The Capricorn Super Full Moon♑️​: Ambition Meets Inner Peace📿​

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On June 24th @ 2:40pm we will have the last of three supermoons for 2021 in the sign of Capricorn♑️​. As supermoons do, the Moon may look slightly larger and brighter than usual. This brings the focus of career, achievement and structures in to clear and close view for the next 2.5 days.

This full moon was known by Native American tribes as the Strawberry Moon because it signaled the time of year to gather ripening fruit. It also coincides with the peak of the strawberry harvesting season. This moon has also been known as the Rose Moon and the Honey Moon for those outside of the Americas due to the access to sweet honey and roses in full bloom at this time of year.

You know how people talk about doing anything you put your mind to? Well, today’s lunar energy and wisdom are offering us confidence and encouraging us to reaching beyond dreams and perceived abilities and believe in that potential.

There is an incredible burst of determined energy available to us under the light of the ambitious Capricorn full moon, which represent The Father archetype. It want us to achieve and enjoy the divine providence available to us all. So it forces us to get structured and serious about what we want from life—and back it up with clear steps to take so that we can be held accountable. Sound like a Dad-type, right?

While it’s important to solidify your plans and goals, we have to make sure they have soul. We want Ambition Meets Inner Peace. So consider what will make you both successful and happy? All too often we tend to go for one without the other, and would you be satisfied with obtaining one without the other? Capricorn is ruled by wise Saturn, the planet that can help you make positive changes, so making life-altering adjustments now is totally possible.

This is the first full moon after the Summer Solstice and it’s only fitting that we have and axis of The Mother (Cancer) and The Father (Capricorn) energy to integrate. These two signs represent the marriage and reflection of hot and cold constitutions with strong a Cardinal/Influencer energy - setting the tone for what happens in the home and in our careers.

Just think back to being a kid and how enjoying the longer days, the start of summer’s warmth and light and taking a vacation were made possible by Mom and/or Dad. It’s the push and pull of a mother’s warmth, sweetness and nurturing energy contrasting and collaborating with a father’s more cold, calculating, no-nonsense git’er done attitude. The best of both worlds is marrying these view points

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Capricorn♑️​​​ Super​​​ Full Strawberry Moon

Archetype: The Father

10th House Lunation - Career & Highest Potential

Motto: I Use/I Achieve

🌕This Lunar energy is intensified by its conjunction (joining) to Jupiter Retrograde

🌕Explore the Push/Pull of Shadow & Light

🌕Visualize Your Highest Potential

🌕Set Structures for Achieving Your Goals

🌕Focus on Higher Learning

🌕Face Fears & Karma to Make Breakthroughs

Celebrities With Moon in Capricorn♑️​​

☆ Sarah Jessica Parker ☆ Kate Hudson ☆ Kourtney Kardashian ☆ Ashley Tisdale ☆ Susan Sarandon ☆ Chloe Sevigny ☆

Zooey Deschanel ☆ Katee Sackhoff ☆ Julia Stiles ☆ Reece Witherspoon ☆ Audrina Partridge ☆ Cher ☆ Stevie Nicks ☆ Liv Tyler

☆ Serinda Swan ☆ Rachel Zoe ☆ Amy Winehouse ☆ Elke Sommer ☆Willow Smith ☆ Tara Reid ☆ Sarah Silverman ☆ Mia Farrow ☆ Christina Ricci ☆ Jennifer Love Hewitt ☆ Yves Saint Laurent ☆

Here are some questions to ask yourself on this Full Moon: 📝

  • “What career accomplishments have meant the most from the past 6 months and how can I honor & celebrate them in a BIG way now?”

  • “What legacy do I want to leave this earth when I go and how do I select and prioritize activities and work that will ALLOW me to do this in the future?"

  • “What boundaries, limits, systems or thought patterns around career, ambition and achieving are keeping you from the state of divine flow and how do I start to release them NOW?"

Remember that the things we think are worth having, achieving and getting only matter to us because of the way they make us feel. It's good to be all about your business and in your bag💰​, but it won't feel the same if you don't allow the union of the energies of I NURTURE (Cancer) with I USE/ACHEIVE(Capricorn)

If you want to learn more about what to do during these next few weeks click the link to get a copy of my FREE Guide The Stellar Year Blueprint: The Art, Science & Wisdom of Synchronizing Your Goals To The Personal Success Cycles In The Stars, Moon & Seasons for more about eclipse and retrograde season.

Blessed Be!


Mixed Up and Spaced Out in a Dream World: Jupiter & Neptune Retrograde 2021


Cancer♋️: The Mother, The Longest Day of The Year & Summer’s Arrival☀️​