Ready to bring some levity into your love life?  Well today’s full moon in Gemini (at 11:35 PM EST) will enlighten carefree ways of relating. This is the first time since 2020 that this moon has entered this sign without the energy of the eclipse.

Now we can consider your lover or significant other as a playmate —or redo your dating application profile to uncover as much about your extracurricular interests as possible. Twin flames and soul mates could FINALLY join under this twin’s Full Moon. The energy will last for the two weeks following so keep your eyes open for connection.

Regardless of the type of relationship, you may draw in your unique missing  piece. The key is to be open and available! Investigate any neighborhood events to connect with  your spirit crew—or help to cause in your area. 

Also day-to-day transportation is ruled by Gemini so this full moon might light the way to the ideal vehicle or car accessory to make driving more pleasant.

This is the last full moon of 2021 and marks the end of an 18 month era where the north and south nodes of the moon have been in the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. As we move towards January and the new year the nodes will shift and we will experience different emotional energies focused on security and what makes us secure. 

December Full Moon Lunar Wisdom Formula 


Gemini♊️​​​ Cold Full Moon

Archetype: The Messenger

3rd House Lunation - Communication, Siblings, Neighbors   

Motto: I THINK

🌕 Final Full Moon Of The Year And End of Gemini/Sagittarius Axis Moon Cycle 

🌕 Address Communication - Speak Your Truth

🌕 Watch For Mood Swings Under The Twins Influence

🌕 Marry High Ideals With Your Vision For The Future

Celebrities With Moon in Gemini♊️

Tina Turner ☆Jennifer Garner ☆ Kylie Minogue ☆ Heidi Klum ☆ Brooke Shields ☆ Khloe Kardashian ☆ Kate Beckinsale ☆ Jennifer Lawrence ☆ Claudia Schiffer ☆ Gwyneth Paltrow ☆ Dita Von Teese ☆ Brigitte Bardot ☆ Rachel McAdams  ☆ Jennifer Connelly ☆ Alyssa Milano ☆ Milla Jovovich ☆ Édith Piaf  ☆ Eva Herzigová ☆ Jessica Biel ☆ Olivia Wilde ☆  Tilda Swinton ☆ Anna Karina ☆ Leelee Sobieski ☆  Shirley Temple ☆ Bette Davis ☆ Claudette Colbert ☆ Kate O’Mara ☆

Here are some journal  prompts and questions for the Gemini Full Moon🌕♊️ 📝

  • What is keeping you from sharing your message more freely and clearly with others?

  • How can you release any fears or insecurities that have been holding you back from adding your perspective to the conversation now?

  • What conversations or entertainment sources are you regularly consuming that are no longer serving you or taking you where you actually want to go in your life & work?

  • How could you better spend that time instead

  • What are you curious about?

  • Who interests you and what could you learn from them?

  • What is arising, what is being illuminated, this Full Moon?

Venus Retrograde: The Love Planet’s Backwards Journey

December 19 marks the day that Venus goes retrograde. Venus rules  the domains of natural joy and pleasure, including love, sentiment, connections, and arousing quality, just as style, cash, individual qualities, and self-esteem. During this time all Venusian topics are elevated, and we are welcomed into profound, internal reflection about the condition of our associations with others just as with ourselves.

A Venus retrograde happens like clockwork, and goes on for around 40 days. During the retrograde period Venus starts in her situation as the evening star, then, at that point, plunges far away beneath the skyline for half a month, later which she rises once more, yet this opportunity in the first part of the day sky. Her vanishing from the sky under the skyline addresses an emblematic excursion of the Goddess of Love through the hidden world, where she goes through a representative passing and resurrection process.

Since in this pivotal end-of-year timing she meets with Pluto, the master of death and resurrection, at the earliest reference point of this transit, it proposes that these topics will be extra noticeable during this specific retrograde. This could look to us all, as people, similar to an increased cleansing of that which does not serve anymore. It welcomes us to shed the mentalities, convictions, and qualities that are at this point not current, and line up with who we are becoming as we develop, recuperate, and advance into better approaches for being there  with one another on planet Earth.

Venus, planet of aesthetics, values, love, attraction and money , will retrograde through Capricorn, from December 19th until January 29th, and, as she does as such, from ten days before her retrograde station and during the greater part of the December she stays in close conjunction, within one degree, with Pluto.

Venus retrograde is a time to reach out to people you have been connected with in the past. Be that a love or money relationship. It is not the time to large things that require attracting new people, love or money to you. 

It’s time for us to reflect on the June 10th 2021 New Moon in Gemini and Solar Eclipse to decide what we will continue to nurture and what we will release from this 18 months of the nodes in Gemini & Sagittarius. The focus is shifting from curiosity and expansion to what’s secure and creating security. If you want to figure out the best next steps for this upcoming energetic shift then check out my guide The Lunar Wisdom Formula: A Woman's Manifestation Guide To Align With Your Sacred Feminine Energy & Intuition By The Moon


