We made it to the middle of the road, they year and the body when we get to Cancer♋️​season. Cancer is the core of the body (chest/breasts and stomach) and the Seat of the Soul reminding us that we need to go within and master the element of water💦​ to lead our way out of the Summer months with a feeling of safety, security and home in our hearts.

There is an extra energy dynamic between the Sun and Moon during this time period, due to the Moon being Cancer’s ruling planet. And its during this middle of the zodiac season and before the Capricorn Career Full Moon that I want to focus on the crystals that will help us most with grounding across the Home/Career axis that is the current Stellar Energy.

Cancer is an Influencer/Cardinal sign and the first water sign to appear in the Zodiac. I always envision a domestic goddess who leads with her emotional intelligence, intuition and the ability to create an environment that feels like home – wherever that may be. That kind of belonging that you feel down in the pit of your stomach. Now is a time energetically for people to trust their gut and use your unseen senses most.

Those brought into the world under the zodiac sign or with their moon or rising sign in Cancer will feel these impacts more than most.

During Water based Zodiac seasons, our inner world, emotions and the spiritual elements come into play big time. One thing that provides water direction is earth and the mash up of crystals and water during this time can be a complete game changer with this Astro Weather.

Check out the video and the blog below to see the best crystals for Cancer♋️​ season the fourth Watery💦 sign of the Zodiac and how to infuse water with crystal properties to clear our home and energy to add​​​ into our tool box.

​Below you will find information about the 3 Crystals or Stones that I recommend for use during Cancer Season or when the Moon is in Cancer.

There are links to learn more in-depth information about the nature of each stone and a link of where to get ethically-sourced, high quality crystals for your own collection and use.

And if you’re reading this post then make sure that you use my Coupon Code: 8thHouseWisdom for an 11% discount at checkout.


Cancer♋️​​​ Healing Crystals

Emerald:  This stone calms, relaxes and connects you with your sense of purpose. The color taps into the heart and core of the body and supports mental clarity which the watery emotions of Cancer natives.  

Moonstone: This stone has a special connection with our intuition and the unseen world. Using it helps you to create internal space for growth and change on a personal level.

Rose Quartz: The stone of love and peace that opens us up to emanating and receiving love in all ways possible – especially in relation to others.

Crystal Water💎​💦​: Crystals for Our Core in Cancer Season♋️​

Purchase Crystal Wand Water Infuser

Crystal Waters💦​💎​

Crystal water is an amazing way to harness the power of water and crystals for our overall well-being. Whether using it as drink, body or spray for the air – crystal water has the ability to help us engage the spiritual and physical at the same time. People have been drinking gem-infused water for thousands of years to promote spiritual and physical health.

Purchase Gem Pod Water Tumbler Here

 Step by step instructions to make crystal-infused water

1.     Prior to setting your crystal in your water pitcher, first set them in cool salt water for three days to reset the energy.

2.     You can also set the stones outside for three days under a full moon to absorb the lunar energy. (Remember to bring them inside before the sunlight hits to keep the moon’s charge)

3.     Once you have soaked and/or charged your stone, it's ready to be placed in a pitcher of distilled or filtered water. Let it charge overnight and set an intention for your water. After this the water is ready to be consumed or used as a body or room spray.

Purchase Gem Pods for Tumbler Here

Overall, this water will have a different, perhaps sweeter taste than regular water due to the combining of the living crystal. The surface of the water might feel different too — this is all  typical for crystal-infused water. The crystal’s powers are infusing your body with its energy and any intention you’ve set over your water!

When the taste of the water will begin to change when the stone needs to be recharged, perhaps becoming less sweet. Then all you have to do is repeat the steps above to create more. This water is wonderful to drink, turn into an energized body or room spray. This meeting of earth and water can give our energetic and feeling bodies direction and positive or protective charge.


What a wonderful way to infuse yourself and your home with the energy of your chose crystal for watery💦​ Cancer♋️​ season and beyond. I hope this has given you some good ideas for how to use crystals, engage your hands and calm anxiety.

Blessed Be Wise Ones✨​

Melissa of Eighth House Wisdom


