As we journey through Cancer season♋️​, a time renowned for its nurturing, emotional, and intuitive energies, we find ourselves at a unique crossroads with the Last Quarter Moon in Aries🌗♈️​ on June 28th at 5:53 PM ET.

This lunar phase, combined with the cardinal energies of Cancer and Aries, offers a powerful opportunity for female entrepreneurs to harness their inner wisdom and creative intuition to drive business success. In addition to this sun and moon combination, we have active skies for the end-of-month Astro Weather.

Real or imagined? In the upcoming months, it may become difficult to distinguish between the two as cosmic inspector Saturn backspins through creative Pisces on June 29th, the start of its yearly four-and-a-half month retrograde.

Sensible Saturn's reversal provides the necessary reality check if you've become a bit too engrossed in a fantasy.

On the other hand, you might possess a gift for art or spirituality that is worthy of development. Before you hang out your shingle, use this time to perfect core competencies or grasp the fundamentals. The calendar will flip to July after this weekend, so this is your last chance to check your June monthly horoscope.

And it makes sense that you feel like you're catching up because there's been a lot!

We celebrated the Summer Solstice and the arrival of Cancer♋️ season last week. We also observed the first of two full moons in Capricorn♑️ this summer, an uncommon occurrence that aids with goal review and realignment.

And as we approach the last few days of June together—this Last Quarter Moon in Aries and Saturn's retrograde on Saturday—this is your last chance to seize the opportunity to assess your progress and realign before July arrives!

So this blog post and above video, we will explore how to align with these celestial influences, leveraging the nurturing essence of Cancer and the assertive dynamism of Aries to cultivate a balanced and intuitive approach to business.

🌙​June Lunar Wisdom♊️​♋️​​ 

Communication • Mental Processes • Expansion & Summertime

🌑June 6 - New Moon in Gemini♊️​

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams


🌓June 14 - First Quarter in Virgo♍️​

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit


🌕June 21 - Full Moon in Capricorn♑️​​

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment


🌗June 28 - Last Quarter in Aries♈️​​

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care for the rest of Gemini Season,  leading us up to Summer’s door and helping us tap into Jupiter’s recent transit into Gemini and the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn balancing out the double Aries New Moons of 2023.

Last Quarter Moon🌗:Lunar Wisdom Formula

Last Quarter Moons only happen for 1 day, during the waning phase of the Lunar cycle, where the light is fading and the moon goes dark 🌑 ​. 

This 24 hour period can become a magical game changer in your manifestation practice. It is also a great fixed point to check in from a Stellar Planning perspective and make adjustments according to how you feel (the moon).

Lunar Cycles are 28-29 days in total. During the last 14 days of the waning phase 🌕🌔🌓🌒🌑 its time to release and let go of any attachments to the seeds planted or intentions set. This is the Yin or feminine receptive portion of the cycle where we need to let the energy do the work for us and get into observer mode.

This particular phase is also characterized by low energy and extreme tired as the moon light drops below 25%.

The Last Quarter Moon happens 7.5 - 10 Days after the Full Moon, lasts only for 1 day and reduce energy levels and increase the need for clear.

It’s a time to analyze & release any thoughts, energies and patterns that aren’t serving you anymore.

What to do for the Last Quarter🌗 phase

🌗 Get organized and re-focus on the things that are important to complete and tie up loose ends

🌗 Get plenty of rest- go to bed early and take an afternoon nap if you feel called

🌗 Analyze what’s going well and release/let go of what’s no longer serving

June Last Quarter Moon Lunar Wisdom Formula 🌗

The Last Quarter Moon marks the halfway point between the Full Moon and the next New Moon, representing a period of introspection, reflection, and release. This phase encourages us to reassess our progress, shed what no longer serves us, and prepare for the upcoming new cycle.

In the context of Cancer season, the Last Quarter Moon in Aries invites us to blend the nurturing, emotional insights of Cancer with the bold, action-oriented energy of Aries. This combination encourages a harmonious balance between introspection and action, helping us to navigate the remaining passive days of the lunar cycle with clarity and purpose.


The Last Quarter Moon in Aries ♈🌗: Leading, Cardinal, Influencer Energy

The last quarter moon ushers in the New Moon and New Lunar cycle by acting as crossroads or turning points. This stage sets us up for the July 5th nurturing New Moon in Cancer. But currently we have the energy of the restless moon in Aries squaring off against the sensitive Cancer sun at this position.

Aries appears, trembling with restlessness. Flaming waterfalls appeared out of nowhere. The historic conflict—and eventual harmony—between fire and water is the subject of the Last Quarter Moon in Aries. When Aries injects magma into Cancer's placid waters, the latter's calms abruptly boil. This represents the ultimate union of emotion and behavior, spirit and form, and gender.

The ram and crab together impart great insight. We learn to move and act from Aries, and we learn to listen to ourselves from Cancer. Our mother is Cancer, and her fiery first-born son is Aries. Aries represents heat and vigor, whereas Cancer resides in the heart.

