Here we are in the second week of January with many of us start looking at how we can improve our lives, and astrology can help with that.

To help make more sense of the energy and Astrology of 2022 on a general & global check out this Vlog post for the year. πŸ’«

To take deep dive on what this all means for you, keep reading the information below for an applied breakdown of information for the next 12 months.

Even if January still carries an energy that reminds us of what we went through during 2021, things may already start moving in different directions, both for us individually and for the collective as a whole.

Collectively, we are still in a phase of transition, and these moments of our lives often correspond with a sense of crisis. During the upcoming months, Jupiter will keep moving through Pisces, helping us enter the new year with hope and faith, promoting spiritual awareness and increasing our desire to expand our consciousness and our perception of reality.

In particular, Uranus stationing direct while the Lunar Nodes change signs, are likely to catalyze a significant acceleration of the pace of our lives. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the year’s twists and turns below.

2022 Positive Influences & Blessings

First, take a peek at the transiting Jupiter and its house in your birth chart over the course of the following year. Jupiter will usually visit 2 or 3 or your natal houses in a single year. In 2022, Jupiter tours all of Pisces and spends a couple of months in Aries (goes from 0 degrees Pisces to 8 degrees Aries).

For me that means that my 10th House of Career & Public Recognition and my 11th House of Friendships, Groups and Community will be getting a big dose of luck and expansion.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, and is the blessing planet, so Jupiter likes to bring opportunities. This occurs with the areas of life controlled by the house transit Jupiter is visiting. You can also track down the houses for the following year, and start making arrangements for how you can either better pursue opportunities in those areas of your life, or you can create opportunities of your own.

This is where you really want to exploit the accommodating energy accessible to you. Jupiter always wants you to make something happen.You can also see this positive energy for a potential open door on the off chance that transit Jupiter is visiting the Zodiac sign of any of your natal planets.

Opportunities can be pursued or created in the areas of life the planet rules. It's considered especially auspicious when transit Jupiter is in your Sun sign, which creates strong magnetics with you on a personal level, or your Moon sign, which resonates on an emotional level.

Well that is the positive spot to investigate the following year of your life.

Where To Hunker Down in 2022

For the challenges, check out transiting Saturn and the natal houses it's visiting over the course of the following year. Saturn usually travels through 1 or 2 of your natal houses in a single year. For 2022, Saturn remains in Aquarius the entire year (somewhere in the range of 11 and 25 degrees).

That means for me that I will have my last hurrah with "The Lord of Karma" restricting my 9th House of Travel and Higher Learning and just a few degrees into my 10th House of Career. Good thing I'm already through the worst part of my travel detox and that Jupiter will be my lucky charm and protection in career matters!

Saturn is restrictive energy, so whatever areas of life are managed by the natal houses Saturn is visiting throughout the following year can feel more restricted. There might be less opportunities, and you might be more frustrated.

Saturn is the educator and wants us to learn, so the significant thing with these areas is to give close consideration and learn significant lessons. This can assist with lessening the restrictive energy of Saturn so it's somewhat less frustrating.

Saturn also wants us to do things the correct way and for the right reasons, so it's significant with whatever areas of life the natal house rules to do things right. Get your work done before making a move, make serious arrangements, be cautious and keep away from impulsive action. You really need to consider the different outcomes. Saturn will punish you further assuming you leap before looking, so you need to keep away from that.

You can also see this being the case assuming transiting Saturn is visiting a Zodiac sign that one of your natal planets is situated in. Restrictive energy and a need to do things right can be significant with whatever the planet rules. Be additional smart and be careful, and additionally patient. Despite the restrictive energy that Saturn brings, using it the right way can remove problems and help clear the way ahead when heeded.

So remember, Jupiter is where you can pursue or create opportunities and this can be very positive, while Saturn is where you can feel more restricted and should be smart. By using Jupiter wisely, you can gain lots of headway and grow your life in new intriguing ways. By using Saturn wisely, you can try not to create more problems for yourself, and make some easier memories pushing ahead.

Personal Planets PowerπŸ’₯​

Then, you'll need to investigate transit Mars. Mars is the planet of energy and drive, and whatever the natal house rules in your birth chart that transiting Mars can stand out enough to be noticed around then. Mars usually tours 4 to 6 of your natal houses in a single year. Mars starts 2022 in Sagittarius and ends in Gemini.

For me, this means that I will have a lot of action and energy in houses 7 through 12 just missing my Rising sign. This transit will light up all the outward facing areas of life: Business/Partnership (7th House), Other People's Money & Sex (8th House), Travel & Higher Education (9th House), Career (10th House), Friendships, Groups and Community (11th House) and The Subconscious, Secrets & Blind Spot (12th House).

Mars in a house helps you make a move with whatever that house rules. You can step up, and find that it's easier for you to do as such. Follow the development of Mars through your natal houses throughout a year, and plan for activity. For every natal house, make arrangements for move you can make while Mars travels through.

Last but not least, take a look at the personal planet retrogrades over the course of the following year, so retrogrades by Mercury, Venus, and Mars.

Retrogrades are fantastic for do-over and second chances, yet they can throw you way off easily, so you need to have an arrangement going into them. See when those retrogrades are happening make an arrangement to slow down, get some rest, and focus on the re-'s: redo, revise, revisit, rethink, reconsider, relearn, recharge, etc.

This is especially significant if the retrograde is happening in your Sun, Moon, or Rising sign, so when you see that, you certainly need to have an arrangement beforehand one that involves taking time for rest.

Venus is currently retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th, and Mars will retrograde later in the year in Gemini. Mercury retrogrades in Capricorn and Aquarius starting this Friday, January 14th. Then later in the year it will retrograde Gemini and Taurus, Libra and Virgo, and ends the year retrograde in Capricorn.

So, use Jupiter for opportunities, be smart with Saturn, make the most of energy with Mars, and plan for the re-'s or second chances with the personal planet retrogrades.

You might see some ups and downs consistently, and that is ordinary, in any event, when you're doing everything right. It's critical to stick with it and not be so critical of your progress when this happens.

Blessed Be Wise Onesβœ¨β€‹


