Here we are closing out the 1st Lunar Cycle of 2023 with the Last Quarter Moon in the power-hungry sign of Scorpio♏️​. It’s been quite an intense time for many people as the allow the energy that peaked at the Leo Full Moon to recede and make room for the new.


Especially since we’re in an energetic container that is toned by Fixed/Authority energy. The fixed signs are known for holding up the 4 corners of the Earth. They play the role of the managers of the Zodiac making sure to hold down the fort and get shit done. That’s why they are known as authorities.


But the opposite side of this strong, stalwart energy can be a lack of flexibility that can highlight getting dragged when change comes through. That’s because the Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) don’t pick up stakes very easily.


This may in fact reflect how you feel right now as we’ve had the push towards many Uranian innovations over the past 3 weeks. You may be a little reticent about shifting your position or changing your mind. This is when some of the crystals for Aquarius Season can be a helpful grounding tool and can encourage more flexibility during this time.

Even though all planets are direct right now Valentine's week has some busy Astro Weather to accompany this Last Quarter Moon. On February 15th Venus the cosmic lover and Neptune with her rose colored glasses meet up in dreamy Pisces. This ensures that the loving afterglow of Valentine's Day will remain in the hours after. However, all that you're feeling could be a mirage that clears once you take your glasses off.


Be on the lookout for ego issues when the Sun conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius♒️​ on February 16th. This energy could show up as feeling like our sense of self is being blocked or experiencing new limitations. Try to lean into this aspect and use it to help restructure or limit any negatively based ego habits.


Finally, Mercury the communicator will make a harmonious aspect with Jupiter the expander on February 17th. This allows us to close out Aquarius season with a generous and positive energy bump that helps the power of our words to heal and generate. And this will happen just before the sun moves into Pisces bringing on this deeply watery and psychic season.


In rest of this blog & video we are going to talk about how to work the lunar energy to prepare for the upcoming Pisces New Moon and learn the crystals favored for these last days of Aquarius energy.

Like I talked about earlier in this blog Aquarius ♒️​​​ is a Fixed/Authority sign which means it anchors the heart of our winter season. This makes sense considering Imbolc the midpoint between winter and spring occurs during Aquarius season. the Aquarius archetype is that of the maverick, innovating and breaking rules to benefit humanity as a collective.

With the Scorpio influence on the moon bringing in aspects of power, the hidden and other people's money, this is an important time for innovation and transformation.

Those brought into the world under the Sun/Zodiac sign or their Moon or Rising sign in Aquarius or Scorpio will feel the impact of this week's Astro weather more than others.

To help ground you and assist you in making best use of this energy, let's check out the best crystals for Aquarius ♒️​​ ​season, the eleventh air 💨​​​​​​ sign of the Zodiac to add​​​ into our tool box. ​

Below you will find information about the 3 Crystals or Stones that I recommend for use during Aquarius Season or when the Moon is in Aquarius.

There are links to learn more in-depth information about the nature of each stone and a link of where to get ethically-sourced, high quality crystals for your own collection and use.

And if you’re reading this post then make sure that you use my Coupon Code: 8thHouseWisdom for an 11% discount at checkout.


Aquarius♒️​​​​​ Healing Crystals

Click on the underlined crystal name for more in-depth information on the crystal properties. Links for purchase are below

Amber: A crystal of inspiration, defense, knowledge, illumination, and cleansing. Amber helps Aquarius be more resolute and improves the body's capacity for healing.

Hematite: Higher vibrations are channeled and grounded. a potent stone for grounding that connects to the earth's core and the current moment.

Garnet: A motivating stone that aids in overcoming fear. bolsters self-truth, insight, and intuition.

🌗Last Quarter Moon In Scorpio♏️​​

Around the world, the Waning Last Quarter Moon rises at midnight, reaches its maximum light at dawn, and sets at midday.  Today’s Last Quarter Moon occurs at 11:01am on February 13th, just before the love fairy comes to visit us for Valentine’s Day. We have the lovely Aquarian Sun☀️​ is squared by this Scorpio Moon🌗 which will help us ready for the Pisces New Moon on February 19.

Being fixed means being audacious, definite, and fully convinced. Fixed energy in the heavens signifies it is time to reconnect with our inner strength and enthusiasm. This moon phase is a mixture of chaos and transformation.

Here, in the middle of the night, the mind is tremendously busy and rushing. During the Aquarius Season's moon phases, this happens frequently. There is undoubtedly a lot to examine and think about. The mind is in problem-solving mode.

After the Full Moon it’s time to slow down and rest, while we allow our previous efforts of the past 2 weeks while the moon reached full power to start unfolding.

Developments in your partnerships both romantic and business are featured during this time. Anything that needs to be released in these areas should be on the table. This is not a time to start new projects, but it is a time to complete unfinished business.

Check for sensations in your genitals and reproductive organs as indications of Body Wisdom from Scorpio telling you where release and relief needs to happen.

Scorpio powerfully rakes the emotions and psyche under the rug. You can feel like your heart is heaving, depressed, or have strange dreams. Be ready for strange, unsettling experiences.

To respect the element of Scorpio, consume lots of water. Concentrate on the sacral and solar plexus chakra during meditation to impact the sexual and self-esteem energies in your body.

Then think about this first lunar cycle of 2023, what intentions did you set at the new moon and how are you at releasing your hold on that which is manifesting right now?

​The Last Quarter Moon happens 7.5 - 10 Days after the Full Moon, lasts only for 1 day and reduce energy levels and increase the need for clear communication.


It’s a time to analyze & release any thoughts, energies and patterns that aren’t serving you anymore.


What to do for the Last Quarter🌗 phase

🌗 Get organized and re-focus on the things that are important to complete and tie up loose ends

🌗 Get plenty of rest- go to bed early and take an afternoon nap if you feel called

🌗 Analyze what’s going well and release/let go of what’s no longer serving

Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards

Check out the Moonology Manifestation Oracle Card for the Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio and its advice for how to work this phase for your best life.


Excerpt from:  Yasmin Boland “Moonology Manifestation Oracle Cards Guidebook” 2021 Hay House


There are some things that people just don't like to talk about. Drawing this card suggests that there is an issue or situation in your life that might not be easy to air. Or perhaps you feel that you shouldn't air it. That's fine. Now is the time for you to reveal only what you want to be seen. Don't feel the need to discuss everything with everyone; some matters require discretion. The left codependent you are, the better chance you have of getting what you want.

Manifesting mix

There are two strong forces at play and neither wants to budge: strong is good; stubborn is a problem.

Manifesting mindset

When you no longer feel the need to tell everyone what you're manifesting, you're ready to start manifesting.

Manifesting Magic

These crystals work especially well for the sign of Scorpio: Grossular Garnet, Pyrite, Peridot, Lepidolite, Azurite or Black Obsidian.

Choose one and hold it when you meditate, visualizing a luminous aquamarine light surrounding you. Alternatively, keep your crystal close by as you work through your situation, or use five or six to make a crystal grid.

Your manifestation affirmation

“I know that dramas now our healing crises.”

When to manifest your magic

The best time to work your magic is when the Moon is in Scorpio, on a Tuesday (Mars’ day) or during Scorpio's hour.

The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio takes place when the Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Scorpio. It knows that friction is what makes a Pearl.

I wish you ultimate peace, rest and restoration to close out this first lunar cycle of 2023! Remember to share power and to find the wisdom in the unseen.


Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

To learn how to manifest with the Moon 🌕 check out my 🆕​ Monthly Moon Membership 

Lunate: The Wisdom Circle🌘🌑🌘 


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