With this quarter moon, the key is to quiet Aries long enough to recognize and pay attention to our inner selves, where turbulent emotions arise and go. Be cautious and slow, just like Cancer. Pay attention to your gut. Fight the impulse to hurry. After eating, rest and then rest some more.

Aries's moon phases are hot and painful, dry and itchy, and dehydrating (both literally and symbolically). You'll be anxious to start the day on your own terms and in your own style thanks to this vitality, which will have you out of bed early. The major energetic themes are: independence, new beginnings, fresh starts, volcanic energy, and decision-making. And the good news is that Jupiter in Gemini is in close sextile to this moon phase. Every path ends with the rainbow.

It's an excellent idea to plant, gather, and can fruit when the moon is in Aries. Boost your positive energy and drink plenty of water. Pay attention to the solar plexus chakra when you meditate. Imagine cool, blue flames licking the mind and body clean.

Don fiery hues and/or vibrant gemstones like carnelian, jasper, ruby, or orange calcite. Aries, The Warrior Queen, embodies boldness, initiative, and assertiveness. The Last Quarter Moon in Aries, occurring during Cancer season, creates a dynamic blend of nurturing and action-oriented energies. This powerful combination encourages us to take decisive steps while remaining attuned to our emotional and intuitive insights.

This phase is ideal for implementing strategic changes, initiating new projects, and asserting our leadership in a compassionate and empathetic manner. By harnessing the assertive energy of Aries and the nurturing qualities of Cancer, female entrepreneurs can create a balanced approach to business that fosters both growth and well-being.

With this guidance, think about what it is that you are preparing to complete and turn away from in the spirit of a New Moon on the way. Also take note of these dates below that are part of this Pisces Moon 2-year Lunar Cycle to get a better idea of what life and business events connect with this event.

April 1, 2022 - 🌑​New Moon in Aries♈️​ 11 degrees

Dec 29, 2022 - 🌓First Quarter in Aries♈️ 0 degrees

Sept 29, 2023 - 🌕Full Moon in Aries♈️ 6 degrees

May 30, 2024 - 🌗Last Quarter in Pisces ♈️​ 1 degrees

 Understanding The Cancer Season♋ & The Nurturer Energy 🫶

Cancer, The Nurturer

The nurturing, empathic, and intuitive traits of the Moon-ruled Cancer season are its defining characteristics. It is a time when emotional intelligence and creative insights are heightened, making it an ideal period for female business leaders to tap into their innate wisdom and emotional depth.


Cancer, The Nurturer, excels in creating a supportive and caring environment, fostering strong relationships, and nurturing both personal and professional growth. By embracing the themes of emotional insight, creativity, and care, female entrepreneurs can enhance their business strategies and cultivate a thriving, intuitive workspace.


Aligned Business Tools for Cancer Season 💼🗣️

Cancer season, known for its nurturing and intuitive qualities, offers a chance to align your business practices with tools that resonate with these energies. Here are four business tools perfect for this season:


1. Emotional Intelligence Training 🌟

   Invest in emotional intelligence (EI) training to enhance communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. This fosters a supportive and cohesive work environment, aligning with Cancer's emphasis on emotional insight and strong relationships.


2. Collaborative Project Management Software 🤝

   Tools like Trello, Asana, or Monday.com streamline workflows and improve team collaboration. These platforms promote transparent communication and task management, resonating with Cancer's nurturing and cooperative energy.


3. Mindfulness and Wellness Programs 🧘‍♀️

   Implementing mindfulness activities like guided meditations and yoga can reduce stress and enhance focus. Cancer season's focus on self-care makes this an ideal time to introduce wellness programs, promoting a balanced and supportive workplace.


4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems 📊

   A robust CRM system helps manage and nurture customer relationships. By tracking interactions and preferences, you can provide personalized service, aligning with Cancer's nurturing energy to build strong, lasting customer connections.


Using these tools during Cancer season can enhance your business practices, fostering a harmonious and productive work environment while strengthening relationships with your team and clients.


Channeling Feminine Intuitive Energy in Business 🔮✨

Working with yin, or feminine, energy tools can bring a sense of ease and flow to our business endeavors. Yin energy, characterized by intuition, receptivity, and nurturing, complements the active and assertive yang energy, creating a harmonious balance that enhances creativity and productivity.

Benefits of Working with Intuitive, Yin Energy Tools 🌸

In the fast-paced world of business, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, often neglecting the more subtle and introspective aspects of our work. However, integrating intuitive, yin energy tools into our daily routines can bring a sense of balance and harmony, allowing us to tap into a deeper well of creativity, emotional intelligence, and holistic decision-making.

These tools help us connect with our inner selves, fostering a nurturing and supportive environment that enhances our overall well-being and productivity. Here are some key benefits of working with these intuitive tools:

- Enhanced Creativity: 🎨✨: Yin energy allows for deeper connection with our creative selves, fostering innovative ideas and solutions.

- Emotional Intelligence: 💖🧠: Intuitive tools help us navigate emotional landscapes, improving communication and relationships in the workplace.

