Cancer♋️: The Mother, The Longest Day of The Year & Summer’s Arrival☀️​

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The Summer Solstice has arrived, which means it’s time to dawn our flower power crowns and go out to enjoy the longest day of the year. Well this is for all of us who are living on the northern side of the equator — for those living in the southern half of the globe, it will be the the shortest day of the year. The Summer Solstice happens every year somewhere close to June 20 and 22. This year’s Farmer's Almanac indicates that it begins on Sunday, June 20 at 11:32 pm ET. This blog post is all about how to enjoy the Solstice, Start of Summer and beginning of Cancer Season.

What is the Summer Solstice?

Solstice in a real sense means sol (sun) + sistere (stopping). The sun seems to halt abruptly for approximately three days. Notwithstanding, it's an excellent dream. The sun's general situation to the earth doesn't actually change. In ancient times, the sun appearing to stand still was a reason to celebrate. According to Farmer's Almanac, in Ancient Egypt, the Summer Solstice happened at the same time as the rising of the Nile River.

They had to protect their society and plan for flooding, so as a result, the Egyptian New Year began during the solstice. In other cultures, the Irish spent the eve of the solstice hunting for for precious gems and gold associated with the sun (silver is associated with the moon).

This day is also associated with Midsummer celebrations, most famously at Stonehenge, which is filled with flowers. According to the Wheel of The Year we are heading towards Litha, an ancient celebration of light and warm and the bounty of Summer’s fruits that peaks at the 1st Full Moon of Summer. This warmth, light and comfort of the summer sun are just the right introduction for the watery Season of Cancer.

☀️Cancer The Crab♋️​

⭐️​​4th House Ruler

⭐️​Element: 💦​​

⭐️​Essence: Cardinal/Influencer

⭐️Motto: I NURTURE

⭐️​Archetype: The Mother

☀️​The symbol for this sign are the two pincers of the crab lifted in the air. It can also be depicted as a lobster or crawfish, really any of these water dwelling crustaceans who have a hard shell, protecting soft innards and like to burrow in the sand. Cancer is known as The Mother archetype.

♋️Its glyph represent the signs of home, hearth and motherhood, the breasts and stomach. While some people se an opposing 6 and 9, the imagery is really about reflecting the sensitive watery energy this sign is known for.

☀️Cancer Season begins right after the Summer Solstice making it the official start of summer and the time of long days and short nights. The weather supports us getting out and about again but energetically many people will feel called to be at home or to travel to their ancestral or family home.

​♋️​Our sense of nurturing instincts will be at an all time high! Comfort will be very necessary and you can expect to get strong gut-level impressions and memorable dreams that should be heeded during this time of heightened intuition. It’s the best way to use the intense vibes this water-based💧​​​ energy.

Cancer The Crab 🦀​

The sign of Cancer (June 20/21 - July 22) takes on the nature of the prickly crustacean when they want to protect their soft emotional nature by burrowing in the sand for cover. In fact, the Cancer personality is full of color and mood just like its ruling planet the Moon.

The ancient Egyptians perceived Cancer as the sacred scarab. It was a symbol of resurrection and immortality and they often placed a carving of a scarab in the body where the heart had been, as part of the mummification process.

Cancers are very imaginative and intuitive. They make great artists and musicians. They’re not risk takers and will take the time to really think through all sorts of outcomes and probabilities before taking on a new venture. That’s because they had to keep an eye on safe.

They’re very sympathetic and protective of those around them. They will help out in whatever way they can, when they have the energy to spare and will offset their generosity with calculating all the risks first. They’re emotional and loving, and great family and pet people.

Cancers make good journalists, writers or politicians because of their ability to think and judge independently what they’re told. They’re good in public service, perhaps in social service agencies.

Cancers are good providers because they themselves love comfort and a good life. Cancers can procrastinate and can upset their families with this trait. They’re not too good at taking orders, so positions where they’re required to be submissive or subordinate may not suit them well.

Famous Cancers comprise an interesting mix of accomplishments. They include:

Lana Del Ray Meryl Streep Cyndi Lauper Frances McDormand Selma Blair Mindy Kaling Solange Knowles Busy Philipps Ariana Grande Khloe Kardashian Selena Gomez Bob Fosse Sylvester Stallone the Dalai Lama Robin Williams Ernest Hemingway.

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Traits of Cancer♋️​

Cancer is symbolized by the Crab, because the Crab was believed to carry his house on his back. And, like their namesake, the home is very important to Cancer.

Those born under this sign are heavily focused on home life. Cancers are the domestic experts of the Zodiac and would be the first to know how to fix an appliance or to match the proper drapes with the sofa.

Unfortunately, they also have a reputation as packrats, because they attach emotions to their belongings. Every old photo becomes a cherished heirloom because of the memories that go with it.

Cancers are sensitive and caring. Only Pisces comes close to the sensitivity of Cancer. Crabs are the truest and closest companions, always coming to the aid of their friends, ready to bail them out at a moment’s notice.

The crab’s other defense is to curl up behind his shell. Cancers have a reputation for being tough and unfeeling because they keep their emotions hidden for their own protection, of course. They can be frustrated that people can’t see through that shell to the deeply caring person hidden behind it. They tend to dress down, not attracting attention to themselves.

Cancers have a tendency to be worried, moody, or even depressed, but this can be lightened with water-based activities like fishing or sailing. Because of their affinity for the home, many cancers enjoy fixer-upper hobbies, like adding an extension to the house.

Because they care about people, Cancers are most at home in a career where they can help people in some way. Pushing papers or operating machinery will make for a very crabby Crab. Cancers, with their innate skills at knowing what people need and feel, tend to make very good managers. However, they tend to build on existing ideas, rather than creating their own, so they don’t make the best entrepreneurs unless it’s a home-based business.

Overall, Cancers are the supreme nurturer and keepers of home and hearth. Their cardinal influencer energy has the ability to put us all at ease and help us feel at home anywhere. This is good energy to tap into for the next 30 days.

Blessed Be!

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