Moonology Manifestation Oracle Deck, Yasmin Boland

The first of two powerful Capricorn Full Moons in 2024 graces our skies on June 21, 2024, at 9:07 PM ET, just hours after the Summer Solstice. This celestial alignment is a rare and significant event, offering a unique opportunity to harness and work with potent energies for business and personal growth.


The close timing of the Full Moon and Solstice marks a potent shift, inviting us to reflect on our journey, release what no longer serves us, and set the stage for ambitious, disciplined, and structured efforts as we transition from Q2 to Q3.


In this post, we will explore the archetypal energy of the Capricorn Full Moon, discuss its significance, and provide practical tips for female entrepreneurs to harness this energy to establish stability and growth for the second half of the year. Let’s dive into the wisdom of this Full Moon and learn how to bridge our business peaks across Q2 and Q3 with grace and strategy.

🌙June Lunar Wisdom♊️​♋️​

Communication • Mental Processes • Expansion

& Summertime 

🌑June 6 - New Moon in Gemini♊️​ 

Initiate: Sow the seeds of your future dreams


🌓June 14 - First Quarter in Virgo♍️​

Certainty: It’s an ideal time to commit


🌕June 21 - Full Moon in Capricorn♑️​​ 

Release & Results: It represents the deciding moment


🌗June 28 - Last Quarter in Aries♈️​​ 

Reconsider & Balance: What do you know?

Mark these dates to access the Lunar Wisdom Formula for managing your emotions, your environment and your self-care for the rest of Gemini Season,  leading us up to Summer’s door and helping us tap into Jupiter’s recent transit into Gemini and the first of two Full Moons in Capricorn balancing out the double Aries New Moons of 2023


June Capricorn Strawberry Full Moon Lunar Wisdom Formula

June Capricorn♑️​​​ Strawberry Full Moon

Archetype: The Sovereign/Ruler

10th House Lunation - Career & Highest Potential

Motto: I Use/I Achieve


🌕This is the first of back-to-back double Capricorn Full Moons that will also reset the order of signs in the Lunar Calendar

🌕Powerful Full Moon that is occurring in the close relationship to the Summer Solstice bridging Spring and Summer as well as both halves of the year

🌕This Lunar energy is intensified by its conjunction (joining) to Pluto Retrograde and sextile & trine (harmonizing) to Jupiter and Saturn Retrograde

🌕Explore the Push/Pull of Shadow & Light

🌕Visualize Your Highest Potential

🌕Set Structures for Achieving Your Goals

🌕Focus on Higher Learning

🌕Face Fears & Karma to Make Breakthroughs  

🌕 We will reap a harvest from intentions set on the Capricorn New Moon which happened January 12, 2024

Anyone with Cancer ♋️​​​​​​ or Capricorn ♑️​​​​ ​ Sun, Moon or Rising will be impacted greatly by this lunation. We now have three planets in Cancer – the Sun, Mercury and Venus which all oppose this Full Moon giving us a sense of tension between the our sense of family, ancestry and the home (Cancer) with that of the outer world, career, public reputation and future legacy (Capricorn).

This makes it a potent time for women in business as this represents the natural push and pull that can take us away from the soft life and feminine energy. We need to prioritize balancing our desire to achieve with self-care and listening to our gut.  

It’s also important to look back to January 12, 2024 to the New Moon in Capricorn to reflect on the intentions set at this time and how they have materialized over the past 6 months. With full moon’s the key to expanding is to release and create a vacuum, so that you can call more in. So look to the parts of your chart ruled by these 2 signs to see what needs to be let go!

12 Houses of The Zodiac

Below are some insights on how the Strawberry Capricorn Full Moon♑️​​​​🌕 will impact your Ascendant or Rising Sign for the most accuracy. If you don’t know your Rising Sign you can read for your Sun or Zodiac Sign.

🌟 ♈️​Aries Rising: 10th House - Your highest calling & purpose, reputation and public face, profession, ambition, authority and interaction with the father and patriarchy  

🌟 ♉️​Taurus Rising: 9th House - Expansion, higher education, divination, foreign travel, religion, astrology, and the divine masculine 

🌟 ♊️​Gemini Rising: 8th House - Community property, inheritance, other people’s money, debt & taxes, depth & shadow work, sex, birth, death and transformation, and the occult.  

🌟 ♋️​Cancer Rising:  7th house – Business and romantic partnerships, long term relationships, contract negotiation and legal issues 

🌟 ♌️​Leo Rising: 6th house – Body wisdom & physical health, work & service, personal development, the environment and our pets.

🌟 ♍️​Virgo Rising: 5th house – Children, creativity, pleasure, romance, dating, sex, the arts, play and fun

🌟 ♎️​Libra Rising: 4th house - Home, family, home life, land, ancestors, private self, and your emotional foundation

🌟 ♏️​Scorpio Rising: 3rd house – Media, communication, siblings & extended family, short distance travel, your neighborhood, writing, speaking and the divine feminine

🌟 ♐️​Sagittarius Rising: 2nd house - Money, possessions, personal property, how you earn, values and self-worth

🌟 ♑️​Capricorn Rising: 1st house - Self-awareness, the body, your identity, personal appearance, how you view yourself, and your character

🌟 ♒️​Aquarius Rising: 12th House - The subconscious, hidden aspects, where and how you retreat, mental health, ways your self-sabotage, and spiritual liberation

🌟 ♓️​Pisces Rising: 11th House - Friends, alliances, community, your hopes and dreams, social media, social reform, personal and professional networks, unions, philanthropy, and career & business gains, unions, mentors, and that which supports youpurpose, reputation and public face, profession, ambition, authority and interaction with the father and patriarchy  


🌟 Archetypal Energy of the Capricorn Full Moon: The Sovereign🌕♑️

Capricorn, The Sovereign

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure, and responsibility. Capricorn energy is ambitious, persistent, and goal-oriented, often associated with the archetype of the Sovereign or Ruler.

