"I am grateful for everything this year taught me. It wasn’t always easy, but I wouldn’t change a single thing. Everything has led me to this moment right here, right now. I am grateful and excited for this new year. New start, new opportunities to explore, experience and express. 2022 is the year of divine love and infinite abundance for me!"

~ Lukas Notes

Here we are, just days before moving into a magnetic, abundant and expansive year ahead.

One where we can follow the beacon light of imagination and dreams,

and so many other things that you’ve been holding back on.

Not for just ONE but TWO whole years of limitations, endings and revolution.

All to get across the finish line! 🏁​

Just picture it 📸​

It’s 2022 and you look amazing, Sis!

I can feel it! Can you?

In our final moments of 2021 together, I wanted to share something so valuable with you

It’s about the Astro Weather of the new year.

Brief Overview of 2022 Astro Weather

For the second time this year, lucky, enlightened Jupiter partners up with reflective, idealistic Pisces, helping us see the silver lining in every cloud.

Jupiter moved into Pisces yesterday, and it'll stay until May (then come back October - December 2022).


We already had a little glimpse of this earlier in the year when Jupiter toured Pisces May to July. This tour now can be much nicer (once we're done with Venus and Mercury retrograde, anyway!).


The planet of good luck, optimism, and mind-broadening is comfortable in Pisces. It also joins Neptune, the planet of dreams, spirituality, and intuition


Things don’t have to be perfect in your life for you to be an optimist, and this receptive transit reminds you of that.


Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System, and its positive and expansive energy is enhanced as it travels through kind-hearted, inspirational Pisces.


This uplifting partnership increases your intuition helps you dream big and gives the future a look of faith and hope.


Success, happiness, contentment, love, peace, and joy could all be part of your new year—and your 2022

The Blueprint & Formula For 2022

The FREE 2022 Stellar Year Blueprint My  step-by-step method for stellar planning and timing,

that helps make your big goals, dreams and desires a reality.

So that once you've set those beautiful intentions,

you have a roadmap and sense of the right timing in place that creates more ease and grace in making them a reality.

Because while we know the universe is always working for us,

It's the right timing coupled with the action that we take that supports those dreams coming true.

I want you to have it as a parting gift for 2021, To set you up for all the success, abundance and wild goodness of 2022.

Now 2021 might not have been the remedy to 2020 you hoped for.

But that doesn’t mean 2022 won’t offer us hope for the future?

And Jupiter’s presence in Pisces next year is a big part of this!

So expect big and positive changes for 2022 as some of the major planetary transits signal happiness and growth in the year ahead.

However, there are still some transformational and behind the scenes transits for us to complete.

They may bring more times of contrast  depending on how it activates your birth chart.

Just know that whatever be the impact, you can now prepare yourself for challenges in advance,

with The 2022 Stellar Year Blueprint Formula and The Life Planner.

It will let you know the events that might happen to you in the year 2022.

So why wait? Get your 12 Month Life Planner Report Now. Because you owe it to your hopes and dreams to go big in 2022

Benefits Of Life Planner

•            Easy Decision Making

•            Know the upcoming challenges

•            Plan your next move

•            Grab rewarding opportunities

•            Make productive decision

•            Remedies to overcome tough times ahead


Many Blessings For Your New Year Ahead,

Wise One✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


