Around the beginning of every new year, we have the New Moon🌑 in ♑️ Capricorn. This year it happened on January 2nd, which was literally the opening of 2022.
If you follow The Lunar Wisdom Formula, then you know it was a great time for setting goals for our careers and creating and embracing divine structure. Now here we are 6 months later where this cycle is coming to its peak with the July 13th, 2022 Full Moon🌕 in Capricorn♑️ at 2:37 PM EST
It’s the perfect time to check in on the progress that you’ve made on those goals you set for the January New Moon. 📝
As the full moon clarifies our feeling and the environment around our current goals and undertakings, we need to seize the opportunity release all that is done serving us - or - whatever is maybe blocking us from what we truly need to achieve.
This Super Full Moon is also meeting up with groundbreaking Pluto, so be ready to push off any old outlooks or mental blocks that have gotten in the way.
This moon will also make harmonious aspects with the both the North and South Nodes in Scorpio♏️ & Taurus♉️ assisting us in clearing any negative karma and connecting with our dharma or soul’s purpose.
It’s important to take stock and celebrate any progress you’ve made over the first half of the year and let this Full Moon help you throw off negative assumptions. This is such an important tine to get committed once again to the objectives and dreams that vibe your highest potential in this lifetime.
Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse ♑️🌕 Lunar Wisdom Formula
Capricorn♑️ Super Full Buck Moon
Archetype: The Father
10th House Lunation - Career & Highest Potential
Motto: I Use/I Achieve
🌕This the 3rd Super Full Moon of 2022
🌕This Lunar energy is intensified by its conjunction (joining) to Jupiter Retrograde
🌕Explore the Push/Pull of Shadow & Light
🌕Visualize Your Highest Potential
🌕Set Structures for Achieving Your Goals
🌕Focus on Higher Learning
🌕Face Fears & Karma to Make Breakthroughs
When we apply The Lunar Wisdom Formula it’s not only for working with the New and Full Moon for the month, we are also planting seeds that will peak 6 months later.
During this time we get a long view to observe the progress on our New Moon intentions and then use the same sign Full Moon to then close the manifestation process out by focusing on releasing attachment to the outcome and removing any blocks to progress.
The 12 Houses & Their Mottos
Working With The Moon Cycle 🌕🌑
This is the first Full Moon of the Summer Season and also first 6-month New to Full Moon Cycle to occur in the same sign of the Zodiac in 2022. We are activating the Capricorn (Winter/Father/Career) and Cancer (Summer/Mother/Home) axis in our emotional lives and environments.
Full moons are a completion of a cycle that benefit from some form of closing ritual. One of the best that you can put in place involved detoxing. The full moon energy laughs for about 3 days after the peak light of the moon.
During that time looking at the area of your chart ruled by Capricorn and applying a detoxifying action such as:
1. Clutter clearing
2. Nutritional changes
3. Ending relationships
4. Or using sauna or taking detox bath
Any of these suggestions or whatever your inner voice indicates can aid you in fully reaping and manifesting at peak level by releasing.
Full Moon Releasing Prompts 📝
· What notable things have I accomplished thus far in 2022 and how can I honor and celebrate these things at the halfway mark of the year?
· How can I open myself to my heart desire, ease and grace and become less rigid and dogmatic about reaching my goals through overworking and pushing?
· What relationships or situations and my clinging to for the wrong reason?
· Where is my pride holding me back in life?
· Where could my career benefit from transformation and how do I start this journey?
Blessed Be Wise Ones✨