The Desire Map is the revolutionary way to plan your New Year in 2022 and I’ve been doing it since 2018, when I decided to become a facilitator. I can truly say it has changed my life. Especially when I joined it with Astrology using my Stellar Year Blueprint Formula.

So I’ve decided to intentionally join two of my loves together into one amazing process to make 2022 the best year yet.


After the last 2 years we’ve had, isn’t it time to turn traditional New Year’s goal setting on its head? Everything else is upside-down!


If 2020 and 2021 has taught me anything, it’s that Astrology’s predictive power of the energy and tone of upcoming year is unmatched.

And when your movement is restricted, how you feel about everything matters 10x more that it did before!


So it’s been my intention to bring even more value to the women I serve in helping us all tap into more ease, grace and success for 2022.


By embodying the Uranus energy of the past 2 years and getting REVOLUTIONARY!


Let’s end resolution-ditching by February. By shifting from talking about external goals, to discovering how you want to feel in various parts of your life.


And marry these powerfully created goals with the Astro Weather and energetic container blueprint of the upcoming year.  Keep reading so I can show you how…

Free & Clear: Reset So You Can Start Fresh

So much focus on goal-setting is aimed outwardly. Tomorrow. The future. Gotta get there.

And of course, a forward perspective is essential for reality-making. But the map that’ll help you get what you want the most is in your cells.

It’s not a motivational formula.

It’s not something you can get “wrong”.

It’s in your pleasure and your dissatisfaction—where the messy human stuff collides with your big dreams.

Our desires are a manifestation code. And our here ‘n’ now struggles, the micro and mega, have to be held up to the light so we can get... free & clear.

How to set goals you ACTUALLY want to achieve? Step 1: Get FREE & CLEAR.

Create Your New Year’s Resolutions With Soul

Before you set your resolutions — the things you hope to attain, achieve, and accomplish — first, think about how you want those things to make you feel. When you wake up in the morning, when you get in your car, while you make dinner, while you’re planning your vacations…

Let this be the year you create your life with pure and powerful intention.

Knowing how you want to feel is one of the most important forms of clarity you can have. You’ll feel the way you want to feel more often than not. Decisions will be easier to make. You’ll know when to say “No, thank-you” and “Hell, yes!” You’ll be more optimistic, more openhearted. Your life will ease up on the grinding and fill up with more…ease. 2022 is yours.

You’ll get clear on the root of your desire and create a map of how you desire to feel in five areas of your life. From that place of clarity, you’ll be guided to discover and declare your core desired feelings. This is the new, holistic way to plan your New Year’s Resolutions. 

The Energetic Blueprint for 2022

Who doesn’t want a 2022 blueprint to help clear the smoke from the cosmic & karmic chaos that were the last 2 years? Or maybe to finally set the kind of goals in 2022 that work with energetics versus against it?


So many of us are struggling to adjust to this new normal that we don’t even have time to update the way we approach striving and achieving in a Post-COVID, high tech and low-touch world.

This is why I created the Stellar Year Blueprint Formula, so that you can access an energy blueprint for the year ahead to help you have more ease & success with goals and plan and self-care.


There is an art and science to synchronizing your Free & Clear, Desire Map Goals with Soul to the natural success cycles in the stars, moon & seasons. This process reveals the hidden knowledge and wisdom contained in the yearly energetics & stellar cycles to align intentions and vision for the year ahead. And it includes and easy to follow 6-step process to create your own 2022 energetic container.

Hopes & Wishes for 2022💫​

So, my wish for you is that making empowered choices comes easily to you. That’s why I’m inviting you to my 2 new online New Year’s planning workshop offerings:


Stellar Planning for 2022: Supercharge Your New Year Plans with Astrology

In this FREE Workshop, we’ll empower and inspire you to learn the techniques of applying astrology to daily, weekly & monthly planning that will supercharge your 2022. And attending the workshop means that you will get your FREE 2022 Stellar Year Blueprint 3 days earlier than ANYONE ELSE!


The 2022 Stellar Year Blueprint: The Art, Science & Wisdom of Synchronizing Your Goals To The Natural Success Cycles In The Stars, Moon & Seasons with Free & Clear and The Desire Map

The 2022 Stellar Year Blueprint: The Art, Science & Wisdom of Synchronizing Your Goals To The Natural Success Cycles In The Stars, Moon & Seasons with Free & Clear and The Desire Map, inspired by the best seller The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte, is a soul-heart-body experience that helps you feel good. Every day.

It takes you through the process of setting an energetic container using Astrology, Numerology and Tarot. And then helps you get clear on what you already have in your life, reflecting on the previous year, what you want to leave behind, and what you want to bring into the future with you – which leads to an informed and flexible plan of action for the year ahead.

For more details on exactly what we’ll cover at the workshop, dates and sign-up fees, check out these links below:

Stellar Planning for 2022: Supercharge Your New Year Plans with Astrology

The 2022 Stellar Year Blueprint: The Art, Science & Wisdom of Synchronizing Your Goals To The Natural Success Cycles In The Stars, Moon & Seasons with Free & Clear and The Desire Map

I want to help you design a 2022 and a life that feels good: when you wake up, when you go to work, when you cook dinner, create something. Astrology & The Desire Map has changed the way I live my life, and I am so thrilled to share this experience with you.

I’d be honored to support you in doing everything that makes you come alive at one of my next workshops, and we’re getting started this Sunday…


Blessed Be, Wise One✨​