- Stress Reduction: 🧘‍♀️🌿: Embracing yin practices can reduce stress and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

- Holistic Decision-Making: ⚖️🔮: Intuitive insights lead to more holistic and balanced decision-making, considering both practical and emotional aspects.ur vision and align your actions with your desired outcomes.


🛠️ Intuitive Business Tools Aligned with Yin Energy

Integrating intuitive tools into your business practices can significantly enhance your ability to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with grace and insight. Yin energy, characterized by receptivity, introspection, and nurturing, complements the active, assertive yang energy, creating a harmonious balance that fosters creativity and wisdom.

By embracing these yin energy tools, female entrepreneurs can tap into their innate strengths, fostering a work environment that values emotional intelligence, empathetic leadership, and innovative problem-solving. These tools are particularly powerful during Cancer season and the Last Quarter Moon in Aries, where the nurturing essence of Cancer blends with the bold, decisive energy of Aries. Here are four powerful tools aligned with the yin energy of this astrological period:

Journaling 📝

Journaling is a powerful way to connect with your inner thoughts and feelings. It allows you to process emotions, gain clarity on your goals, and explore creative ideas. Set aside time each day to reflect on your business journey, jot down insights, and brainstorm new strategies.

Meditation 🧘‍♀️

Meditation helps calm the mind and connect with your intuitive self. Incorporate meditation into your daily routine to enhance focus, reduce stress, and gain deeper insights into your business challenges and opportunitiesMoon Rituals 🌕

Engage in moon rituals to align with the lunar cycle and harness its energy. Use the Last Quarter Moon as a time for reflection and release. Create a ritual that includes setting intentions, reflecting on your progress, and letting go of what no longer serves your business.

Vision Boarding 🎨

Create a vision board to visually represent your business goals and aspirations. This intuitive tool helps you clarify your vision, stay motivated, and attract opportunities that align with your intentions. Use images, quotes, and affirmations that resonate with your business objectives.


Integrating The Energies of Cancer and Aries for Creativity 🎨 in Q3

Combining the nurturing energy of Cancer with the boldness of Aries can lead to innovative and effective business strategies. Cancer, The Nurturer, provides a foundation of emotional intelligence, empathy, and intuitive insight. This energy fosters a supportive environment where creativity can flourish and relationships can strengthen. On the other hand, Aries, The Warrior Queen, brings a dynamic, action-oriented approach, characterized by courage, determination, and the drive to initiate and execute bold ideas.


When these two powerful archetypal energies are integrated, they create a harmonious balance that can propel your business forward in creative and innovative ways. This blend allows you to harness the best of both worlds: the emotional depth and care of Cancer, combined with the assertiveness and pioneering spirit of Aries. Here are four ways to blend these archetypal energies to enhance your business and career:

Balanced Leadership 🤝

 Embrace the nurturing qualities of Cancer by fostering a supportive and empathetic workplace culture. Prioritize the well-being and development of your team members, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and understood. Combine this with the assertiveness of Aries to lead with confidence and inspire your team to take bold actions. Encourage open communication and collaboration, allowing for a flow of creative ideas and innovative solutions.

Creative Problem-Solving 💡

Use Cancer's intuitive insights to identify underlying issues and Aries' decisiveness to implement creative solutions. This balanced approach ensures that problems are addressed with both empathy and efficiency. Encourage your team to think outside the box and explore new perspectives, while also providing clear direction and support. This combination can lead to breakthrough innovations and effective problem resolution.

Strategic Networking 🌐

Leverage Cancer's ability to build strong relationships and Aries' networking skills to expand your professional connections. Attend events, engage with your community, and build partnerships that align with your business goals. Use your intuition to identify valuable connections and Aries' confidence to initiate conversations and collaborations. This strategic approach to networking can open doors to new opportunities and resources that support your business growth.

Emotional Resilience 🛡️

Cultivate emotional resilience by integrating Cancer's nurturing self-care practices with Aries' strength and determination. Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being, recognizing the importance of self-care in sustaining long-term success. Practice mindfulness, stress management, and emotional regulation techniques to maintain your resilience. Combine this with Aries' perseverance and tenacity to navigate challenges with grace and maintain your well-being.

Final Thoughts for Business Success 🌕🌺

By integrating the nurturing energy of Cancer with the boldness of Aries, you can create a balanced and dynamic approach to your business endeavors. This blend of emotional insight and decisive action can lead to innovative strategies, enhanced relationships, and sustainable success. Embrace these energies and let them guide you towards a harmonious and prosperous career.

As we navigate the dynamic energies of Cancer season and the Last Quarter Moon in Aries, female entrepreneurs have a unique opportunity to harness the power of yin and intuitive tools for business success. By embracing the nurturing qualities of Cancer and the boldness of Aries, we can create a balanced and intuitive approach to our professional endeavors. May these insights and strategies guide you towards a harmonious and prosperous Q3. 🌗you can create a harmonious and successful approach that resonates with both your audience and your team.🌟

Blessed Be


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