The Sun☀️​ enters the picturesque orbit of Pisces♓️​ on February 18 at 5:35 PM EST, bringing enchantment and compassion.

Put down the social theory and algorithms and pick up your book on attachment styles and tarot cards instead. The next four weeks are ruled by imagination, which is a welcome break from the quirky Aquarian season.


You'll discuss structure and boundaries on February 19 when the Moon aligns with Saturn. Venus, the planet of money and love, enters the sign of Aries. Before daybreak, the Moon enters Pisces after moving into that sign in the wee hours of the morning on the 20th.


Spend the day and night letting go of and saying goodbye to the ideas, convictions, people, and circumstances that are preventing you from a wonderful and dreamlike new beginning.


The focus of the Sun in Pisces♓️​ is on our spiritual development, our path of service, our relationship to the group's emotional body, and our capacity to trust life even when we don't fully comprehend it.


Pisces♓️​ is a Yin, Mutable, Water sign that represents the end of everything and the beginning of everything. It completes the Zodiac Wheel and brings us to the doors of Springtime. It is also the sign from whence we always return and emerge. The sense of a distinct self and all we created through the previous eleven signals vanishes at this stage of development.

Welcome to Pisces Season♓️​ 2023!

Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac Wheel represented by two fish swimming in opposing directions. Pisces are known to be dreamy, head in the clouds people with a mean creative streak. These natives are naturally intuitive and psychic which is one of the reason that  their archetype is The Mystic.


Pisces relates to the Vesica Piscis or the “fish bladder” which is one of the first sacred geometric shapes that build all of life. A form of it is used to represent Jesus and lives work as a fisherman and how he provided for his flock.

This potent and most mature of the three water💦​ sign is able to feel and sense what everyone in the room is feeling. Especially when they are not properly shielded and grounded.


The 12th house is known as the “House of Secrets​” because it represents the subconscious mind and our blindspot. ecause it is the house that comes after our house of career. That means it shows us how we make gains from the work that we do in the world. Looking to your 11th house in your own chart can give you an indication of ways in which you can gain financially from your efforts.


You can also tap into 11th House Energy to connect to groups or society at large. Or maybe you want to dream big, Aquarius energy has the key to doing this because it's thinking is so expansive. It's also great at manifesting because Aquarian energy is also good at practicing non-attachment. Some may refer to that ability as an aloofness, but the secret to manifesting is dreaming big and then releasing it like a balloon.

The Sun's entry into the sign of Pisces ushers us into a liminal and transitional area, one that is filled with boundless possibility and countless options. This is the realm of dreams, the realm of our imagination and fantasies, the realm of the highest artistic expression. The Pisces season serves as a gentle reminder that time is not linear, that everything has a deeper meaning, and that everything is connected and therefore teaching us something.

What Are the Pisces ♓️ Typical Characteristics?

Pisces is a water sign, and those born under this sign tend to be very quiet, collected, and sensitive people. Just as the slightest movement can cause ripples to appear on the surface of water, even the simplest gestures or acts have an effect on a Pisces. Pisceans are devoted individuals who make excellent companions and devoted lovers in romantic relationships.


A Pisces sign will make your difficulty their own, as you already know if you are friends with one. Despite their reluctance to take up arms for themselves, they care deeply about the happiness of others and will stand by you throughout the conflict. They would rather wait for their own difficulties to resolve themselves than get involved in the process.


Generally speaking, Pisceans are not very logical people. Instead of making decisions based on the evidence, they frequently rely on their gut feelings. They think from the heart rather than the mind and are always in touch with their emotions. For Pisceans, this can be problematic, but they prefer to let the universe's inherent order take care of issues as they emerge. They are very empathic people that appreciate living in harmony with their environment.


Pisceans are laid-back and easygoing in their relationships. They prefer an intellectual rather than a physical connection, thus making love may make them feel detached. This does not imply that they are not passionate people, either.


It can be incredibly relaxing to be around a Piscean. Instead of altering the environment for their own gain, they can change to match the scenario, like chameleons. Because of this, people born under the Pisces astrological sign prefer that others accept them for who they are.


The rest of this blog post & video will focus on how to do Stellar Planning for Pisces season and closing out the Zodiac Year.

Pisces Season♓️​ Astro Weather

Below are the aspects and lunar phases for the next 30 days of this Zodiac Season. Remember that the Sun☀️ moves 1° each day going from 0-29°. The New Moon🌑​ will be the same sign as the Sun☀️​ within 2 days of the start of the season. The Full Moon🌕​ will occur 14 days after in the opposite sign activating the balancing energy.