This energy encourages us to take charge of our lives, set long-term goals, and work diligently towards achieving them. Capricorn is also an earth sign, grounding us in practicality and reality, making it an ideal time to focus on material success and tangible results.

The Full Moon’s Influence🌕

The Full Moon is a time of culmination, reflection, and release. It represents the peak of the lunar cycle, where the energy is at its highest and brightest. This is a time to celebrate accomplishments, recognize what is working, and release what is not. The illumination of the Full Moon brings clarity, allowing us to see things from a new perspective and make necessary adjustments.

The Significance of a Solstice Full Moon🌕🌕

The Summer Solstice, occurring just hours before this Full Moon, marks the longest day of the year and the official start of summer. It is a time of heightened energy, celebration, and illumination. The Solstice symbolizes a turning point, encouraging us to embrace the light, warmth, and abundance of the season. When combined with the Full Moon, this creates a powerful synergy, amplifying the energy of culmination and release, and setting the stage for new beginnings.


Harnessing the Yin Power of the Full Moon☯️​

This Full Moon is the first of the Summer Season, and it is also the first New to Full Moon Cycle to occur in the same sign of the Zodiac in 2024. In both our emotional lives and the environments in which we find ourselves, we are activating the Capricorn (Winter/Father/Career) and Cancer (Summer/Mother/Home) axis.

There is a connection between this moon and the Capricorn New Moon that occurred on January 12th, 2024. This moon is also referred to as the Success Moon because it is associated with the energy of the 10th House, which works to fully support us in reaching our best potential. Ask yourself what it is that you need to let go of to achieve success and attain your full potential.

As we approach the final 14 passive days of the lunar cycle, it’s important to reflect on the past month, identify what no longer serves us, and consciously let go. This period is about making space for new opportunities and aligning with our highest goals and intentions.

 Full Moon In Capricorn Practices ♑️​​​

1. Reflection and Journaling 📓✨

   - Spend time reflecting on the past month. What goals did you achieve? What challenges did you face? What did you learn?

   - Journal your thoughts and feelings, focusing on areas where you can improve and grow.

2. Cleansing and Purification 🧖‍♀️🌿

   - Perform a cleansing ritual to purify your space and energy. This could include smudging with sage, taking a salt bath, or decluttering your workspace.

   - Let go of physical and emotional clutter to make space for new energy and opportunities.

3. Gratitude Practice 🙏❤️

   - Reflect on what you are grateful for. Acknowledge your achievements and express gratitude for the lessons learned.

   - Gratitude helps shift your focus to positivity and abundance, attracting more of the same into your life.


How To Work with the Passive/Yin Phase Of This Moon Cycle in Business ☯️🌕💼

Embracing the Yin Phase☯️

The Full Moon’s energy is Yin and passive. Making it a powerful tool for introspection, release, and transformation It is also a time for rest and rejuvenation. A period to slow down, reflect, and prepare for the next cycle of growth and activity. In business, this phase is crucial for reassessing goals, strategies, and progress, ensuring that you are aligned with your long-term vision.

Strategies for Releasing and Culminations in Business

1. Review and Reflect 🧐🗂️

   - Take time to review your business goals, strategies, and performance from Q2.

  - Identify what worked well and what needs adjustment.

2. Release Unnecessary Commitments 🗑️✂️

   - Let go of projects, tasks, or commitments that no longer serve your business goals.

   - Focus on what truly matters and aligns with your long-term vision.

3. Declutter Your Workspace 🧹📦

   - Clean and organize your physical and digital workspace.

   - A tidy environment promotes clarity and efficiency.

4. Reassess Financial Goals 💵📊

   - Review your financial performance and goals for the past quarter.

   - Make necessary adjustments to your budget and financial plans for Q3.

5. Reconnect with Your Team 👫🤝

   - Use this time to strengthen relationships with your team.

   - Hold meetings to discuss progress, challenges, and future plans.

6. Focus on Self-Care and Wellbeing 🧘‍♀️🍃

   - Prioritize your physical and mental wellbeing.

   - Engage in activities that replenish your energy and reduce stress.

7. Set Intentions for Q3 🎯📝

   - Clearly define your goals and intentions for the next quarter.

   - Create a roadmap to achieve these goals, breaking them down into actionable steps.

8. Celebrate Your Achievements 🎉🏆

   - Acknowledge and celebrate your successes from Q2.

   - Recognize the hard work and dedication that went into achieving your goals.

The June Capricorn Full Moon, occurring so close to the Summer Solstice, offers a powerful opportunity for reflection, release, and preparation for the second half of the year. By embracing the disciplined, structured, and ambitious energy of Capricorn, female entrepreneurs can strategically plan and set the stage for continued growth and success.


As we transition from Q2 to Q3, take the time to review, reflect, and release what no longer serves you. Utilize the Full Moon’s illuminating energy to gain clarity, set new intentions, and align with your long-term vision. Remember, this is just the beginning – with another Capricorn Full Moon in July, we have a unique opportunity to revisit and refine our strategies, ensuring we are on the right path to achieving our goals.


Stay tuned for Part 2, where we will delve deeper into the energy of the second Capricorn Full Moon and provide further insights and strategies for sustained growth and success. Embrace the energy of this powerful lunar cycle and make the most of this transformative time.

Blessed Be

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