“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” — Anne Bradstreet

Winter solstice is here and it’s time to snuggle up to a fire and prepare to hunker down for the cold and darkness.


Winter solstice marks the beginning of winter and the shortest day of the year and the weather isn't the only thing changing with the onset of this new season — your emotions could take a turn, as well.


Winter is known to bring along some melancholy emotions and mood swings. We get less sunshine in the winter, which lowers our serotonin and makes us feel down. This can also affect your hormones, making you feel like your moods are all over the place.


This is why we celebrate and promote lights during this time as a way of providing hope for the return of the Sun in the springtime.


The Sun is now at its furthest point from what we call the “celestial equator”—an imaginary extension of Earth’s equator line into space, in the Northern Hemisphere. 


Depending on what hemisphere you’re in the dates for Winter or Summer are reversed, but the fact remains that we’ve hit a division line of the shortest day and longest night in our 24 hour day.


From today on the days grow longer as the Sun rises earlier and nightfall comes later. It will remain this way until we reach the Spring Equinox as the start of a new Solar Year Cycle.


Watch this video to learn more…

The Solstices

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“Winter is not a season, it’s a celebration.” — Anamika Mishra

☀️Capricorn The Sea Goat♑️​

⭐️​​10th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 🌱​

⭐️​Essence: Cardinal/Influencer

⭐️Motto: I ACHIEVE

⭐️​Archetype: The Father

Reaching Our Highest Potential

Welcome To Capricorn Season​♑️​​☀️​

☀️Capricorn symbol is that of a mountain goat or sea goat. It represents the dogged determination this sign is known for similar to how goats make their way up rocky terrain by climbing both up and down until the summit is reached. ​A child of Saturn the Lord of Karma and a Taskmaster it pushes us in our Careers and Public Image. Capricorn is known as The Father archetype.


♑️​​​​Its glyph represents the horns and the body of a mythical Sea Goat. The basis of this glyph is that its supposed to represent a goat with a fishtail, but sometimes it’s a goat with horns, and other times the tail is looping down more so than others


☀️Capricorn Season is where we start to apply the knowledge gathered during Sagittarius seeking and use its last sparks to keep the fire burning for long winter nights🕯​Our greatest resources are structure, discipline, hard work and our reputation especially as winter cold calls for gathering for warmth and conserving resources.


​♑️​​​​​ Now is the time to check in with your career and your life purpose  - are you on track? Is your job creating wealth but stealing your joy and are you doing things that create lasting value and a sense of pride? What is your reputation in the world and how does it serve you?  These are the questions that help you to reach your highest potential and use the earth 🌱​ energy to create things of lasting value!  Ashe✨

Capricorn The Sea Goat🐐​

If you are a Capricorn (December 21 to January 20), you are a personality to be reckoned with, but in a quiet, subtle way.

These are people who will achieve whatever goal they set for themselves. They have the grit and determination to see out a project or an objective, no matter how long it takes.

They are surprisingly witty, when they allow themselves to be, although they’re not the fiery, flashy kind. A Capricorn will always be on time, will always have positions of responsibility. They make good psychologists because of their ability to listen to short-tempered people or people on a rant.

They have an ability to stay calm and reasoned in a disagreement or conflict, even though the other side may be more passionate.

They are deep thinkers who have good memories and a never-ending intellectual curiosity.   

In their relationships, they can have a tendency towards unhappiness. Capricorns set very high standards for themselves and can be easily disappointed if others don’t set equally high standards.

Professionally, they are strongly attracted to music, although their logical side also makes them excellent bankers. Check out some of the famous Capricorns below.  

Celebrities with Capricorn Sun ☀️​♑️​

Mary J. Blige ☆ Muhammed Ali ☆ Lee Daniels ☆ Ricky Martin ☆ Ryan Seacrest ☆ Sissy Spacek ☆ Jared Leto ☆ Kit Harington ☆ Seth Meyers ☆ Gayle King ☆ John Legend ☆Tyrese Gibson ☆ LeBron James ☆ Donna Summer ☆ Diane von Fürstenberg ☆  Liya Kebede ☆ Dolly Parton

After the Age of Aquarius in the zodiac Great Year (approximately 2000-4000 CE) will come the Age of Capricorn.

It’s hard to predict what the human condition will be by then. Will we have moved on to other planets and solar systems.

If the Age of Aquarius is to be marked by humanitarianism and greater understanding among the people on Earth, (we hope!), what will define the Age of Capricorn.

Will we achieve the goals of Aquarius? All the chaos of the past 2 years have been calling us to usher it’s radical change into existence through revolution.

Many people looked towards the year 2000 and the start new millennium as the beginning of a new era in the Great Year with hope that we will have learned from the mistakes of the past.

We are seeing that process truly unfold for us now. Hopefully we will continue to learn and in the Age of Capricorn will have evolved to even greater human potential.

Traits of Capricorn♑️​​

Capricorn is the workhorse of the Zodiac, working her way up the ladder of success, slowly and steadily.

 Goats have a strong sense of tradition and structure and make excellent teachers.  They respect history and believe in passing on an inheritance.  Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which means that they take the long view on things.

Like the tortoise racing against the hare, they know too well that slow and steady wins the race.

Capricorns are probably the most far-thinking of all the signs.  Where Sagittarius and Leo are partying for the moment, Capricorn is planning his schedule four years in the future.  But this focus on the future comes with a price.

Capricorn can get so preoccupied with the future that he starts to focus on death, and then becomes easily and deeply depressed. 

 It’s very easy for a Capricorn to fall into a woe is me attitude, worrying about the never-ending series of bad things that always seem to hit them at their most vulnerable.

Thankfully, because of their long-term views, most Goats can overcome this handicap by just putting their head down and working even harder.

Capricorns understand the meaning of sacrifice, because each of those hurdles that force them into the long and slow path to success means sacrificing something to overcome them.

Capricorns tend towards black, which is perfectly suited to their depression.  They also lean to the traditional in home and style and especially food.  Goats tend to eat plain and straightforward meals rather than something exotic.

Capricorns tend to do well in large corporations, where their work ethic allows them to work their way up a long ladder.  Capricorns are also uniquely suited to handling numbers and data.

Finally, because of their traditional outlook and innate teaching skills, Capricorns make excellent parents.  Children give them an heir, someone to pass along the family legacy to, which is one of the core pieces of the Goat’s makeup.

Overall, Capricorns are the definition of the G.O.A.T (just ask Muhammed Ali) and there are plenty examples to prove this amongst their ranks. This is because they are ready to put in that work to become the best version of themselves – and this is our call right now.  

Their cardinal influencer energy has the ability to bring out the best in ALL OF US and help us excel in the outer world where we build things of great value.  This is good energy to tap into for the Winter Season and the next 30 days.



