Mixed Up and Spaced Out in a Dream World: Jupiter & Neptune Retrograde 2021

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Imagine riding in a speeding train and passing a slower train. Both trains are moving straight ahead, but as the trains are passing, the slower train appears to be moving backwards, at least from the point of view of the riders on the fast train.

This same effect occurs with the planets. As the Earth passes (or is passed by) other planets in the solar system, for a while, they appear to slow in their path across the Zodiac. Then they stop altogether, and backtrack against their paths for a short while, and stop again. Finally, they get back up to speed again, and return to where they started.

The entire period from the point where the planet started to slow down, through the backwards motion, until the planet catches up to itself and passes the point where it started from called Retrograde. It’s a fairly common and straightforward event in astronomy, but it takes on a whole new meaning in astrology. Retrograde periods are traditionally regarded as times when humans have little control, when things that are fated to happen actually happen. It’s also where Astrology becomes a secret weapon, because “knowledge is power” and learning more what is going on can support massive changes in your personal outcome.

Retrograde Season 2021


In the last days of June we’ve had the last two modern, social outer planets to go retrograde on June 20th (Jupiter - Expansion) & June 25th (Neptune – Imagination). They are joining the Mercury (Communication) Retrograde Post Shadow ending on July 2nd along with Pluto (Transformation), Saturn (Limits & Boundaries) giving us heavy stack of planets either in or just leaving their backwards journey in the sky.

The only other outer planet needed at this party would be Uranus, which will retrograde again on August 20, 2021 bringing back the energy of the Great Disruptor and the Revolutionary. We already had a brief retrograde period for Uranus show up on New Year’s Day and just 5 days later when the planet met up with Mars moving into Taurus, the Capitol Insurrection took place before it quickly went direct on January 14th, 2021. Talk about disruptions and revolutions, honey…you can’t make this stuff up!

This will be the last arrival to the 2021 Retrograde Season, which will keep some form of retrograde planet energy going strong until about December 1st, 2021. Which gives us about a 5.5 month period of possibly REwarding inward journeys across some big areas of life brought to us by 5 planets at one time.

Thank goodness, Venus (Attraction Point & Love Nature), the Morning Star doesn’t do her retrograde dance December 19th, 2021, rolling on into 2022. It’s a kindness to all, as this personal planet, which governs our point of attraction, beauty and our love nature, impacts our daily lives much more than the outer planets. During Venus’ Retrograde period, attraction and loving emotions which Venus rules become muted. That makes it the wrong time of the year to redecorate, start a relationship, or get married.

Which might make this summer feel like another prison lockdown sentence for many of us, as COVID restrictions are lifting this summer and people can resume social lives and dating. So I would say, let’s consider it’s absence as a loving gift from the heavens to help us make our way through the messages and medicine that Retrograde Season 2021 is bringing us.

Now lets take a closer look at what Jupiter and Neptune Retrogrades have in store for us this year…

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Jupiter Retrograde

From June 20th – October 18th 2021, Jupiter will go through two signs while retrograde, starting in dreamy, spiritual water sign Pisces♓️​ and finishing off with community-loving, unconventional air sign Aquarius♒️. During these first few days of retrograde, Pisces may deliver a surprise and a little too much hope and grace for a situation than is healthy. The Fish love to give us rose-colored glasses to “champion the underdog” which often results in being disappointed after getting them knocked off by reality.

Then when Jupiter crosses into Aquarius territory, the shift from what we feel (water💦​) to what we think (air💨​) means that we’ll finally start getting the information we need yet it will blow our expectations. There may also be a return to political conflicts in governments while the people define and organize around a new global cause that clearly defines “Us versus Them”.

This means Jupiter going retrograde heralds a time for deep, introspective spiritual and philosophical growth and development. We need to connect with our inner truth, soul purpose, and to really look at the big picture and make any necessary adjustments from that vantage point.

Jupiter Retrograde Stellar Timing & Dates

⭐️​June 23: Jupiter trines the Cancer♋️​ Sun giving idealistic and secure vibes.

⭐️July 12: Mercury/Jupiter trine allowing us to talk usefully about our emotions.

⭐️July 22: Venus might cause excessive feelings leading to bothering loved ones and pointing out. flaws – so chill out.

⭐️July 29: Mars energy and resistance to it could cause us to over reach or overdo-it .

⭐️August 10: Mind your emotions for hurt feelings now that the Sun & Jupiter have changed to Leo♌️​/Aquarius♒️​

⭐️August 19: Jupiter/Mercury resistance now that Sun is in Leo – watch your words.

⭐️September 6: Jupiter/Venus in Libra♎️​ trine makes it a day to be adored

⭐️September 20: Jupiter/Mercury trine allow heartfelt energies to be shared

⭐️October 15: Jupiter/Moon conjunction, trine the Sun giving a sense of balance and great positivity.

Jupiter’s retrograde motion will affect each of us differently depending upon your Sun and/or Rising Sign. In general, Pisces risings and natives as well as the Fire Signs🔥​ Aries♈️​, Leo♌️​, Sagittarius♐️​ will feel this retrograde most intensely.

Neptune Retrograde

Just five days after Jupiter, Neptune also goes retrograde in Pisces, its home-base as the modern planetary ruler from June 25th -December 1st, 2021. With Neptune chilling at home, the energy is intensified. Your dream life may be more colorful and active due to the meet up of these two and you may also experience greater intuitive and psychic downloads. This makes it important to really check-in on how grounded you are because our imaginations have the power to carry us away right now like a hot-air balloon.

Neptune is one of the farthest planets from Earth, so we only really experience its effects when it links up with another planet. Yet another reason why they call these outer planets social and/or generational. Its effect is both felt and applied collectively. During the 2021 retrograde, Neptune will aspect with more personal planets, which will channel the energy toward us in a straightforward way.

This means Neptune retrograde brings us a time for seeing the big picture, increased intuition, and more vivid dreams. A blessing from this retrograde is that things that were once foggy become crystal clear. It also means if you’ve been lying to yourself that’s going to be harder to do from now until December.

Neptune Retrograde Stellar Timing & Dates

⭐️August 24: Mercury/Neptune Opposition means watch out for tricksters, cons and be leary of giving full trust

⭐️September 2: Mars Opposition suggests that you don’t take any big or rushed actions on this day due to missing blindspots

⭐️September 13/14: Neptune/Sun Opposition can cloud your mind or self-confidence, allow yourself flexibility if you feel the need to cancel plans to ground yourself on these days

⭐️October 24: A T-square between Neptune, Gemini♊️​ Moon, and Venus says don’t overlook any red flags in romance or relationships, this day has a confusing, emotional tones.

Again, the impact of Neptune Retrograde depends on your Sun and Rising sign. Virgo♍️​, Leo ♌️​ and Libra♎️​ will experience the most challenge and imbalance during this period.

To get even more information about how these retrogrades will impact you directly and how to benefit the most from the cosmic climate, click the links for a copy of my FREE Neptune Retrograde and Jupiter Retrograde Guides and Workbooks. Use the information, questions and journal prompts to support your best experience of Retrograde Season 2021.

Blessed Be✨​

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