Sun enters Pisces♓️ ​ - February 18

Venus♓️ sextile Pluto♑️ - February 19

New Moon🌑​ in Pisces♓️ - February 20

Venus enters Aries♈️​​  - February 20

Mercury♓️ square Uranus♉️​  - February 21

Mercury♓️ trine Mars♊️  - February 22

First Quarter Moon🌓​ in Gemini♊️ - February 27

Venus♈️ conjunct Jupiter♈️ - March 2

Mercury♒️​ conjunct Saturn♒️ - March 2

Mercury enters Pisces♓️ - March 2

Sun☀️♓️ sextile Uranus♉️ - March 6

Full Moon🌕​ in Virgo♍️​​​  - March 7

Saturn enters Pisces ♓️  - March 7

Venus♈️​ sextile Mars♊️​ - March 11

Mercury♓️ sextile Uranus♉️ - March 11

Mars♊️​ square Neptune♑️  - March 14

Last Quarter🌗 Moon in Sagittarius♐️​ - March 14

Sun☀️♓️ conjunct Neptune♓️ - March 15

Mercury♓️ conjunct Neptune♓️  - March 16

Sun♓️ square Mars ♊️ - March 16

Venus​​♈️ square Pluto♑️- March 16

Venus enters Taurus♉️ - March 16

Mercury♓️ square Mars♊️ - March 17

Sun☀️♓️conjunct Mercury♓️ ​-March 17

Venus♉️ sextile Saturn♓️ ​  - March 17

Mercury♓️ sextile Pluto♑️ - March 18

Mercury enters Aries♈️​ - March 19

Sun☀️♓️ sextile Pluto♑️ - March 20 

Pisces Season♓️​ ​​Stellar Planning  Focus

Pisces♓️​ season will account for a 30-day period where we focus on the subconscious, imagination, spirituality, endings, secrets and your blindspot. This is a time when your internal world is most active and we have to learn how to make peace with our inner saboteur.


This year Pisces Season will have all planets in direct motion and it will feature one the major astrology aspects of the year – Saturn into Pisces on March 7th. It's the ideal moment to reflect with Saturn in Pisces. Breathe deeply, clear your mind, and then ask the energies of this transit what you should do next. The two will make all our dreams come true when the Taskmaster -Saturn -  is in the final sign of the zodiac.


Now is the time to compile all the information we have imagined and establish a plan for how to implement it. Write a business plan, create a budget, and research loan alternatives. Our path becomes apparent when we pay attention to the teachings Saturn is trying to teach us when in Pisces.


Pisces is a Mutable/Maven sign that straddles the ending energy of Winter and the start of Springtime. It’s fish swim in two directions up and down stream in the Waters of March being released by the Aquarius community minded water vessel. These waters also represent the collective unconscious and contain the accumulated knowledge of all 11 signs that came before.


With energy that straddles two worlds, Pisces have one foot in reality and the other in the ethers. They are natural Mystics who are open to almost any kind of influence. Which is why Pisces need to learn boundaries not tolerance. This is a big sticking point for our energetic container over the next 30 days. How does one practice discernment when they can connect to and relate to everything.


Applied to Stellar Planning now is a time which is associated with sleep and dreams. The best way to achieve inner peace for this solar month is to meditate, take a stroll in the woods, take deep breaths, take a nap (but be sure to keep a dream notebook handy!), and make sure to get a full night's rest. We might even want to get into bed a bit earlier to give our minds some time to relax and unwind. Spend the necessary time hearing and heeding the profound insight that is available throughout this passage.


This is our third and final Water Sign and the end of the soul’s journey through the 12 stages of life and development through the Zodiac. Water is the element of emotions and spirituality and in its final stage connects us to what we might consider psychic or extra sensory perception. With us all swimming in this potent water do not be surprised about experiencing Deja vú, getting premonitions or other strong intuitive or extra sensory ways of knowing.


The twist is that being tapped into our imagination can cause us to have blind spots in reality. Especially since Pisces energy is known for conferring rose colored glasses to everyone. It will be important for you to slow down and really check in to make sure both your head and your heart are incoherent over the next 30 days. this is how we can overcome our own inner saboteur.

☀️Pisces The Fish♓️​

⭐️​​12th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: Water💧​​

⭐️​Essence: Mutable

⭐️Motto: I KNOW

⭐️​Archetype: The Mystic & The Innocent


Pisces Season♓️​ Body Wisdom

Pisces ♓️​rules the feet and the lymphatic system and provides us our stable base and detoxification for bodies. It is important to guard these body parts during this season and pay attention to any sensations that occur within them.


This makes the Body Wisdom focus on movement, grounding and stability. Whether its walking, running or dancing feet all these actions support forward motion in our lives. Our feet can take a beating in glamorous shoes and covered in rubber unable to get their natural balancing from the earth’s magnetic field.


Which makes it a great time of year to get a pedicure, do foot soaks with sea salt, try reflexology and make sure to put your bare feet on the earth to recharge and balance yourself. And if you can't (or won’t) do that get an earthing mat from Amazon..lol! Y’all know I’ve got one in my office and on my mattress, but I also never pass up a chance to be bare foot outdoor either👣​

So over the next 30 days we’re being called to look at the base of our foundations and our inner and dream worlds. Make sure to get extra rest, record your dreams, pamper and move your feet. This will help you to ride the wave🌊​ during Pisces Season 2023 with ease and grace.

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