

⭐️Motto: I KNOW

⭐️​Archetype: The Maverick


Aquarius Season♒️​​ Body Wisdom

Aquarius ♒️rules the calves, shins, ankles and achilles. It is important to guard these body parts during this season and pay attention to any sensations that occur within them.


This makes the body wisdom focus more on issues of support, flexibility and mobilization. our legs allow us to move and travel they support us in our freedom - a very Aquarian concept.

Over the next 30 days, it is highly recommended to think about how these body parts and organs function for more parallel around themes that can show up in your life.


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