Just one day after the calendar new year we experienced the first New Moon of 2022 at 1:33pm in the hardworking and high achieving sign of Capricorn♑️​. What a wonderful synchroncity!


New Moons are new beginnings: they address a brilliant time for expectation setting, and they welcome us to get clear on our dreams and wants.


Joined by a turning of the yearly cycle to a new year, we get an opportunity to start anew and get new energy from the Cosmos: for the next 2 weeks unconstrained action and activity are supported, as the Universe welcomes us to embrace challenge and gain from experimentation.


This lunar cycle starts with the gathering of Sun and Moon at 12° Capricorn. This masculine earth sign addresses the rule of Achievement and our need to feel effective: to structure our endeavors and live with power.


Capricorn is the Sea-goat, a legendary animal with the chest area of a goat, and the lower body of a fish, representing the joining of our profound instinct and our definite footed capacity to flourish in cold conditions: an update that we are otherworldly animals having a natural encounter.


Capricorn is the CEO, ready to control a course towards a critical objective in the midst of mind-boggling moving parts, teaming up with others to make something that will better the world.


Capricorn welcomes us to pick our objective, our mountain, and to show out that way with firm, unwavering advances, laying out the groundwork for ourselves, and confiding in our capacity to adjust and improve as required.


January New Moon

The Lunar Wisdom Formula


Capricorn New Moon♑️​🌑​ Highest Potential

Element: 🌱​

Archetype: The Father

10th House Lunation - Career, Highest Potential, Public Image

Motto: I USE


🌑 ​New Moon To Start of Calendar New Year with Initiation Energy

🌑 ​Focus On Exploring Your Upper Limit Boundary & How It Blocks Success

🌑 ​Identify & Take Action Towards Your Highest Potential

🌑 ​Review Career Plans & Initiate Next Steps

🌑 Meditate On & Work With The Masculine/Father Energy

🌑 ​Review & Enact Lessons Learned During The Twin Portal 

Capricorn♑️​ Energy Implications


Refocusing on this 1st New Moon of 2022 being in the sign of Capricorn, it marks an exceptionally huge omen that should be called to attention.


Beginning in 2008, Pluto has been transiting in the sign of Capricorn, profoundly testing and changing the perceptions of this sign. We can't discuss Capricorn without referencing this because it’s the sign that rules tradition and we’ve been experiencing the death of many traditions in favor of new ones in the past 12 years.


The travel of Pluto comes full circle in 2023 when it will enter Aquarius: we are in the “keep going” periods of this drawn-out venture, which relates with the breakdown of existing outdated constructions and the savage revealing of what doesn't work any longer, of what is decaying and should be wiped out.


Capricorn is associated with the discipline and difficult work that permits us to make our fantasies materialize and show them in the material reality. The forthcoming lunar cycle will welcome us to consider the designs we want to construct and the penances we will make to show them, empowering us to contemplate on whether our triumphs and accomplishments in the outside reality honor what is happening in our internal reality.


Beginning of January Astro Weather: Mercury♒️​ & Venus♑️​ Aspects


Today Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius. As a result, you might feel inspired by ‘what could be’ rather than ‘what is.’ So, if you have far-fetched or wacky ideas, don’t ignore them or laugh them off. They could be brainwaves of the genius kind!

You may face circumstances involving a change of job, a new career path, or re-training.


It's a significant week for adoration, so assuming you haven't outlined any heartfelt goals at this point, start putting your consideration there.


The Sun and Venus retrograde are moving progressively close together in the zodiac. This weekend, they land at the same degree of Capricorn, making an "inferior conjunction," an occasion that just happens at regular intervals, halfway through every Venus retrograde.


Similar to a new moon, this cosmic coupling can be considered as a Venus rebirth (or "another Venus"), a second where everything goes dim in the sky, and we have a totally fresh start whereupon to revise our romantic tales.


Starting this end of the week, Venus goes imperceptible in the skies subsequent to finishing her stage as an "evening star" (apparent in the sky close to sundown). On January 15, Venus will show up again as a "morning star," uncovering her brilliant sorcery not long before sunrise.


Celebrities With Moon in Capricorn♑️​​

☆ Sarah Jessica Parker ☆ Kate Hudson ☆ Kourtney Kardashian  ☆ Ashley Tisdale ☆ Susan Sarandon ☆ Chloe Sevigny ☆ Zooey Deschanel ☆ Katee Sackhoff ☆ Julia Stiles ☆ Reece Witherspoon ☆ Audrina Partridge ☆ Cher ☆ Stevie Nicks ☆ Liv Tyler ☆ Serinda Swan ☆ Rachel Zoe ☆ Amy Winehouse ☆ Elke Sommer ☆ Willow Smith ☆ Tara Reid ☆ Sarah Silverman ☆ Mia Farrow ☆ Christina Ricci ☆ Jennifer Love Hewitt ☆ Yves Saint Laurent ☆


Embracing Divine Structures 

So let’s ask ourselves…

How are we really doing, as we truly start the year, under this grounded, reflective New Moon.

Any intention you set over the coming days has an influence not only over your month, but your year as well!

Here are some questions to ask yourself on this New Moon in Capricorn📝:

·      What is arising within and without?

·      What vision or dream are you ‘birthing’ or holding space for, in yourself, your work or community?

·      What’s the ‘birth plan’ and what’s your definition of ‘success’?

Take heed of the information you discover and use it over the next 2 weeks to make inroads to your highest achievement and potential.


New Year & New Moon Blessings Wise One🎉​🌑​♑️​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom



